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Monday, January 23, 2012

" Poem about growing older... & Heebow!" 'Marvin Gross' (Source)

"Marvin Gross a financial planner from Western N.Y. Share's with us on a serious note, a poem about growing older..."

Don't be ashamed of a few tears as you read this~~~
I hope this poem has the same effect on you as it did on me... Then sharing this as a guest-blog will be well worth the effort. Walk with me by the moonlight, definitely worth the read.

A Beautiful Poem about Growing older...

Crap,I forgot the words..?

For an encore (Hana Hou) to Marvin's great poem check out the enclosed you-tube about Jewish football star "Heebow!"  ;D)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNV7o9wONHg


Anonymous said...

Douglas Dunn said via facebook;"Is it that I can't tell the difference between tears and laughter (or tears OF laughter) or that I'm just old?"

Anonymous said...

John Rogers said via facebook;"Great poem Marvin!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY jim e"