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Obama Da Dog lives in Kapa'a Kaua'i Hawai'i and is a lifelong Hawai'ian resident. This blog is tongue -n-cheek. |
Breaking News! This blog is tongue -n-cheek, comedy relief, so to speak.
Ratings are everything when it comes to TV shows, and the News is no different than a sit-com, reality show or drama.
Advertisers pay big money for the popular shows and what's more popular than the weather men and woman talking about hurricanes? Hurricanes are huge for ratings.
That's the conspiracy of the hurricane, telling people to buy bottled water, batteries, rice, candles and spam when they know darn well no hurricane will arrive.
Gas stations, Grocery stores and the Big box stores love it too. The weatherman is telling everyone to stock up on emergency supplies. Everyone has to have their bottled water,which is ludicrous in it's own right, just fill your bath tub or empty jugs with tap water.
There are times I actually believe these stores pay the weatherman an undisclosed amount of cash under the table to frighten people into believing a hurricane is eminent.
Unlike black Friday which happens annually, a hurricane sale can happen many times a year, like this past year, or go years without a sale..
The lines at the stores are out the door, police need to direct traffic in and out of gas stations.
This whole conspiracy if true can back fire when people start returning the pallets of bottled water they never had to use. It's like buying a dress or suit to wear at a wedding then returning it after you use it.
Odds are, one day one of these hurricane warnings will come to truism, but nobody will pay attention.
How many hurricane warnings will be needed until one really strikes? In the mean time this whole hurricane warning system reminds me of the boy who cried wolf, only this time time it's the weatherman that cried wolf.
This surge in sales should keep retailers happy until black Friday. Until then, Obama Da Dog reporting for K.I.M.O. news.
Yes everyone , this is blog is tongue -n-cheek. Comedy relief, so to speak... On a serious note, we pray hurricane ANA does not do any major damage. Be safe!
A great song from Big Island musician Chris Kua who composed; "Hurricane Iselle Song"
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...
But seriously, I really do wonder about some of the items people tend to stock up on. Bottled water is definitely on the top of the list of items! I will never understand why people actually pay money for water when we have perfectly good tap water! Not only is it financially wasteful, but also environmentally irresponsible. It's a disgrace and senseless.
And, for those who are convinced there is anything of value in bottled water, think again. Bottled water companies have very little government oversight & it's just a lucrative marketing game. They can make any claims on their labels (ie "from Alaskan springs") and it's a blatant lie. I don't know why they can get away with this, but they do and people buy it.
That's my post-hurricane rant for the day.
.... and there are theories that the p[plastic bottle if stored in the sun or for long duration of time adds carcinogens to the water, so it's all a conspiracy! The irony is that bottle water costs more than soda at many stores..
If you have a catchment system, & you lose power, then you don't have any water source, unless you scoop it out from the catchment container. If ppl need water they should buy it before there is any danger approaching.Glad we dodged a bullet this time. TP & rice , spam are items one can never have too much of, lol
Regardless of if you have a catchment system or county water, what stops you from just filling jugs prior to power outages?
And, it's not like we live in the desert. There will never be lack of water on Kauai, so there is absolutely no need to hoard it unless you are disabled, car-less, living alone in a place with failed plumbing & haven't got a friend in the world who would bring you water to drink.
Not condoning hoarding what so ever, just stating water in a power outage situation is not as accessible to all. Yes & when 9,000 ppl on Big Island went without power , we had no water, electricity or communication, just stating the facts. Yes maybe ppl are disabled, & where do you store & get these " jugs " from??
Get your Ark Ready,get all men & women with animal in pairs..................
Not condoning hoarding what so ever, just stating water in a power outage situation is not as accessible to all. Yes & when 9,000 ppl on Big Island went without power , we had no water, electricity or communication, just stating the facts. Yes maybe ppl are disabled, & where do you store & get these " jugs " from??
Living on the Gulf of Mexico, I've witnessed problems. The thing you need to do is have a plan. Power goes out, tap water doesn't run. Been there! Point is prepare in advance! Have a rotation of necessities. Be it tsunamis, Earthquakes, etc. Ask folks who went thru Iniki & what kinds of problems occurred, & what lessons are learned. No power, no plumbing! Fresh water may be contaminated by sewage, debris, etc. So, how many days can you manage? Re: Katrina- NewOrleans didn't suffer as much from the direct hit of the storm but the levees failed & all the fresh water of Lake Ponchatrain caused the disaster. The French Quarter was minimally affected! My Nursing Colleague lived thru Hurricaine (?) Camille...in 1960. She advised us how to prepare for a hit. We've survived with wind/water damage, & power outages. No internet, phone, etc. It's a lesson that we should learn in advance of any natural disasters. (Kimo knows about blizzards, etc. (So do I & I don't live there anymore!) It's smart to prepare when there is not an immediate threat. That's my opinion
Jaana Makipaa, did you live thru Iniki? We have been thru every natural disaster: tornadoes, Ice, several Hurricanes & Tropical Storms. Not fun if you're dependent on work 30 minutes away, etc.
First it's the 21 century....Iniki was 1992 before building codes on Kauai (1994). Sense then Big Box stores have come and does the job mom and pop shops never could. Second most local water supplies today run a pump to fill a storage tank high on hills. For the most part gravity feeds your needs and almost every facility for water has Generators so you never loss power to water or radio (snails article last week)....You don't have electric toilets and many (14,000) home are self containment for waste. Hawaii has only been hit by two hurricane in almost 60 years not like the Gulf. And as bad as Iniki was to fear monger and keep addressing Iniky in present day is like telling Arizona to remember the Great Dust Bowl Days. Not the same....No Hurricans hit the gulf last year or this year. But to be cautious and prepared with reasonable knowledge of how things work in the 21 century is what is needed....Boo!
But Rick! Sewage will back up & fill your home as you sleep. Happened to a close friend, 4ft of raw sewage, in their home! Ask the folks in Japan who watched their homes collapse after earthquake/ Tsunami! Rome was arrogant. So was Pompeii. I had ash all over our cars from a volcano 800 miles South in Mexico City! We woke up & news advisories about NOT wiping that dust on our cars today... So, your theory of this being the 21st Century doesn't hold enough clean up contaminated water! Each disaster is a life lesson...it's part of our Dynamic of living on a "Breathing, developing Planet. Have you ever really sat and "felt" the Lava Flows of Kilauea? I have. We are small, But we ARE part of this Planet still being Created! No need for Panic, just learn from others who have experienced the vulnerabilities of Living! It's SO SIMPLE, yet Profound! Make God Keep your loved ones safe from the Powers that be!
via meme,
Like Houston was supposed to be hit by Katrina & Rita! The Rita disaster occurred with a grid-lock of traffic trying to flee...a bus filled w/Seasoned citizens burned to death as the bus overheated & caught fire! But Thank God you didn't have another Iniki on your hands!
There are liability factors involved in having to report a potential disaster,...Although many times when it looks like it's going to be avoided the media continues to make it worse than it actually is.... Many times the media really has to look for any damage, however on the other hand odds are one day a real disaster will come our way. The only thing is there are so many false reports that one day when the big one hits people won't be ready.... Wolf? or reality, you be da judge.
Iniki & our Gulf Coast Storms are LESSONS, NOT FEAR MONGERING! As I said The Planet will catch you with your pants down if you don't LEARN FROM HISTORY!
I feel you Renee, makes perfect sense to me
Christina: am I right?
, it's a nice diversion from EBOLA & Middle East, especially since it's SO close to Elections! Just say in'...
Renee you are on the $$ , you can bring a horse to water but you can't make them drink, lol
You know what they say, "those who don't learn from History are bound to repeat it! I hope we get to meet next time we get home! I Love Big Island!
Come take a drive in the Puna areas, Kapoho, there are trees about 15 feet high & wide stacked in rows, it's unreal, caused by the last hurricane..
Christina Sanchez: I sent a friend request to you! Feel free to check me out...I think we have many aikane/Ohana in common...
Yes, I lived thru Iniki. I didn't stock up on water or even food. I didn't die.
Natural disasters will happen and some people will get seriously injured or die.
A coconut may fall on my head this afternoon and kill me. That's life.
Taking precautions is obviously a good idea, but getting overly panicked about all potential threats is a crazy way to live.
You're more likely to get killed or injured in your car than from a natural disaster or from thirst. So, if you're that worried, you may want to just stay off the roads.
Nothing wrong with being optimistically cautious especially when the meteorologists are showing us grids of incoming hurricanes, tsunami's etc. I don't think anyone is " panicking " , just making a point. Jaana you have a way of sounding sarcastic with your posts,we can get the point across in an adult like fashion, yes?? .
Sorry Renee......First sewage will only back up in your house if you plug the line on your own property and then keep dumping crap in it. Example: if you had a two story house and a toilet on each floor. Why does the lower toilet not overflow and backing up all the time? why is the toilet water level the same in both toilets? If you had blockage at your foundation wall exiting the home and you keep flushing the upstairs toilet why does it not back up out of the lower floor toilet and flood the first floor?Ball floats, p-traps etc; etc....Fear mongering is the use of past diasters to warrant fear of repeat. But the engineering world can find out what happened to reduce repeat. They implement and regulate the fear away. It's not a lesson unless you have already agreed there is nothing you can do to mitigate. Dan Aykroyd.... that SNL is almost a old as your last disasters, embrace the 21 century. Life is much easier today and safer.....
I had no idea I was sounding childish. My point is very simple: disasters happen, but you're more likely to get injured or die in your car than in a hurricane. And, like I said, taking precautions is obviously a good idea. I wasn't addressing anyone in this thread, specifically, but more on the general panic of people when storms head our way. It's excessive -especially now that there have been so many more improvements, as Rick noted, in everything from the abilities of meteorologists to more accurately predict storm paths & behaviors, public warning systems, disaster recovery systems, infrastructure, abundance of big box stores, etc.
If nobody bought bottled water & another Iniki struck our island, do you honestly think we'd die of thirst? All the stores would be *giving* water away, just as they did after Iniki.
As for contaminated water: the beauty of water is that it can be decontaminated, and, we have no shortage of water on Kauai. But, like I said, all the stores would be giving water away long before anyone starts feeling thirsty. I have full confidence in that.
Respectfully replying to you Jaana, you were not here in August to experience what Big Island went through, the stores didn't give anything away, they jacked up the prices, the Governor put a moratorium on stores so they had to stop this practice. We always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. If you have no power then all your food spoils, boats were temporarily prohibited from delivering any supplies, so most ppl had to wait to replenish what they had lost. Just saying each Island has their own issues, & beauty of course, lol
Keep in mind that filling containers is perceived as "work" by some people who tend to avoid work when they can, whereas buying water in containers is not considered work, even though doing so in a frantic crowd is the very work I try to avoid. Also, having some 5 gallon containers requires some organization skills those same people tend to avoid!
Did I write that the disabled try to avoid work? I did not.
Before you judge me, know that I lived with a polio survivor for many years and professionally cared for the disabled in rehab at Wilcox Hospital and eksewhere!
I guess the generic statement you used was taken out of context??
6 hrs · Like
Im disabled too and have severe pain/weakness that makes it difficult to lift heavy objects. But, it's very simple: over your life, I'm sure you buy food/drink items that you are able to lift. Rather than throwing every good container away, clean some and fill them with water. They don't have to be 5-gallon jugs. Just whatever will hold water. If you're already in the habit of buying bottled water, then you should have plenty of bottles that even have labels on them that say "water."
As for big island, I thought the price gauging was happening prior to the storm? I saw a lot of food and water items being given away after the storm. (Not with my own eyes, obviously, but via posts to FB and such). No stores or people opened up to help others in need *after* the storm?
What you mean to say is a "general statement."
I wrote that "some people" avoid what they perceive as work. Hardly outrageous, yet you manufactured outrage for your specific circumstances which do not apply!
Pete, by the way, it's good to "see" you! Every time I see your name, I reflect back on that fun playful "argument" we had in TGI forums years ago. I don't even remember the topic. Just that it was hilarious. (Oh, and of course that cute dog of yours with the visor)
Did you know that the plastic in re-using of bottles is cancerous?? Really I do appreciate your advice on survival skills, lol Actually the price hikes didn't start before the storm hit. @ Pete I don't manufacture anything, a warehouse does, lol , what would you expect one to think when you jump on a thread & 3 ppl are addressing the subject matter? Sort of narrows the field down just a tad, I don't want to share information about myself, because I don't wish to be combative with anyone. I enjoy a friendly debate,' not anger especially with ppl I don't even know.
Hope you are doing better than when last we spoke.
I can't recall the TGI topic either. Unfortunately, Dylan the doggy boy passed on at 17 yrs. Just a couple weeks ago.
If you're afraid of reusing plastic, then glass jars would do fine. I'm only pushing the issue because I'm honestly tired of seeing landfills full of plastic. This is the *one* item that people in Hawaii don't need to buy from a store, and yet they do (and excessively).
Pete, so sorry for your loss... My baby died a few months ago (only age 8-9ish). It's always so hard to take. As for me, still hobbling along and getting by, and obviously still voicing my opinions. LOL! (All I remember from that TGI "fight" was my last response to you was something to the nature of, "Who is this Pete Antonson flapping his gums about... Yadeda" TGI staff got a good chuckle from that brief exchange.
Not afraid just sharing info. So did you need to get the last word in?? lol
It' too bad about your loss too soon and that they can't stay with us longer!
I like to watch two reasonable, commonsense people embrace each other.... I now pronounce you friends with common goals....
Love the passive aggressive action,especially when it's so obvious,lol
I must read into things very differently because I didn't see anything that negative or passive aggressive said to anyone & there's no huge disagreement here.
Oh, and Christina, I think i did get the last word in --and, if I recall correctly, I won. Teehee!
Pete, yessss, I wish our dogs could be with us so much longer. Did you have Dylan cremated or buried? He was such a good little guy, and so adorable. You gave him a wonderful home & life!
Rick, okie dokie, sounds good. (Although still think I must have missed something, unless I have been unknowingly mean?)
I used to house-sit Dylan, such a mellow and cool dog. Dylan is missed. RIP Dylan & Jaana's best friend... Price couching, don't get me started.
I find it so ridiculous that even some of our elected officials wanted to prosecute a few ma and pa stores for raising the price of bottled water by $3.00 a case a few months back during the hurricane Iselle watch. I say why not prosecute the real price gougers, the airlines and food trucks! (Had to slip that in)
LOL, the airlines, of course!
And hey, what happened to some comments?
slip sliding away.....slip siding away ....all my money is slip siding away.
the ma and pa stores need to remember not to run down to Costco to get water. Then stack it on their shelves with price improvements prior to removing the Costco price tag...... kind of like the lady at the farmers market that was reselling pineapples from Costco with the tags still on as fresh homegrown organic pineapples, yes here on Kauai.....Aloha ....
Excellent song -now stuck in my mind- but hating your lyrics, Rick. LOL! Change it back!
Jaana .... sorry for the loss....Pete too! Your not mean Jaana, I'm just a bully that tiers up when old friends talk. I am the first guy to say, "I think I know you, hope it was a good moment for us..."
Along comes Marie......
Isn't it cool, Rick? I've only just recently "met" Kimo, and he has already reunited me with a couple people I lost touch with for many years. (And the "fight" between Pete & I was just play. Not a serious "fight." )
2 hrs · Like
and that's the story of the hurricane, the man the authorities came to hate, for some reason that Bob Dylan song 'Hurricane' has been going through my mind all day, nothing to do with weather, but always associate it with Hurricanes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGMSfiH850o
Great blog because of you guys, 52 comments so far, I always judge a successful blog by the comments it generates.Mahalo everyone!
Ah, Dylan!! Now I have that song stuck in my head, which is all good.
And, Kimo, you seem to just have the knack for stirring things up. I like that!
Keep up the great work, and I'm enjoying your blogs.
Jaana Makipaa and should you or any else on this thread ever wish to guest blog, you are all welcome... 500 words or less, short 2-3 sentence bio with photo... and you too can try and stir things up!
or those who wonder why I always like my own posts, it's noot a vanity thing it all, read more, http://www.ricksdailytips.com/why-you-should-always-like.../
Sheesh, you really like punishment, don't you! LOL! When my brain is allowed to settle back down after this month, I will most definitely think of a topic to post -and yes, I will drop cuss words and try to behave myself.
looking forward to you guest-blogging... Take your time, you have an open invitation... I am thinking your blog will probably go viral, just because your Facebook posts alone get numerous hits! Can't wait!
Oh geez, don't put pressure! LOL! (And, honestly it seems Kauai people don't seem to get my humour... This has been a big problem for me for nearly 30 yrs now.)
Aaand, that may be the exact topic I should address. There seems to be a lack of humour (or recognition of what is humour).... But, still unclear if it's my inability to express humour or sarcasm in a way to make it clear enough for the wider audience.
Yep, that might be the discussion I will post about. We (including myself) need to learn more internet techniques to show expression of emotion behind our words. I tend to assume what is written is lighthearted *first* before taking anything posted other than light-hearted. (It's always safer that way).
Yes Jimbo a pleasant blog for once with several sarcastic comments, humor, friendship and as always Kimo likes Kimo.... Jaana I use the term "Cracked Rear View Mirror" we all have one to look at ourselves with and to invite thought. Good luck when you blog I'll be sure to attend your viewing....
Same thing with me Jaana...Welcome to the club, I don't know how many times I wrote tongue-n-cheek letters to the editor and people would go postal on me on the comments section. There is a definitely a disconnect. Seinfeld would never had made it in Hawaii... If you noticed, I wrote like 3 times on this blog that it is tongue-n-cheek.
2 mins · Unlike · 1
Jimbo ...."close encounters of the third kind" this conversation is now being taken over.....
It's not just me? I nearly stopped attempting any humour at all (which is almost impossible for me) for a while & I'm still hesitant. Not sure how people are on the other islands, but it seems Kauai people just don't seem to get my humour -even if I make disclaimers like you do, Kimo. This is why I was extremely hesitant to even add any Kauai people as FB friends.
Rick, I really like your headline ("Cracked Rear View Mirror") a lot. It signifies to me a level of humility we all should always work on, because I know we all will always tend to think we know "better" or jump to conclusions too quickly --but, as we get older and/if we are honest & intelligent enough, we hopefully become more capable of seeing where we have been wrong and correcting that. And I guess this is why I like to approach people with the most positive assumptions first before jumping to any conclusions & might have misread comments here completely.
---plus, it brings to mind Meatloaf's "Dashboard Light" song for some reason.
Jaana .... Kauai is so much like the show "Utopia" we live in a squirrels nest. May I add it is not fair to mention songs before counting sheep. I will get you back!
I know , even know I am so cautious about what i write on Facebook posts because people take so many things out of context. If I do not know a person or it is not my own thread, I usually only like something in lieu of commenting, my blog being my home and it being the exception....
Teehee, so you all are doing the same as I am? Cutting more loose on other people's FB pages than your own? That is a sad state of affairs, really.... What's wrong with all of us? LOL!
And oopsie, but gee, someone had already referenced TWO other songs before my meatloaf song, which I had roaming in my brain all day. So, touché!
actually just the opposite, on my page and blog I am more open, but not open on others....
Just now · Like
Kimo, are you fully retired yet?
It's tough when still actively in the work force. Although that doesn't seem to stop me too much, it does force me to at least hesitate, and then blurt out what I might have said without filters anyway. LOL!
Fortunately my job isn't as "serious" of a job (in terms of importance to life & death), but, I do still do take my job seriously -and expect people to take me seriously when doing business with them.
Delicate balance...this whole internet business...
And speaking of which, why didn't anyone tell me it was past midnight??
oh yeah, past midnight, I'm fried. Good night. Hope we can continue this thread in the morning...
Just now · Like
good Morning where is everyone?
Shh... We're trying to sleep. Obviously. LOL
1 hr · Like
Ring ---- Ring ---- Ring Burning daylight!
I wish I could sleep like I used to as a youngster... I remember sleeping clear til noon. (Well, then again, that would be a horrible waste of time.)
I sleep like a bay every night! I sleep for two hours wake up cry and urinate, then an hour later do the same, every hour on the hour...Man... And you wonder why I am the way I am?
Jimbo.... that means your kidneys are doing well...they operate great in that position.....
3 mins · Unlike · 1
Soft kitty, warm kitty ........ just for you Jaana....
2 mins · Unlike · 1
LOL!! Hilarious!
Mahalo Dr. Lau!
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