James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
Check out my new Costco hat! and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years. Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka Da Dog! |
Kimo's world's #176~Blog #1913
Trump's vetting good for the dogs, why not people?
This blog also appeared as an opinion article in the March 25, 2017 edition of the Kauai Garden Island News;
I find it so ironic that in a state where dogs must be quarantined for up to 120 days before visiting or moving to Hawaii to protect disease from spreading-- that Hawaii was the first state to sue President Trump over his revised executive ordered travel ban which bars new visas for people from six predominantly Muslim countries and temporarily shuts down the U.S. refugee program.
Federal judge in Hawaii puts Trump travel ban on hold
Why does Hawaii have an extreme vetting process for every plant and animal before it can enter the state? I'll answer that myself, to protect the environment.
The same should hold true for people that come from countries with extreme radical Islamic terrorists. We must vet people too, to keep them from destroying the environment-- the environment being, "We the people."
The liberal progressives insist on protecting the environment, but not its people, go figure?
God Bless all our elected politicians, let there be peace.
Federal judge in Hawaii puts Trump travel ban on hold
Why does Hawaii have an extreme vetting process for every plant and animal before it can enter the state? I'll answer that myself, to protect the environment.
The same should hold true for people that come from countries with extreme radical Islamic terrorists. We must vet people too, to keep them from destroying the environment-- the environment being, "We the people."
The liberal progressives insist on protecting the environment, but not its people, go figure?
God Bless all our elected politicians, let there be peace.
This blog also appeared as an opinion article in the March 25, 2017 edition of the Kauai Garden Island News;
Laws for vetting and bringing your dog to Hawaii
Hana Hou, Encore!
More dakinetalk reading on Donald Trump; (Great reading!)
(All Trump related blogs by James "Kimo" Rosen unless otherwise indicated)
1-Trumped by "The Donald" 'Obama Da Dog' (Special political edition)
2-Trump supporters must come out of the closet! (Kimo's world #118)
3-Trump, the election and the Jewish connection...(Kimo's world #119)
4-Trump-fulling... (Kimo's world #120)
5-A poem about Donald J. Trump...
6- Trumps Failing businesses are his strengths...
7-Extra! Extra! Read All About It!--Trump Hijacks Republican party into Hell
8-Trump and the race for President, a nasty one fueled by the media (Carrie Eckert)
9-Win or Lose, Could Trump Be A Secret Agent For Hillary
10-Raccoon's and Trump~Larry Arruda~(Source)
11-Definition of Trump
12-Hillary and Donald Trump walk into a bakery
13-Kaepernick and Obama, trump this Kool-Aid
14-Hoping one thing will remain after the election
15-Undecided voters
16-Don't be surprised if Mr. Trump is hired
17-Biggest Hail Marry of all time, Obama Da Dog to change name to Ivanka
18-Mazol Tov Mr. Trump!
19-Just Give Trump a Chance
20-Wishing Hillary well and why all the protesting?
21-The election is over (and)Trump is our captain and is on our side..!
22-Trump's Political Chess
23-Who would you rather kiss goodnight, Obama or Ivanka..?
24-Bet you thought I was going to blog about Trump
25-Fake News~It's hard to believe the news these days
26-Heed the words of Michelle Obama
27-Trump era off to shaky start
28-It was a beautiful Inauguration yet I am scared for my country
29-Fasten your seat-belts for the Trump era
30-America's second civil war has begun
31-Immigrant ban and the real definition of civil war
32-TRUMP,The most charismatic man in the world
33-Trump's buyers remorse
34-Never a dull moment with Trump as Potus
33-Trump's buyers remorse
34-Never a dull moment with Trump as Potus