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Monday, March 25, 2013

Politicians Are Destroying America..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

Politicians Are Destroying America

Aloha, check out my opinion article in  the 03-27-13 edition  Honolulu Midweek Magazine,"No New Raises."

Ludicrous, out of control, hypocritical and just plain insanity!  Recent headlines, "The state salary commission votes to recommend pay raises for the Governor, judges and legislators."

 The audacity during this critical time during sequester with layoffs , furloughs and budget cuts for  programs such as Head Start for our keiki , Meals on Wheels for our seniors and disabled that our politicians have the audacity to even consider such madness.

Children, seniors and the average American suffer while politicians continue on with their narcissistic and selfish  quest.

Politicians are public servants, they work for us.  Politicians should all have to live on minimum wage and go fight wars on the front lines, maybe just maybe they would acquire some empathy and change of heart.  

We can all fight back during the next election cycle and  re-elect nobody.



Chester "Unc" Lau said...

Politicians Are Destroying America..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' ...Only if WE LET THEM !!! L'oncle Amusant
We can all fight back during the next election cycle and re-elect nobody or by impeachment !!!

Renee Harden said...

via Facebook,"Renee Harden said," Why is any 1 surprised ? Really ???"

KimoRosen said...

Renee, Still just unbelievable we keep voting the same idiots into office...

Renee Harden said...

Yes, Kimo, our citizens are asleep & the "Giant" needs to be awakened, hopefully w/o another Pearl Harbor...aloha