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Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Your Bucket List..." 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspirational Monday)

Judith Whitehead is back guest-blogging on this Inspirational Monday about your own personal bucket list... Judith lives in Amherst N.Y. has worked in the ophthalmology field of medicine for almost 30 years...

A Bucket list can be anything from growing a garden to spending time with friends and family to taking a dream vacation, everyone has different desires...

Recently my husband and I rented “The Bucket List”. It was
an introspective movie about two men who were terminally ill, that felt before they passed on they needed to do a Bucket List of all the things they never did, and wished they had, before they kicked the “bucket”. The movie made me reflect on my own life and what I still needed to accomplish before my number was up.

The more I thought about it, I began to realize that I have been filling my “bucket list” all of my life. Maybe I am a more introspective person than some, because I have worked in the medical field for more than half of my life. I have seen and spoken with people from all walks of life, young and old, sick and healthy. I have enjoyed hearing their interesting stories of how they have managed to live to a ripe old age of near 100.

Most of them are very content with their lives with the exception of the unhealthy ones; they tend to be resentful and bitter. Many of them agreed that raising their families and seeing them succeed was key to their happiness. They beamed with pride when speaking of their accomplishments.

My “Bucket List” began many years ago when my young goal was to marry, raise a family and live happily ever after. Goals should change as we age to help us grow and feel fulfilled. My list began to grow when I felt that I needed to accomplish a Bachelors degree in my late 30’s that I never took the time to get. That experience made me grow in many ways. Giving my children the tools to succeed and the freedom to accomplish those goals has given me great pleasure. Being able to travel and see how the other half lives has been an enriching experience; and having the opportunity to work with and help people has been the most enlightening of all.

I feel people need to add to their “Bucket List” constantly as they age; don’t wait until you receive bad news about your health or are too old to accomplish all you have wished for your whole life. Live your life with no regrets. I think the people I have met along the way are content because they have done just that. Their lives have been full, their needs have been simple. They have not had to keep up with the technology of computers, cell phones, and plasma televisions. The people I meet during the workday that are nearing their “triple digits” have filled their “Bucket List” their entire lives. They have kept their lives simplified.

And as for the two men in the movie; after living their list of things they wanted to do but never had done, it came down to the very same thing for both of them. They came from two very different walks of life. Their families were the most important thing to both of them. Their connection to their families brought them the most happiness of all. Without family and friends, life can be empty. The basic need of feeling needed and giving of ourselves is the most important item on the List.

I hope you all have started a “Bucket List” for 2012.

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1 comment:

Debbie Eayrs said...

via facebook;"Really enjoyed reading this post."