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Monday, January 29, 2018

"Political correctness, participation trophies and the Hawaii missile scare..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #224)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

Blog #1977~Kimo's world's #224

Political correctness, participation trophies and the Hawaii missile scare

January 13, 2018 will live on in infamy as a day everyone in Hawaii remembers. Many with smart phones are suffering mild PTSD every time they look at their phones reminiscent of the ballistic missile scare generated by an anonymous person at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HEMA) who allegedly pushed a wrong button.  Nobody pushed a button,
HEMA head administrator
Vern Miyagi on left
along with Hawaii Governor
 David Ige on right
everything is computerized and this anonymous person whom nobody will identify was on a computer with a pull down menu and dragged down the wrong unit. The Head administrator of HEMA, Vern Miyagi and his anonymous  employee should be fired.  Somebody needs to be held responsible.    

 I've been fired from a job for being a $100 shy of bringing in 20,000 for the month in a sales job and ironically one of my clients signed a contract for $10,000, two days after I got fired. Another waitress friend of mine got fired
because she took too long to bring ketchup to a customer. People get fired for much less. This politically correct nonsense is  tough to witness.  If anybody ever deserved to be fired, it's this guy. However it's no longer politically correct to fire somebody, we must let them color with their coloring books and give them all participation trophies, no matter how bad they performed.
This is a result of a generation of kids that believe a trophy was deserving even after they fumbled
the ball during a football game. The same generation that probably believes they deserve a raise for dragging down the wrong menu item and causing half  the population of Hawaii into panic and some even suffering from PTSD.  

To the employee of HEMA who
made a mistake, a huge mistake.  Grow a pair, face the media's questions, quit avoiding them, and to quote a great statesman, "Your fired!"

 James "Kimo" Rosen
Throwback as Jim Rosen  ;-)
1985, Homer, Alaska
More dakinetalk blog reading on the Hawaii missile scare; 
"The Hawaii fake missile warning and the rest of the story..."

Follow up- 01-30-18
Worker Who Sent Alarm Thought Missile Attack Was Real by Civil Beat

Breaking News! They listened to me, they fired the button pusher! Breaking news!
Man Who Sent Out False Missile Alert Was ‘Source Of Concern’ For A Decade

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Monday, January 22, 2018

"Fire and Fury, is Trump a stable genius..?" 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #223)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

 Publishers note,
This column was written in fun, tongue-n-cheek. I must put this disclaimer out because after 9 years blogging many people still don't get me?

 However be advised that many of earnest word is spoken in jest!
Please enjoy!
God bless America and God bless Hawaii (Yes Hawaii is part of America, but does 45 know that?)
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publisher/Blogger-n-chief-dakinetalk blog

Blog #1976~Kimo's world's #223

Fire and Fury, is Trump a stable genius?

 You must admit , love him or hate him, he can keep an audience. Day after day, alleged scandal after scandal,  even after lies being reported by the "Fake news media," while cable news defends and praises Donald Trump. This Presidency has opened the door to the future of more celebrity presidents.  Now Oprah is thinking of running against, "The Donald in '2020."

The controversial book just released "Fire and Fury," by Michael Wolff  which made national headlines when President Trump's lawyer hit Michael Wolff with cease-and-desist letters,but first amendment rights let it get published.   This exposed many crazy alleged facts about Trump, his cabinet and his immediate family, yet 45  calls them  nothing but lies, while author Michael Wolff says everything is nothing but the truth.

Although we have heard many of these allegations before, the public is buying these books like hotcakes, the media wont let up with it's coverage.Trump continues to threaten suit. Every media outlet worldwide is covering this story, even North Korea is in on this.

Think about all this?  I am of the thinking Donald Trump is no dummy, I truly believe he is a genius. Trump also believes he's a genius, if he may so himself. He recently called himself, "a very stable genius," when being criticized about this book contrary to the democrat mindset that he is an old senile man. 

An old senile man could never pull of what he did and get elected President and own the properties and business empires he controls. This is how Trump has fun, he's having fun right now, any idea how much money Donald Trump, that's right, I said Donald Trump and Michael Wolff
Michael Wolff, author of
 "Fire and Fury"
will make off "Fire and Fury?" Remember too,  that Trump pretty much coined those words "Fire and Fury," when he retaliated against North Korea in his infamous speech on August 8, 2017 threatening  to unleash “Fire and Fury”against North Korea if it endangered the United States.

I believe  45 is a silent partner with Michael Wolff. Trump has an instinct and  knows what people want, he knows people like to hear dirt, especially about his favorite person.
Even North Korea has commented
on the book,
"Fire and Fury"
I also believe in the near future there will be a book on how this book was all fiction and how he silently partnered with Wolff on the biggest book deal in world history besides of course, the bible. Now you tell me, is Trump a "stable genius,"or what?  Some might say, “if you believe this one, then I have some swampland in Florida to sell you?”   ;-)

P.S.~From a friends  FacebookTimeline

"I have stayed away from political posts due to the goings on in our country. Currently people are easily inflamed and I don’t want to agitate or upset my friends but.....
Apple just announced that because of Donald Trump’s tax cuts that they’re moving $40 billion in assets back to the United States of America, generating tens of billions in additional revenues and creating 20,000 new jobs not to mention that they’ll be building another Apple campus employing as many as 10,000.
I didn’t vote for him, I don’t like him, he’s a total buffoon but it appears that he’s really not doing that bad of a job.
This is of course in addition to the stock market hitting another all-time high which everyone seems to be saying is a bubble and that the economy is going to crash, yet there is no sign of that happening. Jobs up, unemployment down.
Personally, I can tolerate him in the White House if these are the positives that our country is going to enjoy."
Ron Kalnitz, 01-17-18

Ron Kalnitz was born and raised in Buffalo N.Y.  Ron went on to say....

Marrano homes announced this morning that due to recent tax cuts and tax restructuring that they will be investing $40 million in Buffalo's first new subdivision in a decade, building 100 new homes. That’s the largest new subdivision in Buffalo in 50 years. That’s a lot of jobs, a lot of cash put into the economy by those workers and a lot of new tax revenue for the city.
Yesterday M&T and several other companies announced that due to the same recent tax cuts and same recent tax restructuring that they are hiring, raising wages, paying out bonuses to hourly workers, investing in employee training programs, extending vacation time, extending maternity leave and the list goes on.
This is not a pro or con anyone or anything post, it’s a conversation about tax cuts and the massive effect that they appear to be having.

Thoughts about recent tax cuts?

Hana Hou, (Encore)

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"The Hawaii fake missile warning and the rest of the story..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world # 222)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka-Obama Da Dog!

Blog #1975~Kimo's world's #222

The Hawaii fake missile warning and the rest of the story

Vern Miyagi, Administrator, HEMA, left, and Hawaii Gov. David Ige
 There are stories of local Kamaaina families leading their children into storm drains and sewers to prevent them from the alleged ballistic missiles that
were somehow scheduled to attack the Hawaiian Islands on Saturday January 13, 2018.
I had just finished my morning routine of photographing the sunrise and walking my dog when on my smart phone and TV these words were flashed across the screen,”BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
“ This was all in capital letters which in text indicates screaming mode! However after this message I was praying to see  a counter message flash across the screen that said, "April Fools!" However being the middle of January my heart continued pounding....

There were no sirens? I took to Facebook, many  were saying the Russians had hacked us, others were saying that Trump is mad at Hawaii that Attorney General Chin for blocking his immigration ban and that even though Trump was playing golf during this time he did not stop to say it was a false alarm. 
Hawaii Attorney General
Doug Chin has decided
to run for  Congress

Many others are saying they are beyond pleased Trump didn’t hear about it because they are afraid he may had fired back  thinking it was real and started a real world war over some nitwit allegedly hitting a wrong  button?

Really, all this happened because some employee hit a button by mistake? I’m not as dumb as I look and my mama raised no fool. Somethings going on
here and it's not as simple as some employee hitting a wrong button? Conspiracy theorists will be having a heyday with this one for years to come especially with social media comments like the ones below;

"I firmly believe that a missile was coming in  and it  either failed or got shot down!! This is all a cover up!"
"When I buy something from Amazon I have to confirm like 3 times!!!! How in the world can this type of “button” be mistakenly hit!"

How does it take the state of Hawaii 38 minutes to issue a statement that it was a false warning? It took Hawaii Congress woman Tulsi Gabbard in Washington DC to calm the people of Hawaii while Hawaii Governor David Ige mirrored images of George W. Bush reading to children on 911 not knowing what to do with a stereotypical deer in the headlights look when eventually interviewed on TV.

The false ballistic missile warning in Hawaii was "unacceptable" and points to a need for President Donald Trump to negotiate with North Korea directly,
 US Congress woman
Tulsi Gabbard
of Hawaii
Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said Sunday.

Local politicians  used this day as a platform and a day to promote their upcoming political agendas, most politicians were all jumping for the opportunity to get on the continuous TV coverage to subliminally promote their upcoming campaigns since this became a highway for anybody seeking political office  since it was obvious that after this day Governor Ige would most likely  not seek re- election and if he does, good luck. Even Senator Brian Schatz  
threw Ige under bus by saying he had to tell him what to do in reference to this event.(He had to to tell him to let the Hawaii people know  this was a false  warning as soon as possible, isn't that common sense?) Obviously Schatz is a Colleen Hanabusa supporter...

Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr.
had the opportunity to be interviewed
on statewide TV about the 

fake missile warning.
Mayor Carvalho
is running for LT. Governor
this year! 

If this had been real most of us would not be here.  There are no fallout shelters where I live on Kauai. Homes on the islands do not have basements , so there is no where to go and be safe unless your lucky enough to be stuck inside a Costco warehouse during a missile threat.   
"Read my blog about the safest to be  during a nuclear holocaust, Costco"

People of Hawaii, it’s imperative you write your State and local representatives in the senate, congress and local city and county councils to start the process to initiate bills for fallout shelters.

What started out as  “D”day became quite a day in local politics that will live on in infamy  as one of the most  opportune days ever for politicians.
Maybe We should all sue the State of Hawaii  with a class action lawsuit with acquiring acute cases of PTSD! I still  get the "Heeby Geebies" every time I look at  my smart phone... Time to contact my favorite law firm of, "Duey Cheetum and Howe!" 

This is one day that everyone will remember where they were at  8:07 AM on Saturday, January 13, 2018.

Additional reading from KHON-HNN-Garden Island News
With minutes to decide, what should you do in a real missile alert?
Gov. Ige discusses Saturday's missile alert mistake-
Missile scare far more than an ‘unfortunate error’
Hana Hou, (Encore)
Frank DeLima has a new parody song out about the fake missile attack

Monday, January 8, 2018

"The Lt. Governor should be chosen, not voted... " 'James "Kimo" Rosen' (Kimo's world #221-Anniversary edition)

James "Kimo" Rosen is a retired professional photographer
 and amongst other things lived in a tent outdoors for 7 years.
Rosen currently resides on the tropical island of Kaua'i
with his best friend and spiritual adviser Ivanka Da Dog!

A belated Happy Birthday to Ivanka Da Dog
who celebrated her 9th  birthday on Christmas!

Kimo's world #221Blog #1974

~Happy Anniversary dakinetalk blog~

Publisher/ Blogger-n-chief's forward
  I have published 1974 dakinetalk blogs in the last 8 years.
dakinetalk is starting it's 9th year! Our first blog was publish January 7, 2010 and 
can be seen at the bottom of this page!

dakinetalk blog (purposely spelled with a lower case d) This past year took a huge jump in average views from 200 to 600 views per blog, which is excellent for a hobby blog. We broke a record this year with over 10,000 views in one day with one of our blogs. It was a blog titled,
"Jourdan Rodrigue's Kryptonite fails Superman, Cam Newton."
The reason for the huge amount of views is the Cam Newton Fan page let me post the blog on his many fan pages and his fans clicked like crazy!  ;-) (Cam Newton is the quarterback for the Carolina Panthers and is known amongst his fans as Superman)

We are also more politically motivated which seems to get us more views. dakinetalk blog no longer publishes guest blogs, with that said a Big Mahalo nui (Thank you) to all the guest bloggers of years past!

It's not easy being in the public eye and being the Publisher and Blogger-n-chief of daknietalk blog. However it is the most fun hobby a retired publisher and photographer could be doing in his spare time on an isolated rock in the middle of the Pacific!

Mahalo Nui Loa for reading and supporting dakinetalk blog.
James "Kimo" Rosen
Publisher/Blogger-n-chief-dakinetalk blog

Kimo's world's #221Blog #1974

The Lt. Governor should be chosen, not voted

When I heard my friend and Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. was running for Lt. Governor I was somewhat in shock. Coconut wireless had spread rumor for the last 9 months that our Mayor would be running for the  highest political office in the state, the Governor!

Many of us hid behind our Eccedentesiast botox  smiles when we heard   Mayor Carvalho was not running for Governor and  congratulated  him none the less when the big day arrived when every major news outlet in the state announced that our leader with support of his family had decided to run for Lt. Governor in lieu of seeking the Governorship.  A disappointment for many of Carvalho's avid supporters since they were expecting him to run for Governor, not Lt. Governor.

The Lt. Governor basically does very little unless something happens to the Governor. The Governor can send the Lt. Governor to attend funerals and other functions that the Governor doesn't wish to attend. The Lt. Governor is similar but less stature than the Vice President, however it is someone that the Governor should like and be able to get along with especially in times of crisis. 

Why does Hawaii elect a Lt. Governor and not allow the Governor to choose a running mate as does the President? Imagine if we voted separate for a Vice President aside from the President? Donald Trump could've wound up with  Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren a Democrat and arch rival) as his VP.

25 states including Hawaii  hold separate elections for the Lt. Governor and in those cases a Lt. Governor can be from an opposing political party and 18 states have the Governor choose a running mate Lt. Governor similar to the way a President chooses a running mate Vice president. (This method seems more logical and makes more sense to me.) The remainder  7 states do not have a Lt. Governor but rather a process should the Governor become disabled. Read what the other states do below;

It's high time the Governor and Lt. Governor run as one, on the same ticket in Hawaii.  I still believe Bernard Carvalho Jr. can defeat  Governor David Ige and his major opponent, Colleen Hanabusa. It's not to late to change. 

The race for Lt. Governor is crowded and at one time Mayor Carvalho wanted to work with a few of the candidates he is now running against whom include but is not limited to, State Sen. Josh Green, State Sen. Will Espero, Mayor Alan Arakawa, State Sen. Jill Tokuda and new to the race Kim Coco Iwamoto . Current Lt. Gov. Shan Tsutsui doesn't plan to run for re-election.

Many career politicians  are vying for the  job of Lt. Governor even though   it's been charactectured and lampooned as a title with little or no  real power because they look at it as a stepping stone to be Governor someday.

I believe Bernard Carvalho Jr. has a better chance at winning the Governor's race  than the crowded Lt. Governor's race ,and not only that I believe his style of Government, Aloha and Kokua in helping others for their benefit and not for personal gain would be welcomed in these chaotic times.  I also believe a Lt. Governor should be chosen by those running for Governor and not by running on an independent ticket.

This blog also appeared as a guest column in the 01-18-18 edition of the Garden Island News;

   Dakinetalk's very first blog which appeared January 7, 2010;
The Bus Ride From Hell;

The 11:00 o'clock bus had 2 bikes, two bikes is the maximum the Kauai Bus can accommodate, therefore I missed my bus, I did a few errands and waited for the 12:00 o'clock bus, my bike and I got on board this time in hopes of making it to the doctors office on time.

From Kojima store to Brick oven pizza a normal 10 minute bus ride took almost one hour.I started feeling nauseous, I had the drive heaves, the bus was literally at a standstill across from the Coconut market place, I asked the driver if i could please get off since I was about to loose my insides, she said it's illegal, I asked her if she would please call her dispatch, she complied and dispatch told her she could not let me off until the next designated bus stop at Brick oven pizza, which was a grueling 30 minute drive, something that normally is done in 2-3 minutes.

I pleaded with the driver to call back to dispatch, the driver called again and here is what dispatch told us, I could not get off unless we called emergency 911 and then it would had been a real mess in an already bumper to bumper traffic situation for everyone. Luckily I just had the dry heaves' but being on a bus in traffic, that is going at a snails pace and feeling sick as a dog with no fresh air, (since windows are not allowed to be open on the bus), is an experience I would not wish on anybody, unless of course that somebody is the person behind dispatch.
I never did make it to the doctors that day..
 Hana Hou, Encore!