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Friday, January 27, 2012

"The bridge is not the problem..." James "Kimo" Rosen (local politics)

Traffic and congestion is the problem, not a one lane bridge...."This blog also ran this same day (01-28-12) as an opinion article in the Kaua'i Garden Island News titled;"The bridge is not the problem..."
Evelyn de Buhr's recent Letter to the  editor in the Kaua'i Garden Island News,"North shore one lane bridge should be preserved." needs to catch up to the current calendar year of 2012.
Evelyn seems to think it's tranquil and a way to identify oneself as local by waiting in traffic on a one lane bridge that floods almost every-time it rains. Evelyn ends her letter with the prospect of "most of us appreciate the remnants that remain in our high tech, speed-laced modern life. They are the touchstones upon which the pace and quality of life on the North Shore depend." 
OK, I get it, however  find it pure craziness to enjoy this quality of life from the past as we sit in our SUVs, talking on our cell phones, tweeting, texting, kids in the back downloading netflix on their  laptops and programming our GPS to get us to the airport to catch a 757 Jet . 
  It's not the one lane bridge that's the problem , it's everyone with their motor vehicles causing congestion and traffic, if you really want to be nostalgic, how about leaving your car, cell phone, Ipod, laptop and  GPS at home and saddling up your horse and buggy when your finished using the outhouse. Now that's nostalgic!
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on this blog site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Publisher of Dakinetalk the blog, but they could? ;D)

1 comment:

KimoRosen said...

Aloha everyone, my phone line is dead and i am relying on my neighbors weak signal router to post, for the next week...If I do not respond right away to your face-booking or emails you know why, on another note, ironically this blog is also running this same day in the Kaua'i Garden island news as an opinion article article titled;"The bridge is not the problem." http://​thegardenisland.com/promo/​homepage/​letters-for-saturday-januar​y/​article_34d4f6da-498a-11e1-​b96a-0019bb2963f4.html