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Sunday, October 14, 2012

"Bobbin White Heads..." 'udith "Bobbin" Whitehead' (Inspiration Monday)

Judith Whitehead  our Inspiration Monday guest-blogger who lives in Amherst N.Y.
and has worked in the medical profession for over 30 years blogs about a  bunch of
bobbin White-heads, no relation.... ;D)
Photo taken with an old Verizon phone
courtesy of  Judy Whitehead

Tonight was a real treat for us and our friends; way way back in the 1970’s we went to see '3 Dog Night' at the Niagara Falls Convention Center; we were in our 20’s and they put on a great show.

Now fast forward 35 yrs and close your eyes because they sounded just the same as they did back then. As we looked out into the audience the view was quite different this time; a sea of bobbing white heads were all we could see.

All the same generation that were watching back in the 70’s still fans and still enjoying the same music. The Buffalo philharmonic joined 3 Dog Night at the music hall tonight and they brought back all those great memories and great music from that generation when songs told a story and made some sense; easy to understand lyrics and a tune you could sing along with.

They still have it after all these years.

Hana Hou, (Encore)  Shared from Facebook...


KimoRosen said...

I remember 3- Dog night well... Jeremiah was a bullfrog? Love the tune, but the words? and my favorite "One! is the loneliest number..."

Harmony Bentosino said...

I Love Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog too!

Judith Whitehead said...

of course they sang that song along with many others and they have some new songs that are great...you can go to 3dognight.com and down load them