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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

" O‘ahu’s farm belt..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Classic Wednesday)

Bettejo Dux  one of Kauai's true gems, Today she 
guest-blogs about a sustainable lifestyle without the burden of politics...

O‘ahu’s farm belt

Maybe it’s time we all stopped fooling around.

Get beyond sustainable Kaua‘i. Forget politics, political debate and quarreling parties.

If Kaua‘i’s land were put to proper use, we could feed the state; and there may come a time — sooner than you think — when one of the outer islands will have to do that. Why not us?

The outer islands are O‘ahu’s farm belt. We are its fresh organic vegetable bin, its fruit bin, its butcher shop and dairy section.

We need not be, we cannot be, we will not be, its suburbs and high-priced bedroom/hotel/vacation/resort spot.

Some people are tourists, some people are rich, but all us guys gotta eat. Money in it, too. Peace and love.

This blog originally appeared in the Kaua'i Garden Island news, editorial section on August 27, 2009;