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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The uniqueness of the politicians name..." James "Kimo" Rosen

Mufi  is a very unique first name.
How many other States have a Mufi
on the ballot?

Hawai'i has some of the most unique
first names in political candidates. How many have ever heard the name of Mazie before?

Tulsi, Mazie and Mufi, Hawaii politics may
have winning first names, however is that enough
to win an election?

Hawaii' is unique in many ways. From it's record breaking use of Spam to it's unique culture and diversity of people.
One  way Hawaii is unique is in the name's of people running for political office. How many other places in America have people running  for US congress with the first names of Mufi, or Tulsi?

How many have citizens running for Senate with the name of  Mazie? We also have a hopeful candidate for Prosecutor named Justin, whether he is Justin Time or Justin Sane is yet to be seen.

If Only Our politicians acted as unique as their names  by donating all campaign contributions to fixing the economy. If every politician in every political race in 2012 did this  there would be an influx of billions of dollars for a patriotic cause.  Instead of putting money into photo shoots and political signage use it for America. Give each politician equal time for debates on public television and decide your candidate from that.
In the interim,  we may have unique names but we still have every Tom, Dick and Harry doing what they do best, hand-waiving at cars, telling lies and  begging for donations to serve their narcissistic energies.
Remember to vote for your favorite money begging  self serving Narcissist.

An edited version of the above blog sent as as opinion article to the Honolulu Staradvertiser;

Hawai'i is unique in many ways. From it's record breaking use of Spam to it's unique culture and diversity of people.
One  way Hawai'i is unique is in the first  name's of people running for political office. How many other places in America have people running  for US congress with the first names of "Mufi," or "Tulsi? "

How many have citizens running for Senate with the first name of  "Mazie? "

If Only Our politicians acted as unique as their names by donating all campaign contributions to fixing the economy. If every politician in every political race in 2012 did this  there would be an influx of billions of dollars for a patriotic cause.  Instead of putting money into photo shoots and political signage use it for America.
Google Mufi, Tulsi or Mazie, that's all it takes  to  see them hand-waiving at cars, telling lies and  begging for donations to serve their narcissistic energies.
Remember to vote for your favorite money begging  self serving Narcissist.

This blog was published 08-07-12 in the Kaua'i Garden Island News as an opinion article titled," Remember to vote."
reference names, Mufi Hannemann, Tulsi Gabbard, Mazie Hirono. Justin Kollar
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