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If only more people gardened we'd have fewer murder trials... James "Kimo" Rosen with a harvest of fresh carrots back in 2009 |
Deedy, Guilty or not Guilty That Is The Question
Hawaii is currently going through it's own version of a Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman trial with the Christopher Deedy- Kollin Elderts trial.
Christopher Deedy a special agent for the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, was in Honolulu in November 2011 for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit when the fatal shooting of Kollin Elderts occurred at a local McDonald's .
Kollin Elderts who allegedly was bullying Deedy and other customers both physically and verbally with he term "Haole." Haole when referred to a white person is the equivalent of calling a black person the "N" word.
Deedy being a federal agent and fretful for his life fired his gun in self defense. Deedy drew his gun and told Elderts to freeze, but he continued to advance.
I have encountered many people like Elderts, that if you stare at them wrong, look out.
Everyone says these trials are not about race, yet that's all everyone is talking about.
When an officer of the law, federal agent or anybody is threatened for their life both physically and with verbal racial slurs, self defense is clearly the proper verdict.
Hawaii is behind the times in what is considered proper etiquette for racism People in Hawaii will always start a sentence with the ethnicity of the person. For instance, do you know this guy John, he's a haole, or do you know Roger he's a Portuguese , did you know Yukiko, she's Japanese Ethnicity is always associated with a name whether conscious or unconscious. Whats wrong with saying, the persons name without an ethnicity associated with it?
I believe strongly Deedy will not get a fair trial in Hawai'i. If the trial was In a federal court this would be fair and impartial.
I am hoping this trial has the same result with the self defense verdict as did the Trayvon Martin case.
Be prepared for a local outrage if Deedy is cleared of all charges.
Racism is still alive and well, we may have a black president (half black)however people will be people and racism remains the silent subliminal bigotry that never seems to go away
A shortened version of this blog appears in the 07-19-13 edition of the Honolulu Staradvertiser, it appears as an opinion article on page A-9. The Staradvertiser has a paywall therefore I am copying and pasting below;http://www.staradvertiser.com/editorialspremium/letterspremium/
Racism lives, even in Hawai'i
I strongly believe Christopher Deedy will not get a fair trial in Hawai'i. If the trial was In a federal court this would be fair and impartial. This is Hawaii's version of the Trayvon Martin trial.
I am hoping this trial has the same result with the self defense verdict as did the Trayvon Martin case.
When an officer of the law, federal agent or anybody is threatened for their life both physically and with verbal racial slurs, self defense is clearly the proper verdict.
Be prepared for an outrage if Deedy is cleared of all charges.
Racism is alive and well, we may have a black president, however people will be people and racism remains the silent subliminal bigotry that never seems to go away especially in the so called "Aloha state."
James "kimo" Rosen-Kapa'a Hawai'
For the most up to date information on the Christopher Deedy go to Hawaii News Now at;
I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous everyone hasn't met me yet.
..................................... Rodney Dangerfield
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...
THANKS for sharing our link, Kimo!
My pleasure Steph,Hawaii news Now rocks!
I disagree with you about this case although neither of us are on the jury. I know you dislike the word haole. I personally do not feel offended by that word & don't think or feel it is the same as the N word.
I empathize with Special Agent Deedy. He serves and protects the citizens of the USA; however, he was targeted as a Caucasian and is a victim of racism in Hawaii. I agree with you Kimo, Deedy will never get a fair trial UNLESS the courts think another department--or those who have the judes' fate is in their hands--are keeping a watchful eye of the trial. HPD turning facts to incident side ways in some instances, Elderts--local male, targeted and persisted in harassing Deedy--"fu*kin' ha'ole, I'll gut you." Alcohol, marijuana and cocaine in Eldert's blood. Eldert just went after one more Caucasian to beat half to death.HI courts are corrupt. This case is being watched closely. I was brutalized and my life threatened in pimp/probationer Carl Richie who had Kauai judges by the neck because of a client list, and advanced on by Richie's prostitute who distributed drugs for Doc Spear and ran with prostitute, Alves (now serving life in prison, no Possibility of Parole for Murder 1 of KPD informant). Caucasian, Aureo Moore was ambushed and executed--attempts to throw case by those connected with corrupt courts. Not in best interest--movement halted,a great deal exposed on record, case monitored closely. Mr. Richard Louis's life taken by KPD Sgt. Chris Calio--who was not dismissed, and remains as charge of KPD Tactical Unit. Mr. Louis was shot while on his roof in an act of defiance. As a PO, I witnessed and heard reliable accounts of many male locals much more violent toward a KPD Officer than Mr. Louis was--threatening to kill officers, assaulting, flinging objects, kicking patrol car doors, windows. Any of these locals gunned down? No. I had my own misfortune of KPD Calio responding to a scene. This officer made it clear he is biased against Caucasians.
Hamony, words like haole and the "N" word can be both hurtful and just familiar. It depends on who is using the word and who they are using it with. If I call another Irishman a stupid Mick, that's bad, but not as bad as if a non-Irishman calls me a stupid Mick. Complicated, eh?
Context is important.
Mike, a black person can another black person the Black person the "N" Word" Rappers use it in everyday on talk, but G-d forbid a white man uses the word they are burnt to the stake of recent as seen in the Paula Deen escapade. Deborah, I agree with you. They are making Elderts out to be an angel and from what I have read anything but. And yes, harmony, the word Haole is usually used in derogatory gesture with the f word in front of it. You may not experience as much since you are given slack because of your beauty. And BTW I have a letter to editor about this exact subject in today's honolul Staradvertiser page A-9. I am copying and pasting it below since the Staradvertiser has a paywall, and I cannot provide a link; I I strongly believe Christopher Deedy will not get a fair trial in Hawaii.
If the trial was in a federal court, this would be fair and impartial. This is Hawaii’s version of the George Zimmerman/ Trayvon Martin trial.
I am hoping this trial has the same result with the self-defense verdict as did the Zimmerman case.
When an officer of the law, federal agent or anybody is threatened for their life, both physically and with verbal racial slurs, self-defense is clearly the proper verdict.
Be prepared for an outrage if Deedy is cleared of all charges.
Racism is alive and well. We may have a black president, but people will be people, and racism remains the silent, subliminal bigotry that never seems to go away, even in the so-called “Aloha State.” James “Kimo” Rosen
Kapaa, Kauai
Per opinion article in Staradvertiser"Book, i'm not a subscriber
Ami Thea, so what's your opinion, Elderts innocent?
I haven't been following the Deedy thing...
via Staradvertiser"Yes, long history of racism in Hawaii ... starting with whites infecting Hawaiians with diseases and nearly extinguishing the entire race."
Via Staradvertiser," This isn't about race, and trying to make it so indicates a lack of effort in looking at the details. Elderts is hardly "innocent" as the evidence shows him being a bully, and that he had not only alcohol in his system, but coke (and, yeah, I know pakalolo...but being stoned on pot does not make one violent...quite the opposite) and so he's not an angel. On the other hand, Deedy was a sworn federal agent who was required to follow a strict protocol regarding alcohol consumption and carrying a firearm, which he clearly violated. Deedy also acted aggressively when common sense and "conduct becoming" would have been to walk away. Neither of these guys, notwithstanding the tragic results, was "innocent." What we have here is two guys who don't know when to shut their mouth and go home...gotta do the macho thing."
via Staradvertiser,"I don't think the Deedy case is about race either. It appears to be an overly zealous young federal "agent" who loved to carry and brandish his gun, even when he was out drinking, bar-hopping and partying. Alcohol and guns don't mix well, and the State Department should have a policy that their employees may not carry a gun while off duty, drinking, and partying. If they say he is always on duty, then they need a policy that employees may not drink while on duty. In any case, Deedy screwed up. I don't think he went out hunting for someone to kill, but couldn't resist the temptation to be a "make my day" junior lawman, ill-prepared, poorly instructed, foolish, irresponsible, probably guilty of manslaughter. He may have watched too many movies. And HPD screwed up by not testing his blood/breath to determine the level of alcohol in his system. That might have been a "common courtesy" between/among "law enforcement agencies/officers."
This will be interesting what the jury votes. From what I gather Elderts threw the first punch and Deedy felt his life was in danger, he pulled his gun and yelled freeze, Elderts continued to bully. Self defense all the way. Elderts was also heard saying F- ing halole. Now imagine Deedy was a black man and Elderts threw a punch a said f-ing 'N" word?
via Staradvertiser,"Your assertion that Deedy cannot get a fair trial in a Hawaii court is silly. Judge Karen Ahn is an able and experienced judge, and Deedy is being well represented. A federal jury would also have been drawn from a Hawaii jury pool. Deedy was off-duty and killed an unarmed man in Honolulu. It is entirely just that he answer for that act before a local jury."
A jury who doesn't know the incident would be more appropriate than a jury that moit likely see's him guilty form the get go. Local people are going to support local people, just the way things are.
via Staradvertiser,"Your opinion about a fair trial is racist. Firing a gun three times in a busy McDonalds is over kill. The police state is growing and he needs to be held responsible."
if you feel your life is being threatened what would you do Mr. Johnson? if an off duty policeman's life was in jeopardy and was being beat up and he felt for his life, drew his gun and said freeze, and the person continued to throw punches, well?
via staradvertiser,"Just because you're armed with a gun doesn't give you the right to treat every threat or insult as life-threatening and take the law into your own hands. The bottom line is it is highly unlikely that anyone would have been killed or even seriously injured if Deedy had NOT drawn his weapon. Better yet, he never should have had it on him if he was going out drinking. Alcohol and firearms are a stupid and dangerous mix."
Mr. Stone,IF your a trained policeman or special agent with a gun and your life is being threatened and you every right to defend yourself. Deedy even yelled freeze! and Elderts continues in his rage. OK as I said it will be quite interesting the way the jury votes? time will tell.
Elaine, you would be a great juror on this case, you think a mediator!
per Staradvertiser,"Kill Haole Day - 3-5 grades...until I got a tan, and then people didn't know 'what I was', I was beaten after school most days by a Portuguese girl. I'm mostly Hungarian in extraction, hmmm, interesting how Portagees qualify for non-Haole status if we consider the plantation era's history. No Hungarians owned Hawaii plantations, but a haole is a haole and a friend of mine's son got the crap beaten out of him on the Big Island for "walking while haole". If we are outraged about Treyvon, we should be outraged about Kill-Haole ass kickings, and not just assume that the person deserved it."
Per Staradvertiser,"I've been a juror...and a foreperson...on more than one case similar over the years. Expert witness on others. These days all I have to say, if called for jury duty, is "retired behavioral scientist" when asked as to my occupation, and I'm off the jury. No one wants a profiler on their jury At any rate...there is a strict protocol for Deedy's agency re carrying a weapon and drinking, and he clearly (and apparently intentionally) violated it. It is precisely because of his status (sworn officer) that he should have just backed off and let Elderts run his mouth. It was the machismo trash talk that brought it to Elderts throwing a punch...wrong move, but it could have been avoided by Deedy by simply leaving. Deedy probably did feel his life was in danger, but it was his own lack of judgement that got him to that point in the first place. And yes, I can speak to that because I have worked in law enforcement. All this is IMHO."
Peg, Kill haole day is alive and well and even when goggled has found a home on Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_Haole_Day
Per Staradveriser "Sorry you suffer so much. Horrible place for you to live I guess. For the most art we haoles can assimilate with a little effort. The majority of my friends are local and I benefit from that."
per Staradvertiser,"As a Haole born and raised in Hawaii who has spent more late night and early morning hours in Honolulu bars and fast food joints than I care to admit, I can honestly say that I have never encountered a situation that would have been improved by a drunk guy with a gun, trained special agent or not."
First of all Mr. Stone, referring to yourself as Haole within itself is an insult to yourself. A kumu fried explains that the meaning of Haole is, without the breath of life or spirit, the "Ha" in' Ha'ole is the same 'Ha' as in AloHA Anyone can be without spirit or the breath of life, Haole has taken on the meaning of white person from the mainland, when in essence anyone can be haole, "without the breath of life!"
And for those Caucasians who do not experience prejudice, try taking the public bus and report back to me... Rich people can lead a more sheltered life and do not see the obvious in their narcissistic worlds.
Please read my blog, All have Life, Love and Spirit this explains the word HAOLE...
via Staradvertiser,"I am sure everyone knows the definition of haole. However for a haole to use that term is similar to minorities using certain words that should not be used by others is not demeaning. I don't mind a haole using that word. I guess I don't take offense as easily as some. An agent who has been drinking is hardly worthy of being considered a legitimat lawman. He should have been fired immediately for a violation that resulted in a killing. Our security agencies by backing bad behavior will only further out distrust of them."
Mr. Johnson, just about anyone on the street at 2:00 A.M has been partying, Deedy was off duty, not on duty, nothing illegal by that, however again his life was being threatened. What would you do if your life was being threatened , just let the other guy beat the crap out of you and possibly die or defend yourself?
James, It's for the jury to decide if Mr. Deedy reasonably believed his life was at risk. So far, it seems that Deedy was the only one threatening anyone's life, as a witness has testified that he repeatedly threatened to shoot Elderts in the face. I use the word Haole in its everyday common usage. I doubt many people know its dictionary definition. Who's rich? I lived in KPT when I was very young and went to school at Dole and Kalākaua Intermediate later. Yes, I encountered prejudice. I also made friends with folks from all kinds of backgrounds.
The rules are do not carry a weapon when drinking. His life was not being threatened. You cna continue the fight with hands as was the case. This deadly self defense is getting ridiculous. He will be found guilty.
“While defendant was bar-hopping he was in possession of his 9 mm Glock; conduct that the Department of State’s rules clearly prohibit,” Futa said.
via staradvertiser,"
Difficult to see from the testimony so far how Deedy could have reasonably considered himself threatened, at least not until the altercation was well underway. And the video ( http://youtu.be/K_CDhTH_EgE?t=19m17s ) seems to show that Deedy initiated the interaction with Elderts, and had many opportunities to disengage."
Kimo, I think you're missing the point. Deedy was a sworn officer with a weapon. When he made the decision to go drinking and NOT leave the weapon in the hotel safe, he gave up any legal advantage he MAY have had by being authorized to carry, because he was no longer authorized. It really didn't matter that he may have felt his life was threatened...when he pulled the weapon, he put himself in harm's way (and possibly others because of his compromised state). It dioesn't matter that Elderts was being an a**h*le bully, or that he was calling Deedy names. Deedy had great opportunity to defuse the situation, but because he was intoxicated...and perhaps due to his personality, which we may never know...he did not do that. Yes, Deedy had a right to defend himself...but it is not at all clear that he didn't cause at least part of that situation himself, or that he exercised common sense in how he handled things. Again...two guys engaging in a p*ss**g contest and one's got a gun. He could have been the Attorney General and his goose would still be essentially cooked. He blew it.
For those who think there is not a racism problem on Kaua'i, check out the truck in front of me while driving a few months back...
This sounds so much like a white man in the South pointing fingers saying were not the only racists. What do a few locals dislike for what has happened to hawaii somehow related to the centuries of white racism?
News flash...racism is a problem EVERYWHERE...and it's only a problem because we keep giving attention to people like the guy in the pickup. Radicals inhabit every point of view.
Nice work, Kimo. I am very glad your story was published in the Star Advertiser. It needed to be. I will submit a LTE to StarAdvertiser as well. Perhaps there will be some consideration given. The facts need to be known.
Last night, I watched the opening statement of Deedy's attorney, and about 5 minutes of the prosecutor's. On the newscast ,there was a supposed experienced HI lawyer interviewed named Meagan Kau. Kau stated, "If you have 3 haole attorneys trying to help a "haole boy", that's (should be who) not from here, doesn't live here, doesn't have ties, and is here for a very short time, then hurting a local boy, then I...(Kau stopped the reckless words about to come out of her mouth) that can be very damaging." I think what Kau was about to say was something about she can understand the jurors finding Deedy guilty. Kau went on in this televised interview to say that the 3 mainland attorneys don't understand pidgin. The locals know their speaking English and get it. Kau appeared delighted she was in the spotlight of the media--all smiles and giddy.
continued...Right, locals stick together, and the outcome won't be good for Deedy--no matter what crimes "local" Eldert committed. The US lower courts of HI are "locals" bully bins. Why are they being allowed to get away with these crimes?
Supposedly the jury selection is 8 Asian type, and "6 pulling Caucasian" as the newscaster stated. Causcasian? Probably Portuguese. I watched the different security videos and phone captured videos. Deedy was so calm with Eldert. Standing with his hands in his pocket. Relaxed posture. Ederts just didn't let up. Deedy gave Eldert so many chances. Video captures several times Eldert assaulting Deedy. Deedy didn't rail back, but continued to attempt to de-escalate and retreat. Doesn't work with this kind of local. Eldert and Medeiros began beating and kicking one of Deedy's friends, and another McDonald patron (white), who they forced to the ground. This is how these local thugs operate--shove victim to ground, and kick and beat in the vicitim's head and kidneys to cause permanent damage or death. I saw many cases and photos, and met with a number of white victims to such violence when I was a PO. Eldert got shot when he began grabbing at Deedy's handgun a SECOND time. Medeiros? Right along side.
Do you know that my Tongan's friend's grandfather had a MURDER 2nd Degree charge that just vanished in thin air?! Back in the 80s? The family is connected.
Just the usual local corruption of innocent people victimized by those who are to uphold laws and protect US citizens--battering and killing Caucasians. No breathalyser administered to Deedy by responding HPD Officers because there was no cause. Deedy was clearly not intoxicated. HPD refused Federal Agent right to telephone his supervisor. Story about HPD investigator being told by HPD supervisor to "add" a report that Deedy smelled like alcohol, was red faced and glassy eyed (suggesting Deedy was impaired). This report was generated last month. Wow. Eldert? In his blood was found alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. Deedy's admit and medical exam at hospital--no notes of intoxication or impairment.
These criminals are even going after a Caucasian Federal Agent. No one is sacred; just bigger gaming trophy for these thugs. Some heat has been placed on the Courts. The only positive to what happened to me with FJC--denied protection as a probation officer, and pimp having judges/court administrators/staff wrapped. Three dismissals under early retirement: Judge Calvin Murashige, Okihara and Sugawra. They don't like it when I start making noise and phone calls. Did so with the murder of my friend, Aureo Moore. It made a difference.
I feel very badly for Deedy; I believe he is a decent person. He gave Eldert every chance. Eldert became especially dangerous in grabbing at Deedy's gun. There was so much interference with this gun by Eldert that the bullet casing was lodged in the gun. It did not discharge.
This case will be corrupted if the corrupt SOH can get away with it. Deedy's attorney repeatedly stated to the jurors, "The evidence will show...the security video will show..." Must lock case in around facts. Throw out appealing to moral character of jurors. Won't happen. Deedy's attorney said that "local" McDonald staff who were at the scene, stated to HPD Officers that Deedy fled the scene...that is a lie. Right, locals at every level stick together. It is a given no matter what "white" life is on the line. Learned when young and practiced in elementary school up--"Kill Ha'ole Day," along side their violent, drug distributing, white prostitute.
Kimo, your articles and letters speak soundly to issues of racism in Hawaii. You know my signature saying, "Hawaii is a white man's Mississippi." It is a dangerous place for all Caucasians, especially decent, unsuspecting, innocent tourists, who come to Hawaii on holiday. Waikiki is a hot spot for Caucasians being hurt and killed by racist locals. Special Agent Deedy's appearance indicates he is a decent person. Because, Edlert and Medeiros went after Christopher Deedy, Deedy's male friend, and a lone tourist who just happened into McDonald's Waikiki, when Edlert was setting in motion his attacks--with cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana in his system, and his belief Edlert could get away with murder. Why not? Edlert is local. As HI attorney, Meagan Kau, was interviewed by KITV, stating in effect, "Locals look after one another and any "haole boy" hurting a "local boy" will not fair well."....never mind US Constitutional rights of all US citizens, federal laws, and HRS, laws, regulations, and codes of conduct. These are all thrown out the window. Plain and simple, present before most HI judges in HI courts a Causcasian and a "local," and there is an understanding among all the locals. The local is protected. Remember what I was demanded of by my probation unit Administrator and supervisor, "Things are done differently here. Sit down, stupid haole. Do your desk work, stay out of the field. We don't go in the field for officer safety. Stop "talking" (collaborating) with KPD--they'll have you doing their job. And, go home when everyone else does!"
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