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Saturday, May 30, 2015

" A weekend to celebrate..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Sunday)

Judith Whitehead lives in Amherst New York.
 and has worked in the ophthalmology
 field of medicine for over 30 years

Above photo; Steve and Judith Whitehead
with son Jacob and  daughter in
law Audrey, along with Judith's dad, Bert.
RIP Mr. Meyers.

Judith with daughter-in-law Audrey

A weekend to celebrate 

This weekend we will be celebrating my daughter-in-laws birthday. Birthdays are always  a great way to have an uplifting  weekend. Simchas (Good times) are the way to go.  We will go to Audrey's favorite restaurant  and eat her favorite cake and enjoy our time together...
Jacob, Judith and Audrey celebrating
Audrey's big day!

Soon my youngest son Joel will be in town and we will celebrate both Joel and Jacob's birthdays together. It's nice to spend the weekend with happy thoughts. 
Make a wish!

We appreciate having our family nearby and only a flight away. Family is what it's all about....

Judith with son's Joel, Jacob and husband Steve

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Olay,a Mexican delicacy..." & "A personal note from Unc's heart.." 'Chester "Unc" Lau' (Source)

Dakinetalks favorite Uncle (Chester Lau)
"Unc"  is really passionate about creating a national Caregivers day.
Any help , support or ideas would be greatly appreciated...
'Unc' currently resides on the Hawai'ian Island of Oahu. 
He is a retired cinematographer,
 and  enjoys giving the politicians a bad time...
Unc states; "I am L' esprit de 1776...Je suis pour  La Liberté ,Egalité et Fraternité" 
The venom-breathing-extremist for absolute FREEDOM FROM POLITICS  & RELIGIONS. 


Olay, a Mexican delicacy

A Texan stopped at a local restaurant following a day of drinking and roaming around in Mexico. While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. 
Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He asked the waiter, "What is that you just served?" 
The waiter replied, "Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are bull's testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!" 
The cowboy, though momentarily daunted, said, "What the heck, I'm on vacation down here! Bring me an order!" 
The waiter replied, "I am so sorry senor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early tomorrow and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy"! 
The next morning, the cowboy returned, placed his order, and then that evening he was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. 
After a few bites, and inspecting the contents of his platter, he called to the waiter and said, "These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday!" 
The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Si, Senor. Sometimes the bull wins."

Epilogue from Unc's heart;

Dear Family & Dakinetalk blog friends: :-*

A Reminder: Growing Old is Not the End of the World...

The Joy of Aging With Dignity...
Life is not about how far you can go, how high you can jump, or how much weight you can carry. Life is about experience, friendship, family, and the memories they leave with us. Why is it, that so many people are afraid of old age when the years enrich us? This presentation is a lovely reminder that no matter how old you may be, you should always be full of life, even more than when you were young.

Love,unc C 

 A note to Unc from Jack Lord star of the original Hawaii Five-O,
where "Unc" worked as a cinematographer

"The ultimate way to start the day, with a Sunrise!"

Send a friend request to view Sunrise therapy daily on James Kimo Rosen's Facebook!

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"The Best And The Brightest..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Vintage Bettejo)

Bettejo Dux has lived on the cosmic Garden
 Island of Kaua'i for over 40 years.

Bettejo is a regular opinion writer in the Garden Island news
 and is the author of the famed novella, "The Scam." 
 Her latest fiction"Children of extinction"
 is now  released and available on Amazon!
Bettejo at 84 years young taking time
 out of her busy day for one of many
scheduled book signings.
The Best And The Brightest

Bettejo at the Martin Luther King Jr.
festivities at Kukui Grove back in 2013

It was November 8, 1932. FDR was elected President. I campaigned for him in front of the Fire Station. The only Fire Station in town-in new black Mary Janes, with white socks and a pretty new dress my mother made for the occasion. I was 2. "Wote for Woosevelt" I lisped and shook my curls. I'm a born and bred dyed- in- the- wool Democrat. Over the years- and over the radio- my father and I listened to the Fire Side Chats. These were depression years.  I was impressed with “. . . the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” I was little and scared. My father said, I remember, "Everyone's afraid, it's how you handle fear that matters."

My father and I listened to FDR's eloquence all through the 30's.  I remember one vividly. On Sunday. Sept. 6, 1936, he spoke  about Drought Conditions. I loved his voice. Afterwards I asked my father, "How can he know so much? He's just one man," and my father said, " He's advised by the best and brightest. You can be, too. That's what books are for."

My father gave me Bertrand Russell's An Essay on the Foundation of Geometry- of which I understood nothing-but when a course in Geometry was offered I ate it up. I loved Geometry. I also liked, "Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." Russell was the first non-believer I encountered. He also said, "Beware the man who cannot say it simply."

It's 2015. Recently I received a letter from someone I admire very much.  He lives on Kauai. Not a politician. Not a celebrity. A great human being. This person asked me not to reveal his name but he did send me this, AMIDA'S GOLDEN CHAIN OF LOVE... We are all links in Buddha's chain of love. Keep your link bright and strong. Try to be kind and gentle to every living thing and protect they who are weaker than yourself. Think pure and beautiful thoughts...make every link in Amida's Chain of Love bright so we may we all attain perfect peace.... I shortened the piece. Five hundred words, remember? My friend and his philosophy are surely the best and brightest. Who's going to argue with Buddha?

Another incredible human being, Steve Saylor, a visitor on Kauai-with a very different point of view- is  writer and star, educator and entertainer, of  several  brilliant videos. I met Steve's mother, Joellen at a Quaker Meeting at my house and she remembered me. His work and advice is different from the Buddha's. Look for Steve Saylor: Eulogy: the death of Monsanto. 
(Click on link below to watch it;)

These two  found me.  So different. So important to my life and style today. They came along, wired back- to- back, and filled a need. Just as FDR, my father, and Russell did. And do. Read and watch a variety of varieties and be best and brightest, too. Maybe human kind can make it.

Eulogy: the death of Monsanto may also be viewed on Steve Saylor's Facebook page below;

 Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared From Facebook...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Your Stool..." Chester "Unc" Lau' (Source) Medical advise from Unc!

Dakinetalks favorite Uncle (Chester Lau)
"Unc"  is really passionate about creating a national Caregivers day.
Any help , support or ideas would be greatly appreciated...
'Unc' currently resides on the Hawai'ian Island of Oahu. 
He is a retired cinematographer,

Your stool

Kids are proud to show off their poop but most adults rarely glance inside the toilet bowl. But the truth is... ...Examining your poop is one of the best ways to find out what's really going on in your body. So take this quick quiz to get the inside scoop on your poop!

Question #1: How long does it take you to have a bowel movement?
Less than 60 seconds.....More than two minutes....?

Answer: Healthy bowel movements happen within 60 seconds of sitting on the toilet. The stool should easily come out without straining, grunting or any discomfort. It should have the consistency of toothpaste. If you have time to read a newspaper while sitting on the toilet? You probably have a problem with constipation or poor bowel health.

Question #2: What is the shape of your stool? Long like a banana round, hard pellets thin, pencil-shaped....?

Answer: Healthy stool averages about four to six inches long and are shaped like a banana or a torpedo. 
Very narrow, pencil-shaped stool is a sign your colon walls are impacted or you have polyps or growths on the inside of your colon or rectum. This causes the stool to squeeze to get through. Stress can also create narrow stool. Hard, round or pellet-shaped stool is a possible sign of poor liver function, lack of exercise, dehydration or constipation.

Question #3: Is your stool accompanied by foul odor? Yes........No...........?

Answer: Gas or odor is a sign of a bacterial imbalance in your intestinal flora. The "bad" bacteria release foul-smelling gases and toxins that can cramp your colon and create embarrassing odors. You can eliminate this odor by removing debris and encrusted feces from the walls of your intestines and restoring the balance in your intestinal flora.

Question #4: What color is your stool? Yellow ...Green....Brown......Gray....Black...Bright red...?
According to Mayo Clinic research, all shades of brown and even green are considered normal stool colors. And the foods you eat can affect the color of your stool. For example, beets, tomato juice, blueberries, popsicles and green leafy vegetables can affect your stool color. However, a distinct change in stool color can be a warning sign for health problems.
Yellow-colored stool indicates your food is moving too quickly through your digestive tract? As in the case of diarrhea. If stool is greasy or foul-smelling, it may indicate excess fat caused by mal-absorption of nutrients.
Green-colored stool means your food isn't properly being processed through your intestines. As a result, bile isn't broken down and gives your stool that green color. Green stool can also mean you're eating too much sugar, fruits and vegetables and not enough grains or salt.
Gray or ashy colored stool indicates undigested fats or heavy use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that contain aluminum hydroxide. It can also indicate a lack of bile in the stool that may be caused by a bile duct obstruction.
Black stool is a serious warning sign for bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract possibly the stomach.
Bright red stool may indicate bleeding in the lower intestinal tract possibly the large intestine or rectum. Hemorrhoids may also be the source of the bleeding.

Question #5: Do you pass gas while you're having a bowel movement or have you noticed air or bubbles in your stool?

Answer: Air or bubbles in stool can indicate an intestinal imbalance. Gas producing bacteria may be overgrowing and competing with the healthier flora in your gut. Please know this: A normal bowel movement happens within 60 seconds of sitting on the toilet. There should be no straining, pain, bleeding or foul odor accompanied with your bowel movements. And wiping afterwards should be easy and simple using just one or two pieces of toilet paper and then wash!

If that's not your experience in the bathroom then you need to give your intestines a thorough internal cleaning!
When your colon is in danger it will do anything and everything to send out an S.O.S. for health!
That means giving you "dragon breath" and "B.O."!
If you notice strong body odor especially under your arm pits...
...Or if your friends shy away and frequently offer you breath mints. LISTEN to your colon. It's screaming for help!
And INTESTINAL parasites can also trigger:
Painful gas and bloating
Irritable bowels
Runny stool or diarrhea
Skin outbreaks
Poor immune system
Muscle pain and joint soreness
And much more!

Here's to your health!  Love 'Unc'

 A note to Unc from Jack Lord star of the original Hawaii Five-O,
where "Unc" worked as a cinematographer

"The ultimate way to start the day, with a Sunrise!"

Send a friend request to view Sunrise therapy daily on James Kimo Rosen's Facebook!

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

Monday, May 25, 2015

"In memory of all who gave the ultimate sacrifice..." James 'Kimo" Rosen-Andy Rooney -Memorial day special-

Andy Rooney was an American radio, television and newspaper
journalist. He is best known for his famous commentaries
at the end of the CBS show 60 minutes
Born; January 14, 1919
Died; November 4,2011.

Andy Rooney is my mentor and all time favorite
journalist and columnist. Please listen and watch
 the 2 minute YouTube video about Memorial day.

Today is Monday May 25, 2015. I usually post my blog Kimo's world blog every Monday, however this Monday there will be no Kimo's world in memory and honor of all Americans who lost their lives to protect our freedoms...

My favorite journalist, columnist and my mentor Andy Rooney speaks from the grave on the true meaning of Memorial day.

Andy Rooney explains the true meaning of Memorial Day, honoring those who did not give their lives, but had them taken.

Andy is the epitome of American freedoms with his witty wisdom, knowledge and genius. This is why I chose Mr. Rooney to to represent Memorial day.

Please take 2 minutes to watch and listen to what Andy had to say about this day.

Kimo's world normal format
will return next Monday!


All photos of Andy Rooney are taken from public domain files.

 For further reading about Andy Rooney; please check out my blog titled;"Channeling Andy Rooney."

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

This photo is full of emotion and wins my vote
as truly telling the story of Memorial day
 without any words.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Fathers Day will soon be upon us..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Sunday)

Judith Whitehead lives in Amherst New York.
 and has worked in the ophthalmology
 field of medicine for over 30 years

Above photo; Steve and Judith Whitehead
with son Jacob and  daughter in
law Audrey, along with Judith's dad, Bert.
RIP Mr. Meyers.

Fathers Day will soon be upon us

 Father’s Day will be bitter sweet this year; it will be the first year we will not be celebrating with Dad as he passed away this Spring. We always looked forward to this all American holiday; in the later years.

We would always bring Father’s Day to dad since he was living in a nursing facility and it was too hard to take him out. We always reserved the party room and all gathered bringing his favorite foods and a cake that had decorations on it depicting his favorite hobby, golf.

As he began to age I often wondered to myself if this would be the last one we would be able to celebrate together as he began to enter his mid nineties. Although he spoke very little we knew he enjoyed our gatherings and listening to the chatter of the family. He loved the cards that sang or made music; that seemed to really tickle him and he opened and closed it many times to amuse himself.

My husband, being the good sport he was, would always share his day with my dad. Mothers Day is always a hard one for me since my mom has been gone for so long. I remember our family dinners with fondness, it has left a hole that can never be filled again.

Moms and dads should be honored all year long and not just on the American Holidays on the calendar.

We were lucky children, my parents were always there for us. I know many did not have such a luxury.

My parents as well as my husbands were always a great part of our lives and when I reflect on the past years I wished I had done more to honor them for all that they sacrificed for us growing up. 

Somehow when we are young we so take for granted these wonderful role models and act as though they will be 
in our lives forever, always there to lend a hand or to give advice. Time moves so fast that before we can turn around we realize we will not be on this earth forever.

AS I age I spend more time reflecting on the past trying to make every day count for something. So as this day approaches, try and make it count. Let those who are dads, step dads, granddads and dad like role models , etc know how much you care for them and appreciate them. It’s not the presents that dads are looking for, it’s the time and effort you make to remember them and the time you took to give of yourselves on that day. Sure my dad always liked a new shirt or tie but what he really liked was the time we all gathered at the same table to share our stories and reminisce about the good old times.

Those stories always brought comfort to him and made him feel needed and important. Father’s Day may be an American made holiday but it started way before it was put on the calendar to
celebrate. If you remember one of the ten commandments “Honor thy mother and father” , it started at the beginning of time.

So As June approaches, begin to think of ways to celebrate this important event. Whether it be a picnic,dinner, or brunch.

Remember who we are honoring and enjoy every moment, for our dads are not  around forever on earth, but always in our hearts. 

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Tales from the original Hawaii-Five-O-James MacArthur-" 'Chester "Unc" Lau' (Original writing)

Dakinetalks favorite Uncle (Chester Lau)
"Unc"  is really passionate about creating a national Caregivers day.
Any help , support or ideas would be greatly appreciated...
'Unc' currently resides on the Hawai'ian Island of Oahu. 
He is a retired cinematographer,
 and  enjoys giving the politicians a bad time...
Unc, has a new feature, for the next few weeks.
 Unc will be writing about his experiences as a cinematographer
 on the Original Hawaii-Five-0 with Jack Lord and James MacArthur.

Tales from the original Hawaii-Five-O- 
-James MacArthur-

Editors note;

 Unc, has a new feature, for the next few weeks Unc will be writing about his experiences as a cinematographer on the Original Hawaii-Five-0 with Jack Lord and James MacArthur

RIP, James MacArthur.

 Jimmy MacArthur was a nice man  and a good actor. He had without question the best job on the original Five-O series set.

Jimmy got paid full time hanging out, enjoying life and  playing in 
 his apartment. The clincher was he only came on the set once or twice a week to do his part .
James MacArthur as officer
Danno Williams.

He always got along well with the crew  and  autograph seekers.  We always  had fun with him.

One day  Jimmy received a call  about 6 am from the make up artist. "Please come for make-up you are needed on the set."

He would close his eyes while  letting the make up 
 artist apply his makeup. 

The Company caterer would send him a light breakfast with fresh fruits ,coffee and a sandwich, he would try eating while having his makeup applied. I wish I had photos of that! ;-) 

While being made up one day the makeup artist and I took a clean powder puff and put it between two slices of bread  and  handed it to him while he took a bite of the powder puff sandwich ...ha ha ha,...he jumped up from his chair,opened his eyes  and  laughed hysterically You can't do that to other actors. Jimmy was one of the boys and did not have an attitude that he was any better than anybody else. We all loved him.

Acting is not all ice cream and apple pie ,it's serious hard work. 
 Studying the scripts at home day and night before going on camera, knowing where to stand or move so as not to block the lighting on other actors.  There are a million  and  one things to do without looking awkward or staged.

Time is money in a movie production. It costs thousands of 
 dollars every minute.  If it is a fight scene, he or she needs to learn the moves to avoid injury. Can  you imagine what happens to an actor if he or she is injured? 

The scenes taken with them have to be scrapped or replaced, that's 
 money lost !!! 

So you want to be a high priced actor ? Good luck.

James MacArthur, young and old.

Check out Part-2 of "Tales From The Original Hawaii Five-0"-Jack Lord-;

"Unc" as a young man....

Wikipedia on James MacArthur;

Check out this YouTube video of the original introduction to Hawai'i Five-0. 

Listen to the theme song from Hawaii Five-0

 A note to Unc from Jack Lord star of the original Hawaii Five-O,
where "Unc" worked as a cinematographer

"The ultimate way to start the day, with a Sunrise!"

Send a friend request to view Sunrise therapy daily on James Kimo Rosen's Facebook!

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

The original Hawaii-Five-0  was so much better!