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Saturday, October 31, 2015

"Researching the Past..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Sunday)

Judith Whitehead lives in Amherst New York
( A suburb of Buffalo, N.Y.)
 and has worked in the ophthalmology
 field of medicine for over 30 years

 Editors note, Judy is  running for a scrubs and beyond model search of 2015, scrubs being the things medical pros wear. Please click on the link anytime after November 1,2015 and vote for Judy!  ;-)   http://contest.scrubsandbeyond.com/landing?id=1445372726537

Researching the Past

Recently my husband and I became more curious about our past history and where did we come from.

Since both our parents have passed away we can no longer ask questions about our family history and the past. 

Sure we spoke to them over the years about events that had happened many years ago with their parents but never any concrete details and dates of happenings in the past. 

We had heard of  ancestry.com but never really took the time to investigate. We have found that the website researches the past but also shows certificates, documents and proof of what really happened and where we came from. I find it amazing that by a click of the computer such documents can be produced for all to see. 

It has answered many questions we had wondered about
and is a website that one can return to off and on as it is a tedious task to branch off of each relative and track down details. I find this technology amazing while it lends such incite as to how we came to be.
Judy and Steve Whitehead
a few years back....

There is a small monthly fee that can be cancelled at any time, no commitment. If you have the time and patience it is well worth the effort...

Check it out; Tell them Judy sent you!

Judy, Judy, Judy!  ;-)

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...


KimoRosen said...

I already know my family tree, I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out! wink emoticon

Rosemary Pahl-Palmer said...

Used it for years. I love it!