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Monday, September 10, 2012

"Politicians, Don't talk stink on your opponent..."‏ 'James "Kimo" Rosen

Please vote with your brain, not by name recognition
just because you know someone or saw them
sign waiving, study the issues.
above photo; Kaua'i county council members
Dickie Chang and Nadine Nakamura.
I don't care for politicians whose main platform is  negativity on their opponent. We hear things like show us your birth certificate, show us your tax returns, and what your thoughts on abortion and birth control are.  We don't care, or should I say I don't care.

Politicians, Tell us what you can do, not what your opponent can't do.

How about demonstrating  to us how you are going to fix the economy?

Tell us how you are going to take care of Americans without insurance?  Tell us how your going to feed the hungry?

Don't forget to tell us how your going to put an end to  useless wars?

We don't care what beer you drink, what church you go to or who you have marital relations with. Tell us what you can do to get us out of this mess , bring jobs back to America in lieu of sending  almost everything overseas just to save a penny.

Don't talk stink on your opponent, prove who you are with actions.   Help us bring back America, and if it means crossing party lines and acting bipartisan, so be it, for the benefit of our great  country, please  do it! 

May God , Jesus, Moses  and Darwin Bless America!

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...


Steven M. Eayrs said...

via facebook;"I feel strongly about some issues that don't mean a lot to you, and would qualify as some of the ones you would accuse me of not using my head, or doing enough reasearch, in order to make an informed decision on, or are not important in you...r book. Abortion is one of these. There is an excess of it in this nation for solely selfish reasons. There is forced abortion in some other nations, and mainly for females. I think its important to stand up for the right to life of the unborn. Voting is one of the ways we can do that. Should not have to claify I am not talking about the very small percentage of abortions due to rape, or danger to the health of the mother, but likely this will be first arguement for it, so might as well bring it up. According to your statement should I assume the only issues that should matter when making a vote are only the ones you care about?"

KimoRosen said...

Steve, I was only pointing out what i felt important. My opinion obviously since that is what my blog is.(somewhat like sharing a diary with everyone) I have invited you many times to guest-blog about any subject you are passionate about. I would be honored to publish a serious guest-blog from you.... With that said. I don't care what church the president goes too, just as i don't care what church my walmart clerk goes to as long as they are doing a good job, there private life is there private life.As i said I don't care what beer the President drinks, i care that our country gets fixed. Please guest blog, I am betting many people will see your side..."