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Monday, November 17, 2014

"A society named Sue..." 'Kimo's world #43'

James “Kimo” Rosen is a retired professional photographer living in Kapa'a
 with his best friend Obama Da Dog, Rosen also blogs as a hobby...

This blog appeared as an opinion article in the Sunday , 11-15-14
 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island newspaper; 

A society named Sue

I  recently read in the newspaper that a local doctor is being sued for wrongful death because his patient overdosed  on prescription pain medication patches.

I also know of a person in Florida who was broke and intentionally went into a nationally franchised  hardware store, staged a fall and claimed a  major back injury and settled out of court for mega bucks.

There are the people who plant glass in their dinner entree and sue restaurants.

 Believe it or not,  there  are  politicians that sue the people that pay their salary.

Why would anyone want to be a doctor? I am glad we still have doctors and business entrepreneurs  in this sue happy society we live in. There is the famous Johnny Cash song, "A boy  named Sue," Nowadays it's more like a society named Sue.

People need to take responsibility, if they spill hot coffee on themselves, it's their fault, not the restaurant's fault. Accidents happen all the time, what doctor or business intentionally  tries to hurt people? None! We live in a sue happy society where so many are looking for their big pay day and living happily ever after at the expense of others.

I am glad I am of retirement age.  People who start businesses these days have so much stress from the public. Why are Medical professionals being held responsible for their patient's actions when all they are trying to do is  help?

I believe it's time for medical professionals and businesses to have everyone sign a disclaimer similar to a prenuptial  before walking into their store, medical practice, or business. It could be as simple as;
I________________ take total responsibility for my actions. I promise to not sue this medical professional or store since I know they are only trying to help me.

They say a ship in the harbor may be safe, but that's not what a ship is built for. It's a sad situation in this day an age since a ship in harbor is exactly what many are now choosing to be.

This meme was used to promote this blog on Facebook...


Aloha friends on Kaua'i, this Saturday November 22,2014 in Anahola a full day of music in support of Kanuikapono school... Please show your support. Mahalo!
Kanuikapono believes in providing a “school without walls”, in which the environment, or nature, is considered the best classroom.Grounded as such, outreach sites throughout the island serve as authentic learning environments for the curricula. Although the educational model is based in the Hawaiian way of learning, all programs are non-discriminatory and open to anyone on the island of Kauai. However, participants must demonstrate interest and appreciation for the Hawaiian culture. Read more;

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

The essence of life is a Huli Huli chicken with  lots of Aloha!