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Monday, September 17, 2012

"The Dumbing Down of America..." 'Obama Da Dog'

"Obama Da dog taking a break from Reality TV and Facebook..."

People may look smarter these days, toting their laptops, Ipods, Ipads and cell phones everywhere they go, but are they?

People no longer make small talk with strangers in the grocery store, the bus, malls and coffee shops.  Everyone is in their own little narcissistic world talking or texting  someone miles away while they ignore the beautiful girl or handsome guy sitting  at the next table or shopping alongside them in the produce aisle of the super market.
Even while driving people have the need to talk, text, talk, causing accidents by not concentrating on the road.
On top of all this so called technology which is making people social outcasts since they do not learn how to conduct themselves in social environments  such as the cocktail party of the past. Nowadays everyone is posting what they ate for dinner on facebook, who cares?
The one good thing with all this, teenage pregnancy is down since people have very little human contact.  Everything is live-streamed on the Internet form religious services to  weddings and funerals, even intimacy, nobody needs to go anywhere anymore. People judge each other by how many friends they have on Facebook.
The icing on the cake is the most popular form of entertainment is Reality TV where real life people with no talent try to  entertain us doing nothing.
People seem dumber with all the technology than they did before the computer age? I long for the days where there was no Snooki, Paris Hilton, Honey Boo Boo and Big brother.
Charles Dickens sums this up best with his famous quote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness..."
 Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...

1 comment:

KimoRosen said...

The photo of my dog in this blog won as a runner up in a photo contest for "Life and dog magazine." I won a free subscription! check out all the runners up at See them all here: http://www.lifeanddog.com/Issue-14-2012/Foto-Friday-Winners-Working-Dogs/