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Renowned author Michael Herr is back guest-blogging on this awesome Aloha Friday talking about another possible conspiracy theory.... Make sure and check out Michael's website at; http://www.michaelherr.com/ |
October 28
It's Aloha Friday.
"Don't Shoot !"
When I was a kid I had an uncle who might have been a little wacky. He was a fun guy for a kid to be around because of his off-beat humor. One of his favorite expressions whenever I confronted him about anything was "Don't Shoot! I'm out of Season."
I picked up that expression from him and have it used it repeatedly over the years myself. I thought about it again recently when Moammar Qaddafi was captured. As he was confronted by rebel soldiers, hiding in a large pipe/culvert under the road, he is reported to have said, "Don't Shoot! Don't Shoot!"
He didn't say, "All right, you got me". He didn't say, "Okay, I surrender". He didn't even say, "I give up". No, all he said was, "Don't Shoot!".
A while back Saddam Hussein was likewise caught hiding in a bolt hole. I believe he also pleaded with his captors, U.S. soldiers in this instance, not to shoot him.
Both men whined their way into captivity. Neither had the force of personality to stand up and admit who they were and go along with their captors willingly. They both had to be dragged out of their rat-holes.
And now we're done with them, right?
Maybe. Maybe not. I recall seeing a news piece at one time about the large number of body doubles Saddam had. This made it difficult for us to target him. Of course when we caught Saddam, we were able to verify that it was actually him that we had captured.
Not so with Moammar. Moammar was shot almost immediately. In the heat of the moment? Or was he shot to keep anyone from questioning him? From verifying his identify? They did an autopsy on his body, but that was to determine cause of death. Did anyone ask, "Hey, is this him or is this one of his body doubles?" I'll bet we never know the answer to that question.
Keep an eye out for a swarthy guy with a terrible taste in clothes. And if you see him . . . Don't shoot. He's out of season now.
Much aloha.
check out Michael's website at http://www.michaelherr.com/ buy all six books for only $18
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I believe dakinetalk and Michael Herr are first to come up this conspirascy therory!
via Facebook;"When I was a kid I had an uncle who might have been a little wacky.”
Hey, what a coincidence!
That’s what all MY nieces and nephews say, too!
But, truth be told, I’m pretty sure they got Khaddaffy-duck, now buried in an unmarked grave instead of sleeping with the fishes alongside Osama bin Gotten.
Yikes, that Kenyan Moslem sure is tough on those pesky terrorists (and Somali pirates, too)."
At least they showed the fotos of Kadafi,(the guy that has 3 spellings of his name) I still wish they would had shown the photo's of Bin Laden, They showed people jumping form the twin towers, they showed JFK, Bobby and Martin Luther King b...eing shot...and now Qaddafi Gaddafi Kadafi. Michael could be right on this one, Michael could be our own deep throat? Imagine having 3 different spellings of your last name and all of them being correct, 3 spellings on it's own is a conspiracy... plus having many body doubles...
via Facebook;"Actually, there have been quite a few photos of Khaddaffy-duck's death and mutilated corpse. They are all over the Internet, NOT including Halloween-related content.
And in reality, there is no correct spelling of Khaddaffy-duck's name in ...our alphabet. The Arabic characters are transliterated differently in varying official governmental documents, with at least 20 different spellings on official forms, which appears to have been done intentionally to make life harder for the Western press."
Doug that was my point, my first sentence said"At least they showed the fotos of Kadafi..." My point was I still want to see the photos of Bin Laden of which were never released...
As you know I am an Obama supporter but dis-agreed with not releasing the photos of Bin_Laden, I also believe we should had shown on the evening news as they did during the Vietnam era, our men and woman coming home in body bags, guaranteed the war would had ended sooner...
via facebook;"I share your view -- the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives take marching orders and then march in goose-stepping lockstep; liberals vote for whoever is closest to their views, but reserve the right ...to our own opinions, our own behavioral choices and our own choice for how and when to voice our dissent when we disagree.
I have supported every Democratic president at the polls since I was old enough to vote, but have also had plenty of disagreements with every one of them, which I have never hesitated to express. Again, that is the hallmark of liberal free thought, and something we wear as a badge of honor!"
Yes, "we are the people," not the sheeple...alike you know... ;D)
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