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Monday, September 3, 2012

"Ashamed or Proud, You Be The Judge..!" ' Douglas Dunn'

Guest blogger Douglas Dunn  is a regular commenter and guest-blogger on dakinetalk... Doug runs a small publishing consulting business in San Diego county and is a  certified American sign language (ASL) interpreter (for Deaf people),  last but not least he has been a Democratic Party media spokesperson and has had  the good fortune to work with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Doug also drives a Nissan Leaf !
Doug purchased a Nissan Leaf electric car last year doing his part to help save the planet along with
saving quite a few dollars by never ever having to purchase gas.
Doug with President Obama back in
2007 at the California Democratic Convention
Ashamed or Proud, You Be The Judge

The Republican party has TWO living former presidents:
George H.W. Bush and Dubya Bush.
Neither attended nor spoke at their recent convention.

The Democratic party also has TWO living former presidents:
Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
BOTH will speak at the Democrats’ convention this week.
Bill Clinton will play a starring role with a key speaking assignment in prime time; the aging Jimmy Carter, now 87, will speak via a live video feed.

Additionally, most recent failed losing candidates Bob Dole and John McCain did not speak at the Republican convention. The last successful Republican vice president, and the immediate past officeholder of that position, was Dick Cheney, who will also be absent.

The most recent failed losing Democratic candidate John Kerry will speak at the Democratic convention. Al Gore, the most recent past vice president, will be in attendance, but will be hosting coverage of the convention for his cable network, Current TV.

It is obvious who is ashamed and who is proud of their leadership.

Hana Hou, (Encore)   Shared from Facebook...

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If you would like to express yourself about any subject you feel passionate about, please  feel free to submit a guest blog to dakinetalk. Please limit guest blogs between 200-500 words, along with a short bio and photo of yourself. Send all blog submissions to; jrsensei@hotmail.com  who knows your blog could go viral!


KimoRosen said...

to quote Joe Dusel, "Yeah, and note that Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry were also absent. Akin was there in spirit

Douglas Dunn said...

via facebook;"This is the blog my daughter, JoAnn Dunn Schaub, was asking about."

KimoRosen said...

so share it with her!