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Friday, April 26, 2013

"Kauai Bus Testimony For County Council..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

The Kaua'i Bus is a great alternative, with gas at almost $5.00 a gallon
and traffic at all time stress levels, it's time for all of  us  to ride Da Bus!

Aloha  Kaua'i County Council, Let this act as my public  testimony in favor of free bus rides not just for County council members, county employee's and the Mayor, but for the community at large!

 County council members  can ride the bus for free and still  receive from  us (The taxpayer) $500 a month car allowance along with a very generous $58,000 salary, great health Insurance  for what is deemed a part time job.   

Councilwoman Yukimura in her recent TGI article asked for testimony concerning Kauai Bus. 

 Here's my testimony;
 We  should all be granted the perk  of riding  the bus for free, why  are the ones with generous salaries allowed to ride the bus for free while others on limited budgets and those  working 2 and 3 jobs must pay?

 There is a solution for more revenues and allowing every citizen to ride the bus for free.

The bus could  sell advertising, in essence the bus becomes a traveling billboard  with large ads on the outside and smaller ads on the inside. This way everyone could ride for  free, or option #2, Kamaaina  with local ID ride for free while visitors pay.

 Many periodicals do the same thing, they give the magazines and newspapers away free since  they rely on advertising verses subscription revenue. 

 Please allow this blog to act as my public testimony as a way to generate more revenues which in turn will allow for  more bus routes and more buses.  

I am proud yet humbled to say I lobbied for the recently added bus stop at the fruit stand in Moloaa, it took a few years of letter writing but eventually became a reality.

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared From Facebook...