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Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Flying sure ain't what it used to be..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #93)~Special Thursday edition~

James "Kimo" Rosen
had not been off island for over
10 years. Finally making a last hurrah sojourn
to his birthplace of Buffalo, N.Y.
Rosen currently lives in Kapa'a town
on the island of Kaua'i with his best
friend and spiritual guide, 'Obama Da dog!'
Kimo's world #93~Special Thursday edition~
Flying sure ain't what it used to be

A rainbow  in the background of the plane
that flew me home. Thank you for the
Rainbow, Lord!

Phobias from claustrophobia to social anxiety and  just paranoia happen every time I fly the friendly skies.

 Air travel for  me the  last 35 years has either been for funerals or near death experiences. 

My parents and elder sister sister are both deceased, the flights to those funerals were not fun experiences--or the flight for a trip to Israel that never happened while on a layover in New Jersey. I developed a spinal abscess and was hospitalized for 2 months and then 3 months rehab in a nursing home.

My life has been an adventure to say the least, however at this point many of the people who once meant something to me are now in their late 60's and older.I have many cousins I have not seen in over 30 years.

I  made this trip as a last hurrah, to say hello, good-by and a hui hou.(until we meet again) I despise and hate flying-- and  now even more since they pack you in like sardines and charge $7.99 for a   small sized snack of cheese and crackers. 

I  wanted to rent headphones for the long flight. They charge $3.50.(this was once complimentary too) All they would accept was a credit card. I do no have a credit, only a debit card.

 They would not accept my debit card, so I offered $5.00 cash. They said they couldn't take cash. Then one flight attendant said,"Sir, it's OK we understand," in a nurse Rachet type of way, however with a forced smile she said, "you can have these free of charge." I gave her my mad man smile and said thank you!

   Last time I flew meals and 2 checked-in bags were still complimentary. I guess it goes with the times, customer service is at  an all time low. There are fewer services yet everything has sky-rocketed in price. Even with fuel prices being the cheapest in years airline ticket prices are at all time high. This made me feel like a Grandpa telling all the 'stewardess,'I mean flight attendants, “I remember when!” Better yet,"I remember when I was your age..."

 I smelled someone's B.O.and thought to myself, 'Oy,' just my luck, this always happens to me. Why Lord? Then realized I was walking the dog in the heat and running around sweating like a mad man before going to the airport. The sad and ironic part was, I was smelling myself! So I let that one go and didn't complain. I found out later it really wasn't B.O.-- but the  cheap-silk t-shirt I was wearing. I usually always wear cotton, silk has a smell that just doesn't jive with me. I was still embarrassed since people probably thought I had B.O. and didn't realize it was the material of the cheap t-shirt?
Feeling like a grand dad of flying and
telling everyone how flying was once
fun and elite.

I felt like the Grand dad of the flight, telling stories on how people used to have leg room, meals and checked baggage was free and your friends and family could me you at the gate.

I usually despise flying, everything usually bothers me from people chewing gum to the sound of papers shuffling, crying kids kicking the back of my seat and loud drunken people. The non stop chatterers and 400 lb. people always seem to sit next to me, and the smell of others B.O.  is usually within smelling distance. At least this time the B.O. was on me! LOL!

This flight, although not my idea of fun was not so bad. The reason was my doctor knows my anxieties and distinguishes what I need and prescribed Valium for the trip. I usually hate being medicated, however if your going to fly the friendly skies and want to be stable and not a stressed wreck, take the blue pill before entering the plane, (not that  blue pill,(Viagra) but rather the blue pill that says  Valium. Mistaking Viagra for Valium might make the flight exciting, who knows?
My sister Linda and myself visiting
the Buffalo zoo. Yes, that's a
lion in the background!  ;-)

Flying sure ain't what it used to be, but this being my so called 'last hurrah,' I put up with it one last time. Maybe just maybe this past  sojourn  could change it's name to my first hurrah per my doctors recommendation?  Who knows?  ;-)

See no evil, fear no evil, speak no evil...

Some photos from last hurrah,first hurrah!

Visiting nephew Jason in Rochester N.Y.
 along with my sister Linda and brother-in-law Marvin.
Cousin Sue takes me to Niagara Falls!
That's the cheap silk t-shirt I was
wearing on the flight that smelled.

Cousin Ron teaches me the finer points
of casino buffets!  ;-)
Brother-in-law Marvin cooking from a higher power
with those Hebrew national Dogs!

OK, just talked to United, breaking News! Another 'Oy' moment. OK, I've heard it all, I flew almost 10,000 miles RT and was excited that I would have some good miles for s trip, come to find out I only received 1,500 miles for the whole trip. The mileage you get is based on the amount of money you pay for the flight minus taxes, all this as of March 1,2015. What other ways will the airlines stick to us? Thanks Obama (I mean United)
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Rosemary Pahl-Palmer Very true! Glad you're safe and sound...
James Kimo Rosen
Write a reply...
Chuck And-Cyndi Bent I saw this blog yesterday - and thought of your blog !!!http://revjrknott.blogspot.com/.../10/yes-there-is-hell.html
Rosemary Pahl-Palmer Sorry to hear, but this is a great picture of you!
Deborah Morel Yes, and the women in the backdrop is praying on her rosary that the same doesn't happen to her. What is going on in the USA? unsure emoticon
LikeReply1Yesterday at 06:02Edited
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared From Facebook...

This photo was photographed and designed by
yours truly!  


Jean Bornell said...

if you had not had some CRANK inject
papaya juice in your spine you would
have been healthy

Linda Meyers said...

That's weird, I only use a debit card too, and never had a problem with them taking it. And the last time I flew, the flight attendant heard my husband and I 'fighting' over the mint candy in the snack box we got, and she went and opened another box and put a candy on his tray, so we'd both have one! I thought that was so funny and sweet.

KimoRosen said...

MCGregor, I probably should not had asked and just gave them the debit card? However I was told that was done during the Air canada flight from San fran to Toronto, and someone told me on international flights that's the rule? Who knows?

Linda Meyers said...

Ahh! my card can't be used internationally either. I didn't even think of that.

Linda Meyers said...

Well, it CAN be, but I have to preapprove it with the bank.

Harmony Bentosino said...

I loved your blog. it was like what we had discussed earlier. I also found it funny that the description you gave for why you don't like flying with kids behind you kicking your seat etc. was almost the same description you gave me for why you don't like sitting in movie theaters!

KimoRosen said...

Harmony, your right, never thought of it like that, flying and movie theatres do have their similarities.! wink emoticon

KimoRosen said...

OK, just talked to United, breaking News! Another 'Oy' moment. OK, I've heard it all, I flew almost 10,000 miles RT and was excited that I would have some good miles for s trip, come to find out I only received 1,500 miles for the whole trip. The mileage you get is based on the amount of money you pay for the flight minus taxes, all this as of March 1,2015. What other ways will the airlines stick to us? Thanks Obama (I mean United)

Chuck Bent said...

I saw this blog yesterday - and thought of your blog !!! http://revjrknott.blogspot.com/.../10/yes-there-is-hell.html

Glenn Mickens said...

You have certainly had more than your share of problems, Kimo but you and Obama keep on going--don't stop what you are doing.

KimoRosen said...

Mahalos Glenn!

Thanks for all your contributions to the Garden island. Aloha