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Friday, July 27, 2012

"2012 Girls of Walmart..." 'Obama Da Dog'' (Source)

Obama Da Dog would like to share with you her
favorite store's  summer calendar!  Obama
decided upon this blog after reading July 8th's
dakinetalk blog #718,"Hallelujah Walmart..!"
 The 2012 Girls of Walmart -
 Summer Calendar Edition

Yes folks,
Hershey’s has a new Butterscotch Kiss.
Look carefully. Can you believe more
than one person bought these shorts?
Is that injured foot from kicking your own
BUTT, or for wearing that out in public? 

So! Exactly how many sizes
 too small would you say this outfit is? 

If you woke up in good spirits this morning,
 this should ruin the rest of your day! 

Should I buy the pies
 or plain bread? 

Oh dear God!
 This must be what a cougar is. 

Dang, it’s hot in here,
good thing I clipped the legs on these pj's. 

Nothing runs like a Deere! 

Yeah, the ankle weights are
 going to make a BIG difference! 

I didn’t know I could buy
 a table dance at Walmart too! 

It's bring sexy back,
not bring sexy across your whole back-side! 

Honey, when I'm done WITH the potato salad,
 can ya pass the dog food! 

I know they look good,
 but tell me, are they even? 

Like removing the flip-flops
 makes a big difference ??? 

Doesn't the flowered bra
 just bring the whole outfit together? 

You go girl! This summer
 it's all about the layered look? 

No Sir, I'm not coming back into the store
 with you, .......I paid for the melons. 

Oh good! A gut-crack instead
 of all those butt-cracks! 

Bought a paper shredder yesterday...
 Love it! Love it! 

Please tell me,
she's wearing a thong! 

To do list: ....... Quick stop to the candy isle
 before bartending at Bubba's Bar & Grill. 

AND THE WALMART WINNER IS.................... 

When you can't find your BRA just 

Stuff them in your pants! 


No trees were harmed in the creation of this email, though numerous electrons were horribly inconvenienced.

Hana Hou, (Encore) Philadelphia cheesecake ice-cream, would you try it? Read article in Huffington post!