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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Vacations aren't what they used to be..." 'James "kimo" Rosen

James "Kimo" Rosen is back blogging about how vacations aren't what they used to be....

Enjoy your vacation, OK everyone on three, ALOHA!

This blog also appeared as an opinion article in the October 6, 2011 edition of the Kauai Garden Island News; http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_a2493096-efe4-11e0-b6eb-001cc4c03286.html

There were two letters to the editor on 10-08-11  in the Kauai Garden Island Newspaper in response to this blog, check them out at; http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_c22796a6-f16e-11e0-b03f-001cc4c03286.html

Vacations aren't what they used to be...

Life, work and our everyday routines bring a desire for a break, a vacation, a short sojourn.

Most people  are victims of such devices as Ipod's , blackberries, Iphones  and the simple cell phone itself. These devices do more than make phone calls they  can do everything from photograph your child's first steps, , videotaping a news event right in front of you, videoconferencing with friends and family, texting and even playing games like scrabble with people halfway around the world...

People are attached to their electronic cyber devices.

Going on vacation these days no longer means a break from everyday life, from phone calls to visits with business associates, friends and family, people take their stresses with them.

The greatest vacation these days  is not a trip on an overcrowded and overpriced airplane, to an overcrowded and overpriced hotel, then onto the overcrowded and overrated restaurants or  even cruise ships in the middle of the Ocean.

The best vacation these days may just be a week off from the stresses brought on by the life of cyber- electronic devises, or should I say vices.

 check it out, this blog also appeared as an opinion article in the Kauai Garden Island news; http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_a2493096-efe4-11e0-b6eb-001cc4c03286.html

Vacations and vices

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on this blog site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Publisher of Dakinetalk the blog, but they could? ;D)

If you would like to express yourself about any subject you feel passionate about, please  feel free to submit a guest blog to dakinetalk. Please limit guest blogs between 200-500 words, along with a short bio and photo of yourself. Send all blog submissions to; jrsensei@hotmail.com  who knows your blog could go viral!


Anonymous said...

via facebook; You, Douglas Dunn and Debbie Eayrs like this..

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

Deb, that was quick, no sooner did I post and I saw your like! Thanks for reading, I know you don't care for all of them, but appreciate your commitmenrt to fine literature as dakinetalk! :D)

Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;"LMAO. Sure, vacations ain’t what they used to be.
Or maybe WE’RE not what we used to be.

But yeah, anyone who wants to enjoy a vacation needs to learn where the OFF button is.

Electronic devices are great, as long as we make them OUR servants and not become THEIR servants!"

Steve Eayrs said...

via facebook;"At first glance, w/o my glasses I thought the title was "Vaccines ain't what they used to be" lol..."

James "Kimo" Rosen said...

good one prez (Steve) However vaccines definitely are good blogging material for da future!

Steve Eayrs said...

via facebook;""good comments on vacations Jim.... A couple times a year or so I end up working on a remote job. And yes there are still places on this globe where you cannot get e-mails, cell phones don't work, you have to knock on someones door, to use your calling card and borrow their phone. It may mean a few hours flight off the beaten path, but its amazing how even when still working 10 or more hours a day, you almost have the feeling of being on vacation...These phones and computers are great tools but they demand a lot more from us then we want to admit."

Harold Hargrave said...

via Garden Island News;"iVacation

Mr. James “Kimo” Rosen of Kapa‘a hit the nail on the head regarding people and vacations.

IPods, Blackberries, etc. on a vacation? I thought you were supposed to get away to have fun or relax doing other things away from the cyberworld we seem to be locked in.

Are you controlling your life or is cyberspace?

These devices have their good points but lift your head up and look around. There is a whole beautiful world past that little screen. Especially on Kaua‘i.

Harold Hargrave, Culver City, Calif.

John Plews said...

via garden Island News;"Cyber-free Koke‘e

For the benefit of those, who like Mr. Rosen and me, feel vacations should be cyber-free, I point out civilian cell phones don’t work at Koke‘e.

John Plews, Honolulu

Read more: http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_c22796a6-f16e-11e0-b03f-001cc4c03286.html#ixzz1aDSq7hms