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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"May the best wave win..!"

Surfers live for the right wave, Visitors to Hawaii love to watch waves.

The political waves are something I look forward to every two years in all their various motions.

You can gather alot by the way politicians hand wave, for instance the Shaka wave means they think they are awesome, usually they are the only ones that think they are so awesome.

There is the five finger stationary common wave. a very conservative wave, like the missionary position of waves so to speak.

Not very creative, but gets the job done.

The washing the window wave is associated with beauty pageants and parades, most people possessing this wave believe they are gorgeous.

I do not read what a candidates positions are since most of what they say are UN-truths and make promises they never keep.

Therefore before entering the voting booth, I always ask myself, how does that candidate wave? There are as many variety of waves as there are politicians, however as long as they have not given me the one finger hand wave, I will considering voting for them.

May the best wave win!

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