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Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Thank You Mr. President..!" 'Obama Da Dog'

Obama Da Dog is back blogging about her favorite person,the person she was named after, President Obama...Please note that Obama Da dog and Her master are Independents and have supported Republicans and Democrats in the past...
Dakinetalks good friend Douglas Dunn shaking hands with President Obama...

President Obama has gotten rid of Moammar Kadafi and Osama Bin Laden, he is bringing all  U.S.Iraqi troops home by the end of this Year. In  Less than a year President Obama has accomplished amazing foreign policy issues.

Domestic issues are much more complicated since they must pass both houses of Congress by a majority vote.

Imagine what the US would be like today if the Republicans main objective was not to make Obama fail by all means possible but rather to be patriotic and work along side the president brainstorming, debating and coming up with solutions for all America's issues.

The Republicans are destroying America. Obama could find the cure for diabetes, aides and cancer and  the Republican party would do whatever they could to dis-credit him. 

Thank you President Obama for all you do for America, if only the Republicans weren't in your way America would be prospering once again.

This areticle also appeared on 10-25-11 in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser;
" Obama deserves credit for successes."http://staradvertiser.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx

P.S.Aloha,(Hana Hou) Check out my opinion artice in today's Kauai Garden Island News; "Let me be honest."  http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_df47f7ba-fc83-11e0-aab8-001cc4c03286.html
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on this blog site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Publisher of Dakinetalk the blog, but they could? ;D)

Check out dakinetalk-8 in book form;  The download is free... http://blogger.sharedbook.com/pilot/enterBookForFlipbookView.do?bookId=Blog2Print_Blogger_1319148612943_kimorosen_1319148948428&flipbookCode=5521689b6b72d9563e5a9462dc77c3&invitationEmail=jrsensei%40hotmail.com  


James "Kimo" Rosen said...

To all my Republican friends, please do not take this personally, try to look at this objectively!

Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;"Osama bin Laden? History.
Moamar Khaddafi? History.
War in Iraq? Troops home before Christmas.

Obama the Prez? YOU ROCK!
... (And Obama the dog, you're not so bad yourself.)

But who is the ugly nerd standing next to the president?
The stuff that guy has to put up with!"

James "kimo" Rosen said...

Doug, Looks like your consulting with Obama worked he listened to your advise on ending the war!(looks like your handshake worked!) Can you imagine if a Republican was in the white-house and we took down two major enemies announce troops coming home by the end of the year? They would erect monuments...Like I said before Obama could create 1 million jobs a month and Republicans would find fault. No Republican comes to close to competing with Obama next election... Maybe some Independent free thinker may appear, that's the only way Obama does not win re-election.

Davis "3-D" Danizier said...

via Facebook;"Presidents and dogs named "Obama" are the best!"

James "kimo" Rosen said...

Davis-"3-D"-, I totally agree! Isn't it amazing that our Muslim president(wink wink) is taking down all these Muslim world leaders? I actually have friends that believe Obama is a closet Muslim and that even though he showed his birth certificate are calling it a counterfeit. Obama is a humble man and his greatness is starting to show! And of course Obama da dog's greatness has always showed! My dream is for President Obama to visit Kauai during the world summit in Honolulu next month and make a side trip to Kauai where I can say Obama meet Obama!

Davis "3-D" Danizier said...

via facebook;"Ah yes, the Kenyan Marxist Socialist Muslim President who is so "soft on terror"
Gotta love it!"

James "kimo" Rosen said...

It used to be said that because of the current world situation,President Obama's ratings are at an all time low. The people of Kenya are actually accusing him of being born in the United states, not anymore...Because Obama is dakine!

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

It would be poetic justice if Herman cain wins the Republican primary!

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Steve and Deb if your out there I still love you guys!

Douglas Dunn said...

ia facebook;"Herman Cain is heavily funded by the Koch brothers (i.e., he is a "Koch-head").

I have a letter to the editor of our local paper pending, that should be appearing in print any day soon, addressing the serious moral and constitutional issues of Cain's very simplistic plan to reallocate the tax base to redistribute wealth from workers and the middle class to wealthy investors.

When the letter is printed, I'll be sure to provide a link.

Cain is poetic justice?
There may be some poetry in there somewhere, especially if you can get a pizza to rhyme, but absolutely no justice.

When the extent to which wealthy investors would receive unprecedented tax giveaways and the burden is shifted to everyone else becomes better known, Cain will be toast.
Except that he will have significantly increased the value of his speaking fees.

Crazy like a Fox news guy!"

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Poetic justice in the fact that I believe many republicans are racists, and the irony of it all to have a black man on their ticket...Remember that 999 is 666 upside down! :D) Looking forward to your LTE! send it too TGI too, after all your an honorary Garden Island resident...

Steve Eayrs said...

via Facebook;"Ok...I'll take the bait...You challenge others to think objective, but Republicans who consider Cain a possiblility are still racist? You ignore the main problems some have w/ Obama, and assume its because we're racist, and can't appreciate some things hes done right? You also fail to mention anything about Obamas Billion $$$ funds for re-election, (a new record), and somehow hes the guy who is not backed by big corporate money? Fact is if things go as usual, someone like Cain doesn't have a chance, soley because he doesn't have near enough money. And a side-note...I'm not really sure Cain would be a good choice, but it doesn't make me racists anymore than stating I don't agree with a lot of Obamas policys."

Steve Eayrs said...

via Facebook;"Care to share what Obama did that caused the fall of this last dictator? Or were the wheels in motion and the people under the madman finally fedup?"

Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;"Despite enormous criticism from both right and left (me included) OBAMA made the decision to provide air support in Libya along with a coalition that included the British and, yes, the French.

It was that American air support, an American drone, that hit Khaddafi's compound and forced him to flee on foot where the locals could capture him and finish the job.

Not one American was injured or killed in the entirety of the successful Libyan operation.

Nah, Obama didn't have nuthin' to do with it..."

Steve Eayrs said...

via Facebook;"Ok... was not aware it was an American drone, and glad we helped, and glad Obama was involved too...Early reports were it was French. My main point it that all too often I'm hearing any discontent w/ the direction the president is headed, is the result of racism and a total lack of any ability to see things objectively and ...........I can't help but see that as a very bigoted closeminded opinion. There are some huge problems, like the debt, and Obamas all too willing to continue on the same path others have taken. Regardless of party."

Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;"There were no credible "early reports" that it was French.
There were some "early comments" by right wing politicians and media personalities giving credit to the French, which says a lot about where you get your "information" from.

Some of these right wing politicians and pundits will go to any lengths to deny giving Obama credit for anything.
To paraphrase one of Kimo's common expressions, he could find a cure for cancer, achieve 100% full employment (which they are blocking) and solve the Middle East crisis and they would still find something to whine about."

Steve Eayrs said...

via Facebook;"I already stated I didn't follow this real close, and assume you can read between the lines that I have no problem with giving Obama some of the credit for this, based on the facts........and your response is "that says a lot for where you get your information"......You know nothing about my opinions, or where I get my information, yet just because I don't agree with everything Obama is doing, I'm painted with your wide brush?"

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Good morning, I woke to a great debate by two friends. The beauty of America is we can voice our point of views! I woud like to quote a sectrion of President Obamas election night speech;"“Young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Americans have sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of red states and blue states,” he said. “We have been and always will be the United States of America."

Steve Eayrs said...

via Facebook;"Was a great speech indeed.... Just wish he mean't it. Almost every speech since then blames the republicans for everything wrong. You cannot interpret every disagreement with his policies as closed minded, racist, and bigoted. Some are truely due to sound reasoning, and wanting a smaller government, not a bigger one. For people to take personal responsibility for their actions and not expect the government to supply every need."

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

The Republican party's primary goal is to make Obama a one term president and to intentionally make him look bad. Republicans are ruining this country. The enclosed is a quote form the Hill;"Republicans would rather see the country collapse than President Obama succeed, the second-ranking House Democrat charged Tuesday.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (Md.), the Democratic whip, said the GOP's near-blanket opposition to Obama's policy proposals is evidence that many Republicans have adopted the sentiment — articulated most clearly by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — that their top priority is making Obama a one-term president."

Obama wants to work with the Republicans, Republicans want nothing of him, I understand competition but our country needs unity. Don't worry tonight's blog will be less controversial, it will feature Judy Whitehead and Inspirational Monday. Let me say Kumbaya my friend Kumbaya! ;D)

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

James Kimo Rosen http://thehill.com/homenews/house/182637-hoyer-gop-would-see-country-fail-to-defeat-obamaHoyer: Republicans would see country ‘fail’ to defeat Obama's reelection bid
The Democratic whip criticized what he saw as the GOP's near-blanket opposition

Steve Eayrs said...

via Facebook;"I'm glad Obama is pulling troops out. I'm glad for his part is stopping the latest madman..... These are both good accomplishments. But just can't understand how you can say he is willing to work with republicans any more than republicans are willing to work with him. There are some real differences in opinion on how to fix things. Seems neither side is able to able or willing to work with the other. its not a one sided issue. Some occasionally try on either side but are only shot down by the usual partisan stance. This is not leading but blaming.. There has to be some give and take on both sides. If you honestly look at it Obama has to take part of the blame too."

Harmony said...

via facebook;"I think Obama is trying hard, & it's so sad the Republicans are trying to make him fail."

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Harmony, I agree with you, if you have time go back and read all comments, pretty interesting stuff!

Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;"Many of the elements in the Obama jobs proposal incorporates proposals previously introduced by Republicans. It is clearly intended as an effort to reach across the aisle.

Similarly, many of the specific jobs bills that passed the House in... 2010 before the Republicans took over in January 2011, also incorporated previous Republican proposals, and some of the bills were initially cosponsored by Republicans, including ultraconservative James Inhofe (R-Okla), who had the dubious distinction of giving the speech to invoke filibuster against a bill that he himself had originally cosponsored.

The ONLY reason for the repudiation of their own proposals when reintroduced as part of bipartisan efforts is that they do NOT want economic recovery; they want the economy to fail on Obama's watch, and they are the ones who must be held accountable for efforts to fix what THEY BROKE."

Deborah Anne said...

via Facebook;"Was it not George Bush's intention to pull out troops by the end of 2011 anyway?"

Steve Eayrs said...

via facebook;"I'm sorry but 1/2 truths don't tell the whole story as much as you'd like them to. Many in his own party are against continued stimulious in light of the huge debt, and a large portion of the population too. And none want the economy to fai...l. Yes there are some who hold party lines more dear than anything else, but thats sadly found in both camps. You guys can believe what you want but its a little sad to see you so willingly will paint anyone with more conservative leanings, as deceptive hatemongers who want to see Obama fail.....I and many others pray for blessing on our leader, whoever it is, and wish them the best.....But it seems you can't simply disagree with him without being judged and having other more sinister motives.See more

Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;"Deborah Anne -- Please look at the date of the Bush agreement: AFTER OBAMA WON ELECTION in November 2008, but before he was inaugurated, George Bush entered into an agreement (negotiated late in November 2008; signed in December 2008) that ...matched the pullout timetable Obama had promised as a candidate before winning the election.

At that time, Bush already knew Obama had campaigned on that pullout date and that he had won the election. While one can never know another person's motives, one could speculate that he tried to set it up so that, if Obama kept his campaign promise, Bush could come back and say, "see, I already agreed to that."

And, lo and behold, we are seeing exactly that.

Now, I really don't want to be cynical, but.."

James "kimo" Rosen said...

Many of Obama's opponents make fun of him as previously being a community organizer like there's something wrong with feeding the hungry and helping the poor. Steve your different than my Republican friends on Kaua'i that actually believe Obama is a Muslim and his birth certificate is a counterfeit. They can't get over those two issues so anything Obama tries to accomplish is constantly put down by this large group. I think it's great you pray for Obama, Hope your not praying for him to fail? Just kidding.... :D) P.S. There was a great report on Steve Jobs on sixty minutes, hope you all saw it!

Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;"Douglas Dunn commented on your link.
Douglas wrote: "Well, the other thing about ridiculing the "community organizer" is that it takes that role way, way out of context. It would be like an undergraduate biology student who gets his BS (well, there's a lot of BS in politics) in biology, works as a lab assistant, and then goes BACK to medical school to become a doctor, and then referring to him for the rest of his life, even after he becomes a successful doctor and even president of the AMA, as a "lab assistant."

Sure, Obama got his undergraduate degree, worked a couple of years as a "community organizer," decided he could do more good as an attorney, went back to Harvard Law School (where he became the first African American president of the prestigious Harvard Law review), got his Harvard Law degree, came back to Chicago, got a position as an attorney at a private sector firm (where he met is wife, also an attorney), became a Law School Professor (confirmed on the University of Chicago Law School website), a state senator, a U.S. Senator and President of the United States.

Yet some small-minded people are so filled with hate and bigotry, that they will forever only refer to him by the brief position he held BEFORE going back to law school. Such acrimony says more about them than about Obama."

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Doug, agreed! However my point was there is nothing wrong with being a community organizer... Better than being born with a silver spoon in oyur mouth.

Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;"Yes, Kimo, and I agree with you.
In the same way, there is also nothing wrong with being a good lab assistant.

But for the lab assistant who goes back to college, goes to medical school and becomes a doctor, to refer to him as a "lab assistant" after he becomes head of the AMA is nothing more than hate speech designed to tear down achievements."

James "kimo" Rosen said...

Doug, absolutely!!!

Steve Eayrs said...

via facebook;"and you can know he is a doctor and still believe hes human enough to make mistakes.....and feel strongly you want to go with the second opinion. There are many people in that camp, and its all too easy to say everyone who opposes his ideology, is just full of hate speech. Your just as guilty as the other extreme if you do."

Harmony said...

via Honolulu Staradveriser and facebook;"I'm very happy the Star Advertiser chose to publish your important opinion article! I agree with you whole heartedly!"