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Monday, December 21, 2020

"I drank the Kool-aide..." 'James "Kimo Rosen' (Kimo's world #309)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

           (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                   Photos courtesy,
                                  James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #2063~Kimo's world #309

I drank the Kool-aide
 I drank the Kool-aide and will continue drinking it.  I do not like sweet sugary drinks, however, if they help the country, I will overlook the bad for the overall good.

This column
is not your normal forum column.
I will not mention how Kamala Harris slept her way to the top.
Nor will not tell you about Hunter Biden’s illegal dealings with Ukraine and China.
I am not going to mention Hillary’s 30,000 emails that disappeared or Benghazi.
I will tell you;
Everyone wishes

their favorite team wins, that's human nature. How many times has your favorite team lost in the last seconds of a championship game?

My favorite football team, the Buffalo Bills, went to four consecutive Super Bowls in the 1990s and lost.

The worse loss was against the NY Giants in the last seconds of the 1991 Super Bowl when the Buffalo Bills field goal kicker, Scott Norwood missed a 47-yard field goal with 8 seconds remaining in the game. The ball went wide right and ever since, the phrase "wide right" has become

synonymous with the game itself, and has since been used in other sports.

I believe this last presidential election went 'wide right' for president Trump. My guy didn’t
It's funny, even though I support Trump, I can still appreciate good humor.
That's what's wrong these days, we've lost our sense of humor.

make it this time. It's not so bad when you lose by a landslide, but what really hurts is fraud, fake ballots, and dead people voting that can’t be

recalled or re-examined on instant replay.  
Over the years there have been many bad calls by the refs, pass interferences that should never have been called, roughing the passer, that should not have been called, and political elections that should have never been called.

No matter what

the outcome of the game, in sports fans, get over it.  
Elections are much harder to get over since they affect our lives, our pocketbooks, and our relationships with family and friends.

I am hoping politics is not like sports and somehow President Trump pulls a major

chess move such as martial law as suggested by General Michael Flynn to suspend the Constitution and hold an election re-vote overseen by the military.
Sports enthusiasts eventually survive the loss and look forward to the next game or the next season to do better with new players and draft picks.

Politics is anything but perfect. I am bummed when my politician did not win, however,
I am not going to let my life be dictated by this one event. Just as when my favorite football team loses,

I get over it. Although I am hoping for that revote, the reality is it most likely won't happen.  None the less, I still don't believe Biden won the election.  

I reflect back on the rallies of Joe Biden with 50 people showing up in contrast to President Trump's rallies of 20,000 plus. I look at Biden's Twitter following

of nearly 14 million to President Trump's Twitter following of 88.5 million followers, a difference of  74.5 million. That means President Trump has nearly 75 million more Twitter followers than Joe Biden. Facebook has very similar stats. Joe Biden on Facebook has 18 million, for Trump 130 million. Mr. Trump has also outpaced Biden on YouTube in the last 30 days, getting 207 million views on his videos to Bidens 29 million.

 There's a joke that holds true, Trump had more people standing in line to use the

restrooms at his rallies than Biden had at his rallies.  For me and many others, there's no doubt there was election fraud.  Just like in football when the refs are obviously favoring one team over the other. 

I am proud of what president Trump did for America and the world.
I hope the democrats can

someday realize all the good Trump did and put aside his cocky bedside manner and look at the end result.

There were many examples of dead people voting by mail, primarily in Biden's favor.

Was this election rigged by the fake news media and dems? That's what the Trumpsters and far-right are saying. How can someone who stayed in their basement prior to the election, had drive-by rallies with at times fewer than 100 people showing up, and to boot on Thanksgiving gave a speech on YouTube

that got less than 1,000 views. A candidate who allegedly received 80 million votes would garnish more than 1,000 views'; I get more than 1,000 views when I write a decent blog.

I am not a rocket scientist,

however,  there is no way Joe Biden a sleeper cell, who barely campaigned and barely has a presence on social media won this past presidential election. There's no way he received more votes than President Obama did in 2012. 

I do not see this unwritten-virtual-civil war ending anytime soon. We will continue to be a nation divided.
This blog appeared as an Op-ed (Guest column)
in the Sunday, 12-27-20 edition of the Garden Island news!

My Op-ed/Guest column was the most 
 popular article in the Sunday, 12-27-20
edition of the Garden Island news!

All Letters to the Editor
in the Wednesday, 12-30-20 edition
of the Garden Island news were in rebuttal
to my Op-ed/Guest column.

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Monday, November 23, 2020

"Have you herd,(sic)immunity coming soon..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #308)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

           (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                   Photos courtesy,
                                  James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #2062~Kimo's world #308

Have you herd,(sic)immunity coming soon

 The scenario, 200 people waiting to be tested for COVID, not one of these people has any symptoms.
Some are awaiting tests

since they are required for work, some for travel, others for medical procedures or operations, and others for contract tracing for being exposed to positive humans with COVID.

Statistically, 2%-15% of these people will test positive with 85% or more testing negative while having little or no symptoms. Those who test positive will be told to quarantine for 2 weeks.
This brings to question; how many have never been tested that had the virus and after 14 days just shed the virus? Most likely thousands if not millions.  On the contrary, how many people felt sick and were never tested?

How many people reading this have never been tested, but very well at some point

could've had COVID? Grocery store and other front-line workers who are exposed to the public on a daily basis and not tested on a regular basis most likely at some point may have had COVID and never known since most young and middle-aged healthy people when testing positive for COVID experience mild or no symptoms.

We see healthy athletes, movie stars, and government officials testing positive and after 2 weeks of rest and required quarantine are fine. They were never hospitalized felt sick or needed ventilators, or on their death beds.

  The vast majority of people dying are seniors with underlying conditions.  If someone with stage 4 cancer gets COVID and dies in our country, the death certificate

will read COVID. In other countries, the death certificate might read cancer.  This is the dilemma, people terminally ill with threatened immune systems who get COVID would most likely die from any other sickness they got including but not limited to the flu or pneumonia.  Therefore, the number of deaths is believed by many to be highly inflated. The media tells us 250,000 deaths from the virus in the US thus far, however, only 20,000 have died uniquely from COVID without any other underlying conditions.

The survival rate for

children who test positive is 99.9%, yet our schools and local sports remain closed and ironically tourism opened to outsiders. 
99.5 % of teachers and people under 70 recovers from COVID. Many believe the high rate of increased cases of COVID is the highly increased rate of testing.
There is some doubt

from some medical professionals on whether or not one becomes immune to COVID after testing positive and recovering and testing negative. 

There a few cases where some victims of the virus have caught the virus for a second time. It is also believed by many doctors that after contracting COVID, recovering, and testing negative that one is now immune from the disease and reaches herd immunity.

 For the purpose of this writing and with what I’ve herd(sic)through the grapevine and other reliable sources-- Let’s assume

that one is immune from the virus after testing positive and then recovering. 

 Herd immunity is usually achieved through vaccination, but it can also occur through natural infection.
You can develop resistance naturally

when your body is exposed to a virus or bacteria, it makes antibodies to fight off the infection. When you recover, your body keeps these antibodies. Your body will defend against another infection. Vaccines can also build resistance. They make your body think a virus or bacteria has infected it. You don’t get sick, but your immune system still makes protective antibodies. This is what stopped polio in the United States.

The bottom line, most people who test positive are asymptomatic with no symptoms and

quarantine for 14 days. It is not a bad thing when the population at large is testing positive and the vast majority are asymptomatic and not being hospitalized. This is a great step in building herd immunity along with the upcoming vaccine.

There's a good chance many of you reading this already had the virus and never knew it because you never got tested. Therefore, many of us could possibly be immune without knowing.

 All in all, the more people who test positive, the sooner this pandemic should be over since only then will our country and the world reach herd immunity along with the upcoming vaccine.

 Please continue to wear a mask when and where required by law.

God willing, this should all be over soon.
A special Mahalo Nui to grocery store and all front-line workers
for serving and putting up with 'we the people.'
Happy Thanksgiving!

James "Kimo" Rosen and his  Old English Sheepdog,
"Kamala" back in Santa Barbara-1978

Turning my Sleeping Giant photo into a painting
with an App called, 'SuperPhoto!'

This blog appeared as an Op-ed-guest column on Thursday, 11-26-20 (Thanksgiving day!)
in the Kauai Garden Island news!

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Monday, October 19, 2020

"Hunter Biden, Many Trumpsters in closet, and Smart voters..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #307)

Rosen stands in front of  a Trump banner in
Kapaa town recently vandalized with red paint.
James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer  
amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser,
 Ivanka "Costco" Obama, The Bipartisan Dog!

           (These photos made it to Hawaii News Now)
                                   Photos courtesy,
                                  James "Kimo" Rosen

Blog #2061~Kimo's world #307
This blog appeared as an op-ed in the 10-22-20 edition of the Garden Island news!

Hunter Biden, Many Trumpsters in closet, and Smart voters

 Smart voters do not divulge who they are going to vote for.  They keep it confidential. This is the old school adage of never discuss religion or politics in public. 

The mainstream media has hatred and bias against Donald Trump.  During a recent town hall meeting on NBC, it sounded like the moderator Savannah Guthrie showed up to challenge, interrogate, and debate the president. 

She sounded more like an investigative reporter wanting and trying hard to find dirt with her constant interruption and badgering of the leader of the free world. If Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) had a face it surely would have belonged to Savannah that evening.

   The mainstream media never reports on any of the positive and great things Donald Trump has done for our country. It’s all about hatred and never getting over losing the 2016 election. 

The irony is they are constantly asking the president if he loses will there be a peaceful change of power and will he leave office? The Democrats have never given him a peaceful change of power since day one.  

 There are still many closet Trump supporters.  Many citizens stay quiet and keep their views to themselves in

fears of violence by democrats and other left-wing organizations.  Some keep quiet in fear of losing their jobs and even to keep peace with family and friends.  The left, mainstream media and Hollywood elite have become unhinged and intolerant with anyone who disagrees with them. Liberals used to be tolerant and free thinkers, not anymore. 

Many countries have nominated our president for Nobel peace prize awards, you hardly ever hear about this on the network news or talk shows.  One of the countries is Australia.

They recently nominated Trump over his peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. (UAE) Just imagine Israelis can now fly direct and cheap to Abu Dhabi, and vice versa.  The first historic flight took place on August 31, 2020.

 The US mainstream media reported
next to nothing on this. 

One of the nominating professors, David Flint pointed to an idea he referred to as the “Trump Doctrine”  explaining This is why the pollsters will be wrong and Donald J. Trump will continue on making America great again!

The Democrats will never acknowledge any good that our President has done. He could

find the cure for COVID and the Dems would be calling for another impeachment hearing.

The recent blockage by NBC, CBS, ABC, and social media giants Facebook and

Twitter of the Hunter Biden story of engaging in corrupt activities with his father Joe Biden during his tenure as Vice-president should be a rude awakening to everyone in America that the mainstream media in America news is biased and fake. Just imagine if Don Jr. had done what Hunter Biden allegedly did? 

I am not going to vote for a party

(the Dems) that burns the flag, sits through the national anthem, chants death to America kills babies through abortion, and has declared war on the police.

They say, Donald Trump

is a terrible politician, however, he's a great president and even a better leader. This is why you will see Donald J. Trump baffle all pollsters again with an encore, Hana Hou performance on election night to keep pace with everything else happening in 2020.  Four more years!
This blog appeared as an op-ed in the 10-22-20 edition of the Garden Island news!

Check out that Frontpage Headline! 
Does the Garden Island News know 
how to sell newspapers or what?
"Rosen Says Trump Will Triumph"

Hana Hou, (Encore)