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Monday, December 3, 2012

"Thanks Chief..!" 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

Kaua'i Chief of Police, Darryl Perry recently posted his conversation with
a scammer on Youtube. In case you haven't yet head this phone conversation
please listen to it at, 

Aloha , Check out my opinion article in the (12-08-12) edition of the  Kaua'i Garden Island news, "The chief’s quick thinking will help save potential scam victims."

Kaua'i Chief of Police Darryl Perry recently posted his conversation with a scammer on Youtube in hopes it will save you from being scammed!

Imagine being a scammer and having a list of phone numbers and one of those phone numbers  just happens to belong to the Chief of police! What are the odds?   Like winning the lottery or being struck by lightning? I am sure the Chief would prefer winning the lottery (that's if we had a lottery) but none the less is glad he wasn't struck by lightning.

The scammer pretending to be from New York and telling the Chief he has won $250,000 but will need  a check for taxes, he asks the chief to send $500.00 via western Union, the chief agrees using the fictitious name of Robert Silva, while the scammer with a foreign accent uses the name Peter Wallace.

The Video is  posted with an unlisted tag, only those with the enclosed link can view it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP4bRfCyxqM. 

May I recommend to the Chief to drop the unlisted code and allow anyone anywhere in the world  to hear this. This Youtube could save many  people  from being victims

This is some great acting by our Chief, not only do I hope this YouTube goes viral, but hope our Chief wins an academy award.

Jokes aside, Mahalo Nui Loa Chief Perry for sharing your phone conversation and posting it on YouTube for the world to know what to look for in a scam!

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...


Francine Snyder said...

that is soooo cool. you're right the chief oughta post da heck outt of it
Francine Snyder, Ph.D.

KimoRosen said...


Michelle Blake said...

via facebook;" What I want to know is if Chief Perry records all his phone conversations. How did he know to record this one? I especially like how the scammer kept telling the chief to keep it just between the two of them and not to tell anyone else ...ok I wonʻt tell anyone else, Iʻll just put it on youtube - howʻs that for keeping it secret? Just what the slime deserved."

KimoRosen said...

Chief Perry actually called the scammer back after he left a message. the chief knew the guy was a scammer and probably recorded it to be a learning lesson for all of us, Hoieke actually did the technical work, and my guess for security is all 911 calls and calls to the police are recorded for security reasons?

KimoRosen said...

Thanks Chief! I always remember Perry White the editor "n" chief of the Daily Planet in the old Superman TV show. When being called "Chief" by Jimmy Olson Perry White would always say, "and don't call me chief!" I hope the Chief doesn't mind being called Chief! Great job Chief! ;D)

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

Now only if the US government would follow the Chief's lead & gift the scampers a dose of drone attack !!!

Chester "Unc" Lau said...

We should mandate the chief to keep this scamper's info posted on line or print forever to educate the public that nothing is FREE,beware of "FREE" gifts