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Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Hau'oli la hanau- Happy New year..!"

New years day I received an email from Facebook titled 'Birthday calendar.' It tells you all your friends who have birthdays in the coming week. In bold print it says, "Nathan Eagle is 109 years old today!" I know Nathan, he is a young man maybe late twenties early thirties and for those who do not know Nathan he is the editor "n" chief of TGI. (The Garden Island newspaper)

This was obviously a misprint, and should had read The Garden Island Newspaper turned 109 years old January 1,2011!

Happy Birthday Garden island newspaper and Mr Eagle please give us your secret on reaching 109 with such a youthful appearance in such a stressful job. May you keep publishing another 109 years and beyond, Hau'oli la hanau.