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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"RIP" Mr. Stoessel..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen

I did not personally know Mr. Stoessell however I would like to acknowledge his many Letters to the editor which frequented the editorial pages of the Kaua'i Garden Island news.

Aloha, check out my opinion article in the 09-28-12 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news,"RIP Mr. Stoessel."

"RIP"  Mr. Stoessel..."

I read  with sadness and dismay in the obituaries that Horace Stoessel had passed away.

I did not personally know Mr. Stoessell however I would like to acknowledge his many Letters to the editor which frequented the editorial pages of the Kaua'i Garden Island news.  Most  of
his letters were factual accounts of county government.

Horace  made me have a better understanding of many political actions that took place in our local island government.

Whether you agreed or dis-agreed  he cared about his community and voiced his opinions many times on how he felt we could better our Cosmic Island.  I remember one letter in particular  about how the salary commission raised  nearly every local politicians salary  during the brink  and peak of the current economic crisis. The salary increase would  immediately take effect unless of course our county council  nullified it in whole or part, which never happened since nobody  wanted to vote down a salary increase for themselves.

Mr Stoessel, I will miss your frequent opinion articles  which opened  my eyes to  many local issues.

From one frequent Letter writer to another, mahalo Nui Loa Mr. Stoessel and may you rest in peace.

Aloha, check out my opinion article in the 09-28-12 edition of the Kaua'i Garden Island news,"RIP Mr. Stoessel."


Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...

Check out the photo of my dog 'Obama' and myself in this weeks, Midweek Kaua'i magazine!


Ken Taylor said...

Via email;"Kimo, thank you for this letter below, to the editor. I had the privilege of knowing Horace, he was a quiet, methodological thinker, a giant of a man. And as you so wisely observed, whether you agreed or disagreed, he cared about his community and voiced his opinions many times on how he felt we could better our cosmic island.

We must also remember, behind all great men, there is a great woman, and Horace had a great partner in his wife Phyllis, she was always at his side.
Horace, maybe gone in person, but Kauai will always be a better place, because of his presence.

Yes Horace, we will miss you."

Bettejo Dux said...

via TGI comments page;"Beautiful tribute to HORACE STROESSEL KIMO. I love it when a gifted editor and writer praises another writer. I'm very proud to be your friend.

Peace and love"