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Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Good thing people didn't think like that, back then..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen'

"It's mind blowing how nothing gets done in these days
of Contrarians, Yuppies and Hippies arguing
over every new project..."
Aloha, check out my opinion article in the (03-22-13) edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news, "Imagine."

Imagine today's Contrarians, Hippies and Yuppies contemplating over developments back in the early 1900's.
Imagine the time is many years ago and  Kaua'i is about to construct the Kuhio hwy, imagine the anti-development people of today living back then? They would say to no to a  highway, because they hear cars cause cancer from the exhaust and prefer to stay in their horse and buggy. 

 Imagine the time comes to build an airport and the people are concerned with noise pollution and  the potential of birds crashing into airplanes?

Imagine when telephones became popular and telephone poles needed to be erected, what about eye pollution, what about the radiation put off by the wires?

Imagine any of the modern conveniences of today having to be approved by environmental impact studies back when they were first introduced into society?

I am thankful the people of today did not live back then, otherwise I am sure we would still be using the pony express! Not that's there anything wrong with that. ;D)


 Hana Hou, (Encore)  "Source, Facebook Shares..."

Another Hana Hou! (Shared from Facebook shares...)
Haili Lincoln shared Crazy shit's photo.


Judith Whitehead said...

via facebook to second Hana Hou;

Judy Rapozo said...

via facebook to second Hana Hou;
" It's good to rock the boat. Rock on!!!"

KimoRosen said...

via facebook to second Hana Hou;
in my case,this is my mantra! ;D)

Renee Harden said...

Renee Harden Imagine, if only people on the Islands lived there because they respect the culture, history & pure aloha of the Hawaiian Natives...

Bettejo Dux said...

via facebook,
"Up to a point, KIMO. I think one could argue that we over did it. Too many cars. Too many highways. We really should have banked the means and methods of transportation. Alternative transportation, public transportation would have been more sensible."

Bettejo Dux said...

Via facebook,"As for tee phone poles, it would have been a good idea for some smart yuppie hippie whoever to suggest the wire be buried. Underground. That would have worked. Balance in all things. We just went over the top. Now we have to gear down. Maybe I'll respond to TGI. Peace and love Bettejo"

Sandra Jennings said...

I'm not talking legally per say, fiddling with a video and opening a bottle while driving is considered distracted driving along with using a phone, applying make up etc. In my opinion he is a little too into himself and not thinking of driving safely. I am only talking about him, not what the police are doing. The kapaa Lihue corridor is dangerous enough without this kind of behavior.