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Monday, May 14, 2018

"The main reasons to run for political office..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #240)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!
 Above photo, Lt. Governor candidate-Kaua'i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr., 
 bipartisan dog, Ivanka Obama and James "Kimo" Rosen

The state of Hawaii is still in crisis,
The volcano is still erupting on Hawaii's
Big island and Kauai and Oahu are still in recovery mode from
major disaster flooding...
Blog #1993~Kimo's world's #240

The main reasons to run for political office

The main reason anyone should seek political office is because others desire their services, this is why it's called being a "public servant."
James "Kimo" Rosen with
Kauai's  hopeful future
Mayor, Mel Rapozo!

If someone enters the political ring with self serving narcissistic goals as many political wanna be's do, this is the totally wrong approach.

I once entered the political arena and had it all wrong. I was there for self serving purposes. I had a rude awakening.

The only way one should enter the political arena is if they have backing and if others are pushing them to do so.

I liken running for political office similar to publishing a book or CD. Those who self publish are basically in the vanity publishing business. Those
James "Kimo" Rosen's
self published book,
"Planet Japan."
25 essays about his year
teaching English in
that actually find a publisher or have a publisher find them  are truly on the right path. I know, I once self published a book for my own ego, I thought it was great! Maybe I was the only one who thought that?  Never again,  only if someone else thinks your great should you publish a book or run for office if you want to win or be successful. If you don't want to win and just have something to tell your grand-kids, go for it either way.

Going into politics to serve your own ambitions should not be your main objective. If friends ask you to
 run for County council, Mayor or any political office that is a good start, or if  you have the backing of a labor force or group go for it.

Be humble, have backing from others, those are the politicians that become great. 

Mahalo to County chair and Mayoral candidate, Mel Rapozo and Hawaii's hopeful future
Lt. Governor, Kaua'i-Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr, for showing what it takes to be true humbled "public servants," whom know how to serve the people.

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Kauai's  Chief of police,
Darryl Perry supports Mel Rapozo
as Kauai's next Mayor and so should you!

Planet Japan, the book was self published
back in 2004, it's always best
to find a publisher or better yet
to have a publisher find you.