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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Great Party..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Classic Wednesday)

Guest-blogger Bettejo Dux is one of Kauai's most delightful  people, she has lived on the cosmic island of Kaua'i for over 40 years... She is an animal lover, people lover and enjoys life to the fullest. Today she talks about a great party....  www.bettejodux.com

I’m exhausted. it’s been a long day.

The house looked beautiful. So many of you sent stuff. Flowers, vans full. Crackers and cheese. So much Mozzarella I’m feeding it to the kids.(goats)  Wine glasses sparkled, called in a caterer. The bar was set up serve it yourself style but Bacchus offered to bar tend.

Hestia and I are sitting here by the fire,  she just loves the Tuscan Fire-pit I bought for the occasion. She arrived early to help  and has asked if she could stay awhile.

All my guests showed up in modern-day attire. Some casual. Some quite formal. The women look simply gorgeous in French and Italian designer gowns but when Pele and the Hawaiian entourage showed up in the skinny you can believe the gowns got pitched.  Venus was absolutely stunning and when she loaned her magic girdle to my beautiful cousin, Bobby, Zeus did his swan trick and made a pass. They looked really cute together and we waved goodbye as they wandered off. Pan was rather shy but we could hear him piping.

“You’re all so human…,” I sighed and took another sip of wine.
“…and you’re all so god like,” Hestia giggled. “Just took you awhile to catch on.”

The religious contingencies tended to arrive in bunches but once settled in-munching, drinking, introducing themselves and mingling-the party took off. Fifteen minutes before  count down a neighbor showed up with a large flat-bed truck and those of us who choose to take the trumpet ride clambered aboard. She had a boom box, I had the stop watch. I sat in the back with the trumpeters and voyeurs. Wasn't surprised to see Hermes and Loki and Eros there. When the  stop watch went off and the trumpets blared, an ear blistering crescendo, the asses started flapping and the three mischief makers got busy with their bows.

“Got one ,” Eros giggled.
“Hope it doesn't  fall out of the sky,” Loki said.
“it’d take a Roman catapult to knock that thing down.” Hermes answered.
“Should've happened  years ago,” I sniffed.
“Wouldn't matter,” my male companion commented. ”These guys didn't breed for beauty. They just breed. Like rabbits.”
“You’re insulting rabbits. Rabbits have darling bottoms.”
“Well there’s sure a flock of’em,” I said, taking another swig of Irish. “Hope we got’em all.”
“Make another pass. Just in case.”

On the way home we played some different tunes and when we got back the guest of honor had already arrived. He looked really dapper. Good looking guy. He smiled his way through the crowd and made for the bar. “They called me a wino. Might’s well be hanged for a wolf as a sheep.”

When he met up with Caesar Augustus a lively conversation followed. “They made me a god, too. Hated to think of some guy praying that I  heal his gout,” Augustus said.
By the fire, I sighed. “We’re gonna find a lot of bodies under the tables tomorrow.”
“Great party. We’ll make coffee, good stuff, and send’em home…”
“…then the real clean up begins…”

She slept in the water-bed. I slept in the loft.

Jesus and Augustus were still deep in mutual commiseration.

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...

Bettejo  also  publishes her own blog column.
You can check it out at ;  http://www.bettejo.wordpress.com   Besides her blog she recently published and authored the humorous fiction book, "The Scam," check it out at(www.bettejodux.com) or  on Amazon.


Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;" Sounds like so much fun!Wish I'd been there!"

KimoRosen said...

Next time! ;D)