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Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Food-stamps now look like a credit card..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

Food stamps not only help the hungry but are a stimulus for the economy.
Hawai'i alone spends nearly  36 million each month on the 'SNAP' Program.
Food-stamps are  now called SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.) (Food-stamps are issued through an Electronic Bank Transfer) (EBT-card) with a  plastic card that looks like a typical debit or credit card.

There's no more embarrassing moments or stink eye at the checkout stand when using food-stamps  since visually it looks like one is paying with a credit or debit card, whereas in years past  they used paper monopoly looking money.

In Hawai'i  there are  over 150,000  people a month using EBT cards. Your monthly stipend depends on your monthly income. The majority of people on food-stamps work.
An Individual  can work and earn $2,000 a month, a family of 4 can earn more than $4,000 a month and still be eligible for food-stamps.

 Check out the following URL to find out more, 

Food stamps help stimulate the economy, if food-stamps were not part of the system many grocery stores , including  Costco might not be here.Food-stamps not only help the needy but help business. There is approximately  36 Million dollars a month stimulated  on the Hawai'ian Islands through SNAP( Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.)

The beauty of America, nobody needs to starve, there are people who just won't apply out of principle, or people who don't know how to apply, but in America nobody should be hungry. SNAP not only  feeds the hungry but is a huge stimulus for the economy in these trying times.

The only irony of the whole program is one is not allowed to buy prepared hot food, prepared cold food is fine. Ironically EBT does not allow one to buy a cooked hot meal while many elderly who don't cook are primary recipients.

The Food-stamp program is not perfect however the beauty of America is one should never go hungry. If you or someone you love or even some you don't love needs assistance in Hawaii call 808-643-1643 or go to;

If you need assistance and don't live in Hawai'i contact your State's Department of Human resources.

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...

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