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Thursday, March 10, 2016

"Trump supporters must come out of the closet..!" 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Special political edition of Kimo's world #117)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Obama Da Dog!
 Special political edition of Kimo's world #117
This blog also appeared as an opinion article in the 03-10-16 edition
of The Kaua'i Garden Island News;

Trump supporters must come out of the closet!

I am an Independent, not a Republican or Democrat. I voted for Obama two times and named my dog after him, with that said;

How is it Donald Trump is ahead in nearly every political poll and state primary--yet everyone seems to only talk dirt on him?

Trump supporters are like gays were 20 years ago with a don't ask don't tell mentality. Trump supporters are afraid to admit they like Trump as gays were afraid to come out of closet in fear of peer and family rejection.I find many liberals being the most intolerant of those with opinions other than what they believe. People will unfriend you on Facebook or unfriend you in real life because you may like Trump.

I believe Trump is the most  misunderstood candidate that ever ran for President. Mr. Trump goes for the sound bites. He is  the ultimate branding and marketing expert. The old expression, any publicity ,even negativity publicity is good publicity. Trump has dominated every news and talk show in America the last eight months, even during political debates everything is about Trump.

The media can't let go, Trump is a ratings magnet, every one wants him on their show.

Many laugh it off, like the size of his hands, or appealing to the poorly educated, but let it be known, these are all well calculated moves to remain in the spotlight of social media and all media at large.

I watched every season and episode of Trump's reality show 'The Celebrity Apprentice' and the 'Apprentice' hosted by Trump. I not only gained a high respect for his philanthropy skills but his business sense. His children are all successful and decent human beings too.

America is disgusted with the hypocrisy of Washington, Wall street and lobbyists controlling the candidate.
Trump has financed his own campaigns and owes nobody nothing.  Many American's are angry and  don't trust  Washington and politics as is.They feel politicians are manufactured and  are willing to take a chance on  political outsider Trump.

I am willing to vote for a guy whose not a politician but a successful businessman. I believe Trump may have his prejudices but whom amongst us doesn't? Whom amongst us hasn't sinned? People in glass houses should not throw stones...

Most important I believe Trump will bring manufacturing back to America which will create millions of jobs and help to make America great again.

   OK folks, I am out of the closet,  who is man or woman enough to join me! Who is going to join the Trump train.  Woot woot,All aboard!

Check out this heartfelt YouTube video on a blind man.
 This video has been circulating around social media for a few years, but still gives me chicken skin and tears to my eyes...

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared From Facebook...