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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

down on politics...

I know many families who live in public housing, one family in particular gets to fly in a Boeing 747-200 B jet, rent a luxury vacation rental with all expenses including meals, 24 hour security and anything they wish within a phone call, email or whisper. At a time when public schools, county and state employees are experiencing furloughs and lay offs , unemployment at an all time high,and bankruptcies and foreclosures as common as apple pie, there happens to be a family who lives in public housing that gets to go on an all expense taxpayer paid vacation to the tropical destination of Hawai'i.

Many tour companies will be experiencing loss revenue to restrictions on air space and implied no fly zones within radius of the presidents vacation rental.(Vacation rentals, that's another blog) We have no real way to figure out the cost of our number one public servants vacation, but would bet it's in the millions of dollars.

When someone lives in public housing should they at taxpayers expenses be able to enjoy multi-million dollar vacations and bring down tour operators incomes when the rest of the country is going down? I guess these are the benefits of living in public housing?

I am not down on our president,I voted for him and if the election were tomorrow I just wouldn't vote, I'm down on politics, politicians and lies.