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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"Mayors need a VP or Lt. Governor type running mate..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #257) ~Happy Rosh Hashanah(Jewish New Year) to all our Jewish friends!~

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!
Photo above is the current Kaua'i county council.
Left to right; Mason Chock, Arthur Brun, Mel Rapozo,
JoAnn Yukimura, Ross Kagawa, Derek Kawakami 
and Arryl Kanashiro. 2 members are running for Mayor
 in the general election in November,
Mel Rapozo and Derek Kawakimi.  JoAnn Yukimura
 is leaving since her term limits have expired therefore 
opening up a minimum of 3 new seats. The election results
are posted below in the Hana Hou section.

The Jewish Year is now 5779-
Happy new Year to all my Jewish Friends.
It is traditional to eat apples with honey to welcome in
a sweet year. We say, 'May God inscribe you in the book of life!'
Blog #2010~Kimo's world's #257

Mayors need a VP or Lt. Governor type running mate
Publishers note- (This is written tongue-n-cheek)
 Why do Mayors not have a replacement, a shadow, a helper, a running mate so to speak? The President has a Vice President-and most Governors have Lt. Governors? I propose our county institute the position of Lt. Mayor.
Mel Rapozo on the left, Derek Kawakami
 on the right are the 2 finalists in Kauai's
 mayor race. Lenny Rapozo in the
 middle came in 4th in the primary
 and did not make it to
 the general election...

Kauai island has a real dilemma on their hands, 2 outstanding men of integrity and honor (2 mensch's) for the job of Mayor and many people are friends with both, Derek Kawakami and Mel Rapozo including yours truly. 

Sharing is something we were all taught as 'keiki' and I believe most 'children' to this day are still instilled the values of Aloha which include sharing.

My friends, Monica and Derek Kawakami

Since so many on this island  are friends with both candidates  and as far as I know both candidates respect each other, serve on the same council and until this mayors race developed would had called each other friends---and as far as I know still do.

Why not do what no other Mayor's race in history has done?  Have both candidates concede and agree to share the responsibilities of being our Mayor? God forbid if anything tragic happened to either of them the other would be there to step right in like a Vice President or Lt. Governor. They could also work alternate months, one month on, one month off.

My friends, Patsy and Mel Rapozo

Since Derek Kawakami received more votes in the primary use his last name as the prefix and Mel Rapozo's last name as the suffix to create;  Ready....
Drum roll.....

The 'Kawapozo' administration! However since Mel is Derek's elder (kupuna) some would consider it pono to use Mel's name first therefore calling it the 'Rakami' administration.  'Kawapozo' or 'Rakami,' you be da judge!  ;-)

For all you so serious people out there, it’s OK to laugh. 

 Let's not have what's happened in National politics with all the hatred and partisanship happen here on our cosmic island, we're better than that! I think?

Good luck to both my friends, Derek and Mel, or should I say, Mel and Derek!  God bless and may the best man win! 

Classic Throwback photo!
Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr in yellow
and Councilman Derek Kawakami in blue
dancing at the 2015 'Taste of Hawaii!'

Hana Hou, (Encore)----Kaua'i Primary Election results