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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My manic time is over, I was Duped...

I was duped, like the sting, The DLNR comes to my residence and befriends me and today they add a sticker to their no camping sign that says no trespass after telling me 2 days ago I Have every civil right to use their trail.

This is all freudian, just a macho thing, the authorities not wanting to admit their wrong, I cannot fight city hall , DLNR and the cops on my own. I tried. I have medical problems to deal with and don't have time to waste on whose has the biggest cigar.

Enclosed is a letter to the DLNR officer who seemed to be going to bat for me 2 days ago...

Why did you get me excited coming to my residence on a Sunday morning telling me I had civil rights and could walk the trail as long as I didn't cross KPAL leased land, but if I could access the DLNR trail from state-land which borders PAL, it was totally legal, I only needed a letter from the state

Your co-worker, two days later tampers with the no camping sign , by posting on a sticker that says no trespassing" When I call Tommy to ask a question, he says I Have caused enough problems and hangs up in my face.

I really thought you were on my side and told my friends what a great guy you were only to be defeated. I blogged about what a great guy you were.

I cannot fight City Hall,DLNR and the cops, I have 3 chronic illnesses that take most of my time to manage.

I hope all of you can look yourselves in the mirror when eventually a serious accident or death occurs, since the safe alternative trail was shut off to the public.

I will be the first to say, "I told you so."

The time wasted on this with all the people involved, has  cost taxpayers thousands of dollars only to be resolved to the abolishment of a safe trail, this makes me sick.

I cannot believe the people fighting this are in charge of a youth center, teaching our keiki(children)  how to be selfish, and not share a safe trail with senior citizens and those with disabilities.

I hope some attorney reads my blog and takes this case pro bono. I thought I could play attorney but have developed too many enemies.
G-d Bless, Aloha Kakou