Obama Da Dog tells her favorite joke, which has many truths to it! Enjoy... |
Avram went into Church, took out his tallis,(prayer shawl) yarmulke, and proceeded to pray. The clergyman entered to start services: "Will all non-Christians
please leave."
Avram continued davening (praying)."
Again the clergyman said, "Will all non-Christians please leave."
And again, Avram prayed.
Finally, the distraught clergyman moved to Avram. "Will ALL JEWS please
At this, Avram removed his yarmulke, packed up his tallis, then went to the
altar, picked up a statue of Jesus and said, "Come bubbela they don't want
us here anymore."
Hana Hou #1, (Encore) Check out this video on the history of the Jewish song "Hava Nagila"