James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
Politics and religion can turn vitriolic
Letting your politics be known publicly is a cancer. I was brought up with both parents stressing never share your political or religious beliefs with strangers.
Fast forward many decades later... Because of my politics I have lost many friends and have been given stink eye in local business establishments.
There is a privacy curtain in the voting booth for a reason.
I need to learn and heed the example of Kaua'i Mayor Bernard Carvalho, he will not give his public endorsement for either candidate currently running for Kaua'i Mayor.
Mayor Carvalho will be sorely missed when his term limits expire in December after a 10 year tenure as Kauai Mayor. |
Kauai' Mayoral candidates, Mel Rapozo and Derek Kawakami. Two men of integrity, may the best man win! |
My experience, bringing up religion or politics seems almost like a cue card for the conversation to turn vitriolic. It totally kills the party mood. They're
sensitive topics which most people tend to feel strongly about and you're definitely not going to change someone's mind about God or their least favorite politician.
If only I could keep my mouth shut on politics and religion.
It took me 63 years to figure out my parents were right!
Good luck and God bless to Patsy and Mel... |
Good luck and God bless to Monica and Derek... |
Kapa'a sunrise Saturday, 09-22-18 Photo, James "Kimo" Rosen |