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Monday, April 2, 2018

"It is a stormy, stormy presidency..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world's #234) (Happy Passover-Happy Easter!)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

Blog #1987~Kimo's world's #234

It is a stormy, stormy presidency

"Ask not what an adult entertainer can do for you, ask what you can do for an adult entertainer!" 
Stephanie Clifford has been on the media circuit telling all about an alleged affair between her and President Trump, in the past the porn star also known as 'Stormy
Daniels' has denied any such affair. The alleged affair winds up was only a one night stand?  Is this a publicity stunt or an honest working member of society,after all a porn star is somebody we can all trust, right?  I’m
Is this all a publicity stunt ? 
The memes have been mean 
from both sides...
 Politics is a nasty game.                  
being facetious, are we really expected to trust a woman who did all kinds of alleged favors for men that needed their fantasies fulfilled.  There’s a street way to say it,  however I won't be crude.

It comes down to he said, she said--- whom do you believe, the leader of the free world, a brilliant billionaire many times over,who also defeated 16 Republicans running in the primary election and defeated the most popular woman in the world for the general election or a has been porn star trying
Cha Ching!
to make any kind of rebound possible to resurrect  her sad career? 
Memes like this are circulating the
internet, the internet is ruthless
from all sides...Politics is
a rough game.
Stormy Daniels' business has skyrocketed since she has made these allocations against the president and that proved to be her best career move, because she's now coming to a dance pole near you.


The media loves the drama, they have not let up since Trump's first second in office. It seems
the media and most people are somewhat addicted and enjoying the drama of the biggest reality show to ever hit the airwaves. 'Potus-45 starring"The Donald," the true 'Teflon Don.'

Everyone one loves Trump, even his haters, everyone talks Trump, he's the
Anderson Cooper of '60 minutes
interviews Stormy  concerning
the alleged affair with 45. This
interview was watched by more than 20
million viewers.
number one conversation piece amongst liberals and conservatives alike. It's just like  homophobes, those who profess to hating gays, in many cases are closest gays themselves.  I too believe that many of Trump haters are closet Trump supporters, go figure?  Everyone loves Trump, although most will never admit it!

What can Potus do next? What's in store for the American people for season 3 and 4? Will Trump and Kim create a nuclear free zone? Will the wall be built?
The main stream media always edits
to make the best drama...
Will Stormy Daniels wind up missing, or in a love triangle with Bill Clinton? Who will Trump fire next?   Are Chris Christie, Rudolph Juliani and Newt Gingrich still in line for cabinet positions after Trump fires more cabinet members? Will Melania leave the Donald? Will Trump be the first president to ever  be divorced while serving the country? 

The media cannot get enough of Mr. Trump, he's the best ever for all media ratings as Twitter and and social media explode on a regular basis with more drama.  It is a stormy stormy presidency. the American people cannot get enough! Stay tuned for more in the upcoming episodes of Potus-45!

Read dakinetalk blog about Trump anmd Kim winning the Nobel Peace prize! 
Trump and Kim just might win a joint noble peace prize

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Happy Passover and Happy Easter!