James "Kimo"Rosen is a retired Professional
Photographer living on theGarden island
of Kaua'i with his best friend Obama Da Dog.
My mother always taught me there are 3 sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth.
Some are calling the recent controversy a witch hunt, while others claim too many animals are being euthanized .
I am proposing publicly in this blog to all Kauai council members, the mayor and the board of the humane society as a first step to resolution might be a name change?
That name change would be dedicated and in memory to a man most everybody loved and who dedicated his life to the well being of all animals.
The late Scott Sims AKA-The Barefoot Vet... Photo courtesy of Nat Geo Wild |
I believe the name change alone will create nothing but Goodwill and Aloha at a time that it's needed more than ever.
Scott used to say it gave him the warm fuzzies when he healed animals that he didn't think would make it.
I believe this name change would give the whole county the warm fuzzies!
All in favor say aye!
An update from the care page of Scott Sims;
~07-27-15~ click on link below to keep informed;
Aloha to everybody that adored Scott Sims. Memorial plans are getting closer. I will notify everybody ASAP. I am waiting to get confirmation for the date and venue. I wanted to share with you that Scott was grateful to spend time with all people who meant so much to him during his life. He decided to do a few more episodes of "Aloha Vet" so he could make the point about quality of life being more important then quantity of life. And he wanted to make sure that people knew to get out and really live. "It ends all to soon"....Scott would say. But he was determined to put together a foundation that would supply people and the animals of Kauai with "pay as able" veterinary care. This was Scott's #1 wish to launch The Pegasus Foundation. You can make a donation at: www.pegasusfoundationkauai.org
I will keep everybody updated! I promise.
-Update from Scott's care page 07-28-15-
Hello Team Scott
Good morning TEAM SCOTT!
If any of you have any special photos of Scott that you would like to share with the foundation, please email them to: PegasusFoundationpr@gmail.com
I would also like with your permission in the future to publish these photos on the foundation website: www.PegasusFoundationKauai.org
Also, if anyone would like to share your favorite memories or moments about Dr. Scott Sims, please email me your story. We would like to publish these stories in the future on the foundation website.
Thank you for all of your love and support! Scott was the luckiest man in the world to be loved by all of you.
If you would like to get in touch with me personally, please email me at: PegasusFoundationpr@gmail.com
Go to Nat Geo Wild's website for video clips and all showings of 'The Aloha Vet.' There is a tribute called Remembering Dr. Sims.--click on link below for all this and more. It's all free!
If you would like to submit a quote to be seen with one of my Kaua'i sunrise photos please leave the quote on my Facebook comments. James "Kimo" Rosen
For further reading on Dr. Scott check out;
"The Aloha Vet,Now Imagine an Aloha MD"
"Dr. Sims goes viral"
"Feather Ruffling & Special Memorial Tribute To Dr. Scott Sims, The Aloha Vet"
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook