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Friday, September 21, 2012

"The other 47%..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen

"The real abusers of free stuff are politicians themselves!"

The Republican party seems to have reached an all time low with it's disconnect to the American people.

The Republicans main objective is not to repair the budget, or put America back to work or to get out of Afghanistan but rather to make life hard for a President that has a different skin color than most of them.

Willard Romney talks about the 47% that live off  some  aspect of government assistance, be it social security, HUD housing, EBT Food stamps, etc.

Everyone  in one way or another is part of the so called "47%." Who hasn't used government funded stuff with the likes of the public libraries, public schools, highways, parks, hiking trails, bike paths, calling 911, social security, unemployment. etc?

I have a question for Mr. Willard Romney. What happens Governor Romney  if you become President ( God help America if you do)
You will live in the white house, which is public housing, you will have a white house chef preparing all your meals and you will have secret service men assigned to you even after you  are no longer in office. You will fly in Air force one in lieu of commercial airlines even for family events.  All this as taxpayer expenses.

Politicians are the biggest abusers of public taxpaying monies, so next time you hear Governor Romney or his repulbiCON  (sic)associates talk about the other 47%, know they are talking about the biggest leaches of society, 'Politicians.'
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook...


Douglas Dunn said...

via LTE<"You always provide good material.
This is even better than most of your other excellent work!"

KimoRosen said...

Mahalo Doug, noticed I used your word "RepubliCon!" The only bummer is TGI does not print a hard copy on Saturdays so many people will not see it, however some exposure is better than no exposure.

Anonymous said...

Via Garden Island News comments section;'mehitibel - 2 hours ago

A remarkable letter. I usually roll my eyes when I read your messages but this one was right on. I hope many recognize the truths you wrote. We need to pay attention to our vote. As bad as things are they could be a WHOLE lot worse.

Anonymous said...

Kimo - what you smokin? Romney doesn't need entitlements. He already lives like a President because he's actually earned it! Pays for it himself!

Francine Snyder said...

Via email, "Agreed"

Dr. Francine Snyder
Personal & Professional Life Coaching