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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Free Ride..!" 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

"The County of Kauai is offering free bus rides for the next three 3 weeks in hopes of gaining ridership..." This blog also ran an an opinion article in the Kaua'i Garden island news on Sunday 02-26-12, titled"Free bus rides all year?"


Christmas in February and March! The County of Kauai' is giving out free bus service for the next three weeks to everyone who wishes to use the bus! What a fantastic idea, encouraging people to use free bus service in lieu of their gas guzzling vehicles.

Just tell your friends you hired a driver to chauffeur you around in a $500,000 vehicle!
The hopes are high for an increased ridership, which will help curtail traffic and save fellow residents money on out of sight gas prices. You don't have to worry about being pulled over by the police, no insurance worries, no worries about flat tires or vehicle maintenance, in fact you can bring your favorite book and read as your driver takes you to your destination.

County employees can ride the bus for free year round, Lifeguards, Policeman, County council people, the county attorney, the mayor, the guys who place the cones in the road, the guys that repair sidewalks, etc., can all ride the bus for free by simply flashing their county ID card to the bus driver.

I find it ironic that Kaua'i county employees can ride the bus year round for free but most do not take advantage. How ironic that well paid county employee's can ride for free but the taxpayers that pay their salaries must pay.

Free bus rides are great for three weeks, however it is discriminating to give county employee's free bus rides all year, while everyone else pays.

Why not continue with free rides full time? The county could sell advertising on the sides of the bus to make up for lost revenues, in fact the county might even save money by not having to count all the change and single one dollars bills which must be an accountant's nightmare.

The bus can be fun too, "Is everyone in the bus? The driver asked before he closed the door. No, called a lady, wait until I get my clothes on. All the passengers in the bus turned towards the door to look at the woman. She got on with a bag full of laundry.


Editor's note, Dakinetalk guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the opinions of dakinetalk. Guest bloggers are given space to express their beliefs and or opinions. We feel there are many roads and like to give people space to express their thoughts,after-all that's what dakine is...Aloha, James "Kimo" Rosen, Publisher.
Breaking news if you live on Kaua'i!


Anonymous said...

Francine Grace said via facebook, -Garden Island news;"Good letter Kimo and as I stated in my comment on TGI Blog, MichaelMann is already tooting his no free rides horn. I don't understand why those naysayers are always tooting that horn? In reality nothing is Free, it's all paid for by taxpaye...rs and if it benefits the majority, then I say Go For It.
If the Big Island could get grants for free bus rides for a couple of years, where are Kaua`i's grant writers who should be obtaining the same type of assistance for us?See more."

Anonymous said...

Francine Grace said via facebook-Garden Island News;"BTW: It's a Shame our Mayor still isn't back to read your letter. Maybe he could take a couple of minutes from his busy Oscar Awards appearance schedule to read it Online :)"

Anonymous said...

Douglas Dun said via facebook-Garden island news;"The same people who complain about PUBLIC POLICY initiatives that facilitate communication or transportation access for all never complain about "free" law enforcement or fire protection or the military.

No one claims these are FREE. But we do understand that there are some things that should be addressed for the common good by all of us together as public policy.

Ironically, many of those who do not want to see public policy protect workers and the middle class (including protection from economic abuse), are the same ones that want Big Government intrusion into relationships and the most private aspects of our lives."

KimoRosen said...

Francine the mayor can read online, I am, betting he does? Doug, if you haven't already can you add your comments to the comments page of TGI? I haven't been there yet today, so no idea on any responses to my LTE (Opinion article)..?