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Friday, October 14, 2011

"The Green thing.." 'Marvin Gross'

Marvin Gross a financial advisor from Western N.Y. tells us about keeping the environment clean...

The environment responds graciously with a rainbow when we treat the Aina (Land) with respect

The Green Thing

 In the queue at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment.

 The woman apologized to him and explained, "We didn't have the green thing back in my day."

 The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment."

He was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day.Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled.

 But we didn't have the green thing back in our day.We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks.

But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day.  We washed the baby's nappys because we didn't have the throw-away-kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me down clothes from their brothers or sisters,not always brand-new clothing.

 But that old lady is right; we didn't have the green thing back in our day.Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the whole wall. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us.

 When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

 Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on
 treadmills that operate on electricity.

 But she's right; we didn't have the green thing back then. We drank from a tap when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water.

We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got blunt.

 But we didn't have the green thing back then. Back then, people took the tram or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mums into a 24-hour taxi service driving huge four wheel drives.

 We had one power point in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then?

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Douglas Dunn said...

via Facebook;"Of course, there was no one more "green" than the cave men.

I loved camping out in caves or on beaches for a few days at a time, but I like to come home to my luxuries.

I think the "green thing," at least for me, is about having the best ...of both worlds. And it doesn't have to be a flashpoint of intergenerational warfare. We all stand on the shoulders of the "greatest generations" that came before us, but also owe a legacy to the ones that follow.

Enjoy the luxuries. Have a nice house. Have a nice car. Use solar and/or wind to dry your clothes INSIDE the house.

But we can do these things and still be green.
Plug the electric car into the solar panels.
And, sure, why not, use the recyclable bag."