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Monday, October 24, 2016

"Undecided voters..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #152)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Obama Da Dog!
Kimo's world #152~Blog #1848
Editor's note;
This blog also ran as an opinion article in the 
October 21,2016 edition of the Honolulu Staradvertiser

Undecided voters

How can anyone in America be undecided on who to vote for President?
Ken Bone an undecided voter in then 2016
presidential election got his 15 minutes
of fame for being stupid

For the last 15 months every  major network and cable news station has spent every day covering the two major candidates running for Potus.

Whomever is undecided at this point on whom they want for president has either been living in a bubble or just got released from solitary confinement.

Therefore I ask why do the networks concentrate  countless days on the undecided voter? Are there really undecided voters or is this really just a ratings game for the undecided network and cable executives who cannot figure out why ratings do so well with these two candidates no matter what you title the show?

I have heard through my sources after the election that Hillary and Donald may sign a contract for their own reality shows.

Stay tuned, just because the election may soon be pau,(finished)  this battle is far from over!

In God we Trust!
Kauai iPhone Sunrise photo
courtesy of
James "Kimo" Rosen

Editor's note;
This blog also ran as an opinion article in the 
October 21,2016 edition of the Honolulu Staradvertiser.
The Staradvertiser has a paywall so posted is their edit of this blog;

How can anyone in America be undecided about 
who to choose for president?
For the last 15 months, every major network and cable news
 station has spent every day covering
the two major candidates running for the presidency.
Whomever is undecided at this point must either have 
been living in a bubble or just got released
from solitary confinement.
Why do the networks concentrate countless days on 
the undecided voter? Are there really
undecided voters, or is this really just a ratings game
 for network and cable executives who cannot
figure out that the ratings with these two
 candidates will be high no matter what?
I have heard that after the election, the candidates
 could sign contracts for their own reality shows.
Stay tuned. Just because the election will soon
 be pau, this battle is far from over.
James “Kimo” Rosen Kapaa, Kauai
More dakinetalk reading on Donald Trump; (Great reading!)
(All Trump related  blogs by James "Kimo" Rosen unless otherwise indicated)
1-Trumped by "The Donald" 'Obama Da Dog' (Special political edition)
2-Trump supporters must come out of the closet! (Kimo's world #118)
3-Trump, the election and the Jewish connection...(Kimo's world #119)
4-Trump-fulling... (Kimo's world #120)
5-A poem about Donald J. Trump...
6- Trumps Failing businesses are his strengths...
7-Extra! Extra! Read All About It!--Trump Hijacks Republican party into Hell
8-Trump and the race for President, a nasty one fueled by the media (Carrie Eckert)
9-Win or Lose, Could Trump Be A Secret Agent For Hillary

Hana Hou, Encore!