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I believe GMO foods should be labeled as Kosher and Organic foods are now appropriately marked for the consumer. GMO's may not be as bad as so many believe, time will tell... For those interested there is a Pro-GMO Facebook Page, Check it out! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pro-GMO/159455097419168?hc_location=stream |
With all the negativity against GMO technology I decided to do some research. My findings were GMO's are not the anti-Christ so many seem to believe. GMO should stand for Great Meal Offering!
Chances are many have enjoyed a dinner full of GMO's, from your fresh farmed Salmon to grilled corn on the cob along with the delicious tasting rainbow papaya.
Did you know, many cosmetics, the soaps we bathe with and the detergents we wash our clothes with are likely GMO derived.
Your neighbor may be a GMO product themselves,maybe they were the product of In vitro fertilization (IVF) or even a test tube baby.Five million IVF babies have been born since the era of assisted GMO, DNA reproduction dawned in 1978. Many protested that IVF babies would be monsters born without souls. GMO's have made it possible for many people to conceive babies that weren't able to on their own.
Even your local stoner that shows up at Anti'GMO protests has probably smoked GMO enhanced marijuana. What protesters have missed is that today’s potent varieties of marijuana were created by genetic modification. The University of Central Florida has a pending US Patent for a cannabis sativa genetic modification.
The founder of the anti GMO movement Mark Lynas used to be the kind of fire-breathing activist who sneaked onto test farms and wreaked havoc on genetically modified (GM) crops. He has totally changed sides and is one of the biggest advocates for GMO's, with the world's population expected to grow from today's 6 billion to about 8 billion by 2030. Feeding all of these people and eliminating hunger will require advances in food production and distribution.
GMO technology has gone one step further with Japanese scientists now making beef from Human feces that will be on the market soon. This is no shit, actually it is shit.
The University of Hawaii developed a genetic modified papaya back In the late 1980's because the Papaya industry almost died because of the Papaya Ring-spot virus. GMO technology basically rescued and saved the Papaya industry in Hawaii with the birth of the rainbow papaya.
Imagine, a world where you can raise a disease-free child with three or four genetic parents, engineered to be hyper-intelligent with superhuman strength. Imagine an abundance of fresh disease free produce to feed the worlds population into the next century and beyond.
Technology has changed, we now have smart phones, laptop computers with WiFi, tablets and microwave ovens creating radio waves all around us that many once protested and thought to be harmful.
I believe GMO foods should be labeled just as Kosher and Organic foods are now appropriately marked for the consumer, however I believe GMO technology has already created and saved human as well as plant and animal life.
GMO's can't live with them, can't live without them.
The Honolulu Staradvertiser asked me to come up with a 150 word edit, down from 502 words. Enclosed below is the shortened edited version;
The below Opinion article appeared in the 06-10-13 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island News page A-4,titled, GMO's=Great Meal Offering;
Chances are many have enjoyed a dinner of GMO's, from your fresh farmed Salmon to grilled corn on the cob along with the delicious rainbow papaya .GMO should stand for Great Meal Offering!
Did you know, many cosmetics, the soaps we bathe with and the detergents we wash our clothes with are likely GMO derived.
Your neighbor may be a GMO product themselves,maybe they were the product of In vitro fertilization (IVF) or even a test tube baby.
What anti GMO protesters have missed is that today’s potent varieties of marijuana were created by genetic modification.
The world's population is expected to grow from today's 6 billion to about 8 billion by 2030. Feeding all of these people will require advances.
GMO technology rescued the Papaya industry in Hawaii with the birth of the Rainbow papaya.
I believe GMO foods should be labeled just as Kosher and Organic foods.
GMO's, can't live with them, can't live without them.
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Unless that poop was genetically modified into beef from human feces... |
Pro GMO Funny and informative!
I sent it into my local paper as a potential Letter to editor, I hope they run it!
For those interested there is a Pro_GMO Facebook Page, Check it out!
Pro GMO wrote: "If they do, be prepared for an onslaught of 'how dare you!' type replies ;)"
I know, especially where I live on the island of Kauai with many of the hippie types, although I was once a hippie I look at both sides of things.
Kimo, there' smore to the GMO thing than what tastes good. I would definitely prefer organic veggies. I violently chemical oppose spraying.
Interesting perspective. Labeling & ( personal research) are probably the best solutions to the controversy.
H-I agree!
Per Honolulu Staradvertiser." Humans have been playing with genetic modification for a long time, refining its uses through trial and error and direct manipulation. More spectacular examples run from Mendel's peas to various acts of ethnic cleansing. What differentiates actions such as Mendel's from modern genetic modification is the breadth and speed of that modification, the splicing of plant and non-plant genes, and the combination of modified plants with increasingly powerful pesticides. To cite one article, "Most GM crops are designed to resist herbicides and pesticides while fields are treated to eliminate weeds and insects. With time, farmers’ liberal use of stronger pesticides naturally selects for weeds and herbivores that are pesticide resistant, just as some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics because of their extensive use in conventional medicine. As a result, generations of transgenic weeds and insects which cannot be controlled by common herbicides and pesticides would evolve. New, more toxic treatments will need to be synthesized every time the target pest becomes resistant to the current herbicides and pesticides. Furthermore, GM crops contain antibiotic resistant genes that can be transferred to the harmful microorganisms living in the human body. In such cases, those microorganisms can become immune to the common antibiotic treatments and become untreatable...An even greater threat surfaces because new transgenic foods could not only be allergenic but also unintentionally toxic. The arbitrary incorporation of foreign genes into the DNA can lead to fundamental changes in the biochemical structure of the organism. Such radical changes can potentially have a toxic nature. "
Andrea, these times they are a changing, what's going to happen when the earths population hits 8 billion? GMO will feed the masses, it's not 1900 anymore.
Sol, you may want to read my blog I posted today on GMO's. I too believe they should be labeled, however I found some interesting facts.GMO's are not the anti-Christ
Via Facebook,"I dont agree with 95% of that. To say GMOs have saved the planet? Seriously!? You need to stop smoking GMO "
Time will tell, The spraying is not good, but the technology will be needed to feed an additional 2 billion people by 2030. The beauty of America is we can all have our opinions! Thanks for reading my blog!
via Facebook, "There is no doubt that GMO and the corporate scum who push them are evil, but evil has been here from the beginning and will always be here. Just like good. It's the balance between the two that leads any individual soul to peace. Don't get consumed by one side or the other. It will overwhelm u"
via Facebook,"The technology? You serious? Honestly? It's all POISON AND DISEASE CAUSING. Its not going to feed the world it's going to make everyone sick and it already is."
via Facebook,"Animals are dying off. People are getting more illnesses. Terminator genes are now in plant seeds. It's poison, that's all it is."
Have you ever eaten a rainbow papaya? What's better starving people or eating GMO corn, papayas, salmon etc. I am totally serious. You have no idea how many things your eating with GMO's, sure I agree label them, kosher is also labeled and many believe all food that;'s not kosher is dangerous too.
via Facebook," And what about the wars that have been going on for hundreds of years? Are they less wrong? What about the famine and starvation of millions of humans going on for decades? What about all the non human species dying in the name of human progress since the industrial revolution? What makes ur realization of a particular evil more important than the rest?"
via Facebook," Oh I don't know how many things I'm eating with GMOs in them? Who the f are you to tell me what I know? I know very well actually. Don't assume to know me just cause you know my dad and then disrespect me on my page."
via Facebook,"You want GMO papayas here? Really? To cross pollinate my non GMO papayas? NO THANK YOU."
via facebook," By reading your "blog" James Kimo Rosen it proves you're just a blind sheep and the one that needs to wake up"
via Facebook,"I'm not trying to belittle you or disrespect you or anyone. I respect your passion and desire for righteousness. I just recognize ur anger in the same way I felt and want to share my growth with you, I don't mean to offend u in any way."
via Facebook,"But to be clear, I'm tired of marches and online posts, let me know when it's time for pitchforks and torches my friend, then I'll be front and center."
I meant no disrespect, with saying you, you meaning not you, but the general population. I try seeing both sides to an issue, I do understand your passion and agree they should be labeled. No disrespect, sorry you interpret it that way. my apologies.
via Facebook,"What makes it important Jason? Because my home is getting poisoned, kids are getting sick here. That's why! So yes I've made it very personal. You want me to travel back in time and fight those wars or live in the present? I donate money to the hungry, to wildlife conservation, and wilderness conservation. I now am focused on helping rid Kauai and the world of poison in our food. I don't need thanks, I don't care who knows. I just do what inatly feels is right."
via Facebook,"Kent Matsuoka eh. you mean like these guys? http://thegardenisland.com/lifestyles/south-park-pokes-fun-at-kaua-i/article_cac3be0c-1b43-11e2-af3a-001a4bcf887a.html
‘South Park’ pokes fun at Kaua‘i
Lihu’e Airport, Nawiliwili Bay, Kalapaki Beach, haoles, Elvis, cruise ships, the Coco Palms, Duke’s Kaua‘i restaurant, chi-chi and background characters that resemble Linda Lingle and Gov. Neil Abercrombie."
via facebook,"Tired of marches and online posts on fb Jason S Nichols? Guess what! I am too! Totally over it and have 1000 other things I'd rather be doing but we still need to raise awareness, there is A LOT of work to be done. And people like Fern Ānuenue and Gary Hooser and Makai Mycynek and Nephi Quereto probably have better things to do to also bit still do what is right. And when the time for torches is there... Well that will be an interesting time for us all."
via Facebook,"It'll be here sooner than most people think and I promise I'll be standing right beside you"
via Facebook,"Tell me, what can I do to earn ur respect?"
Sol, We need more young people like you filled with a political passion and doing something about it, good for you, Look I don't agree with councilman Mel Rapozo on a few issues but he and I are friends and I support him because of his passion on the issues. With that said have you ever considered running for local politics? Most local politicians are senior citizens over 55, Kauai needs some new young blood!
via Honolulu Star-advertiser," "Actually, James, you have a point. The problems associated with Monsanto GMOs may just solve anticipated problems quite handily. Once you eliminate the food sources, you significantly reduce the population, which assures...what? No, it is not 1900. It is 2013 and we should be a whole lot wiser."
I noticed you generated a lot of comments with this blog. Was that the most you ever got?
Yes, a lot of feedback, I think many did not read I am all for labeling GMO's was just talking about the pro's. I had had other blogs wit more comments, this is in the top ten though in comments. As far as hits, president Obama's sister is the most read of all my blogs with close to 4,000 hits, and average day is 200-300 hits, with maybe 3-5 comments. BTW, the door is always open to you should you want to guest-blog again. Aloha
You and Bettejo Dux like this.
Elaine Albertson Sorry, Kimo, but I have to call you on this one. Selective breeding is NOT the same as genetic modification. GMOs are created by inserting the DNA of a totally foreign species that has "desired" qualities into the cells of the target organism, hoping to get (for example) a tomato that won't freeze or bruise, a cornstalk that can survive Roundup, or a soybean plant that has a built-in insecticide. None of these resulting combinations has been legitimately tested for long-term safety to health and/or the environment, which is why they are outright banned in all of Europe and dozens of other countries. Additionally, science has found in the past few years that the supposed advantages of the genetic modifications have been adapted to by nature's organisms, resulting in the equivalent of what we now refer to as "multiple-resistant bacteria." Labeling is only the first required step...so we know what is kosher and what isn't, so to speak.
via facebook;
"Your comparison to marijuana is disingenuous, Kimo, and puppets the propaganda of big GMO companies. You are also using the strawman logical fallacy to argue against something that anti-GMO people are not saying.
Yes, there has been some good from GMOs. Yes, some people are alive today because of GMOs. Nobody has said ALL GMOs are poison, 100% of GMOs are deadly. What we talk about is the horrendously corrupt business practices of Monsanta and Syngenta, the lack of transparency, the illegal experimentation that has COST human lives (easy to find the many fines and lawsuits lost, including many on Kauai). If GMO companies safely and thoroughly tested their creations, if they kept their experiments contained so they don't corrupt other farms (see GMO wheat in the news), if they didn't bribe politicians and FDA staff to avoid accountability and full testing requirements, then we'd be fine.
I'd like to see you put your money where you mouth is and move to Waimea, directly next to a Syngenta experimentation farm. The massive cancer rate on the west side of Kauai, coincident with the introduction of GMO testing nearby, is too obvious to simply dismiss as a silly conspiracy theory, especially as flippantly as you have."
Chuck as my opinion article states,I am 100% for labeling. Just saying not all GMO's are bad. Maybe find a natural pesticide to spray with in lieu of chemicals!? BTW still can't access TGI but can access the PDF.
via facebook," I live in Kekaha, and have lived in Waimea/Kekaha for 15 years. I have seen the damage...and I'm a trained scientist who follows the evidence, not the hype. Sadly, many of the families on this side depend on their jobs with the GMO companies, and therefore are sorely afraid to speak out. Some, of course, are still in denial, but this is a free country."
I actually see both views on this, a tough subject!
My friend James Kimo Rosen has a Letter to the Editor in today's TGI about GMOs: http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/letters-for-monday-june/article_66ae5600-d184-11e2-8614-001a4bcf887a.html
This is the response I just sent in, respectfully debating the issue:
James Kimo Rosen's comparison of inter-species genetic modification (GMO) to natural in- species marijuana cross- breeding in his June 10 Letter to the Editor titled "GMOs = Great Meal Offering" is disingenuous and puppets the propaganda of big GMO companies. He also used the strawman logical fallacy to argue against something that anti-GMO people are not saying.
Yes, there has been some good from GMOs. Yes, some people are alive today because of GMOs. Nobody has said ALL GMOs are poison, 100% of GMOs are deadly. What we talk about is the horrendously corrupt business practices of Monsanta and Syngenta, the lack of transparency, the illegal experimentation that has COST human lives (easy to find the many fines and lawsuits lost, including many on Kauai). If GMO companies safely and thoroughly tested their creations, if they kept their experiments contained so they don't corrupt other farms (see GMO wheat in the news), if they didn't bribe politicians and FDA staff to avoid accountability and full testing requirements, then we'd be fine.
Conversation started today "from facebook reply;
Joanna Wheeler CastrodelaMata
"Hi there! I read your letter to the editor in the Garden Island.This is what I wrote back to them. In case they do not publish it. I would love to share some great info . I created a group called Moms for Clean food. I have the most beautiful daughter and that prompted me into learning about GMO and the chemicals used to cultivate them. Also I have learned about Atrazine and what it does to the male population....not pretty...And that there is now tons of Chromium 6 (the one that is mentioned in the movie Erin Brocovich ) in Kauai's water....Would love to get together.Much aloha.
Dear Friends: This is in response to a letter submitted by James Kimo Rosen saying that GMO are essentially great, as they are everywhere. Exactly the point. They are almost everywhere and we have been kept ignorant to what they do to us. Look around and look at how overweight people are. So many children overweight and diabetic. 1 in about 50 children in the US diagnosed with autism.... Women in their thirties unable to bare children and having painful miscarriages. Glyphosate,one of the herbicides intimately linked to GMOs is considered as one of the culprits by several independent studies.Open your mind people....remember the tobacco industry lying to us,cigarettes where supposed to be OK,not cancerous,right? The powerful herbicides and terrible poisons used by the GMO industry, where as much as 90% of them end up contaminating our water sources should not be used at all Atrazine, proven to make male frogs into females. Banned in Swtizerland,where it's maker,Syngenta,is from,and used abundantly in our country. In our island they are testing all sorts of chemical without disclosing them and without our consent. Our most basic rights being violated. That is not OK.
Our babies deserve better,we deserve better. Not acceptable and it has to change.The way that the Monsanto rider was passed shows us how far the tentacles of corruptions reach. There are good people though that want to do the right thing like Gary Hooser. Let's support Bill 2491 ."
With warmest aloha,
Joanna Wheeler
Joanna, re-read my letter I too agree in labeling GMo's. my rebuttal is that GMo's saved the papaya industry in Hawaii when it was invaded with the ring-spot virus. The Rainbow papaya was invented and rescued the papaya industry. Gentetic modification has also made it possible for barren couples to produce offspring with In vitro fertilization. (IVF) If only they did bot spray toxic chemicals on thew produce and could come up with a natural fertilizer, we'd have a win win situation. Aloha, kimo
P.s. I sent in a letter for publication this morning in referencce to Douglas henry being sarcastic with me, don't know if it will be published, but here it is for your reference, with Aloha
"I would like the opportunity to respond to Douglas Henry citing me wrong in his recent LTE," GMO lovers want labels."
If Douglas Henry had read my recent letter to the editor he would had seen I agree that GMO's should be labeled just as kosher and organic foods are labeled. Mr. Henry please re-read my letter your commenting on; (GMO's = Great Meal Offering (06-10-13)
Mr. Henry missed my point, my point was that GMO's really aren't the anti-Christ. The papaya Industry was rescued in 1998 with the birth of the rainbow papaya during the Ringspot virus invasion. Commercialized in 1998, the Rainbow papaya produced immediate results single handedly rescuing one of Hawaii's major industries .
Genetically modification had made it possible for barren couples to conceive with the process of In Vitro Fertilization. (IVF)
It's not the GMO's that are bad, it's the toxic chemical fertilizers being sprayed. If only an organic natural fertilizer could be used in lieu of spraying with chemicals, I believe we'd have a win win ssituation.
James "Kimo" Rosen
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