James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years. Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i with his best friend and spiritual adviser Obama Da Dog! |
Editor's note;
This blog also ran as an opinion article in the
October 18,2016 edition of the Garden Island news;
Hoping one thing will remain after the election
Look at the way Obama bad mouthed Hillary back in the 2008 primary, look at how Trump and Cruz battled it in the primary even brought their wives into the battle and now Cruz backs Trump.
Wake up America, the politicians could care less about you. The jokes on all of us.
Husbands and wives have become estranged over this upcoming presidential election. There are many cases of siblings and best friends no longer speaking to each other. Right here on Kauai people are destroying Donald Trump signs and in the comments section to a recent article in TGI titled "Trumped up" are actually justifying this act of vandalism.
I have a friend I haven't seen in 30 years who pops up on Facebook and says, "Jim, (that's what they called me 30 years ago) I didn't know you were a racist?" His assumption is anyone who supports Trump is a racist?
That would be like me saying to him or any Hillary supporter,hey I did't know you were a liar and a murderer.
The 2016 presidential election showed the true colors of many of my friends refusing to associate with me or talk to me because of my political agenda. This is not only true of me but as I talk to other Trump supporters I find similar stories.
Many of these people are agnostic or atheists, support Hillary and yet I never opposed having them as friends even though I am a God fearing man and have differences of opinions than them.
One person said when the election is over we can be friends again. Really?I don't think so. Their actions showed me we were never true friends to begin with.
No matter who wins this election America has lost. I like to say America has lost her mojo.
No longer should we trust the politician, or even the non politician to represent us.
We are entering uncharted waters and to this I am hoping one thing remains, In God we can and must trust!
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Kapaa Sunrises one way to get away from all this election hoopla... iPhone photo by James "Kimo" Rosen |
This blog also ran as an opinion article in the
October 18,2016 edition of the Garden Island news;
More dakinetalk reading on Donald Trump; (Great reading!)
(All Trump related blogs by James "Kimo" Rosen unless otherwise indicated)
1-Trumped by "The Donald" 'Obama Da Dog' (Special political edition)
2-Trump supporters must come out of the closet! (Kimo's world #118)
3-Trump, the election and the Jewish connection...(Kimo's world #119)
4-Trump-fulling... (Kimo's world #120)
5-A poem about Donald J. Trump...
6- Trumps Failing businesses are his strengths...
7-Extra! Extra! Read All About It!--Trump Hijacks Republican party into Hell
8-Trump and the race for President, a nasty one fueled by the media (Carrie Eckert)
9-Win or Lose, Could Trump Be A Secret Agent For Hillary
10-Raccoon's and Trump~Larry Arruda~(Source)
11-Definition of Trump
12-Hillary and Donald Trump walk into a bakery
13-Kaepernick and Obama, trump this Kool-Aid
14-Hoping one thing will remain after the election