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Friday, October 19, 2012

"Why Buy Bottled Water..?" 'James "Kimo" Rosen

Tap water may actually be healthier than bottled water
sitting in plastic bottles.
Why do people continue to buy  water in plastic bottles?  Most restaurants have filtering systems on their tap water these days and  many times the filtered water for free is many times healthier than the water that sits in the plastic bottles for sometimes months before it is consumed.
The plastic ignites toxins into bottled water, so all the purity means nothing once it's aged in plastic.

Brita sells filtration systems  that you just clip onto your kitchen faucet and every-time you want the filtered water just click a button.

Bottled water is a scam, the bottles are a major source of pollution and major component of most landfills. The water itself  initially may be clean, pure and filtered however after stagnating in plastic it becomes non pure, and ironically probably less healthy than tap water.

 Some say filtered water may actually be bad since your system builds no immunities from filtered waters. 
Bottled water is a waste of money, buy a filtration system and save thousands or just brave it and drink straight from the tap. The savings  alone  will alleviate stress, less stress more healthy!
Remember don't order the bottled water in restaurants, just ask for a class of ice water, don't be scammed.

For everyone who likes Kaua'i check out this  episode of Southpark, a parody on Kauai, Coco Palms, cruise ships, super-ferry etc. Thought you might like it. I haven't seen the whole thing but the bits and pieces I have seen are pretty good!
Check out the Al Smith Dinner of 10-18-12, where the presidential candidates make fun of themselves and each other; whoever loses has a career in stand-up for sure!

Obama- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6g2YkTAYQ4

Romney- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIHbe-aO6oI
Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook...


Francine Grace said...

Funny how you posted this, while I was just sitting here pondering why I spent 20 cents plus 6 cents fees for bottled water from Longs Drugs.....
Especially since I grew up in Hawaii and always USED to drink water right out of the Tap.

KimoRosen said...

Francine, I hear ya, the water straight out of the tap is many times better than stagnated old water collecting plastic toxins from plastic bottle. ironically Burger King McDonalds and most fast food restaurants have great filtering systems on their water and it's free! On another note, I am going nuts without the pool this week.

Francine Grace said...

I know what you mean, my son is going stir crazy too without the pool and I'm still sick, so I've really been missing it!! Was nice seeing you & Obama walking by the school the other day :)

KimoRosen said...

Hope you feel better... I really rely on the pool for therapy for so many reason both physical and mental. Makes me appreciate da pool that much more not having it! Hope to see you and your son there next week...

Francine Grace said...

Yes, hoping to get back there next week. That's one of the few ways to get my son off the electronics and doing some type of exercise. Thanks for your well wishes & you have a nice weekend!! :)

KimoRosen said...

Obama and i are off for a bike ride, not as good as swimming but still stetches these old bones!

KimoRosen said...

via Al Smith dinner;"too bad the candidates could not be like this on a daily basis....

Steven M. Eayrs said...

via Al Smith dinner;"You enjoy a good joke but it doesn't show your bipartisan... I thought they both had some good one liners.

KimoRosen said...

via Al Smith dinner;"ok then steve, you post Obama on your FB wall, most Obama supporters would not post Mitt's standup speech, they would post Obama's and vice versa, therefore I challenge you to post Obama's standup at Al Smith Dinner, you can share it from my wall. btw, Obama was funnier! just kidding. ;D)

Steven M. Eayrs said...

via Al Smith dinner;""That wouldn't make me bipartisan either... (-: I like them both, and it was refreshing to her them joke some."

KimoRosen said...

via Al Smith dinner;" "Good to see they both have a sense of humor.... (-:"

Harmony Bentosino said...

via Al Smith Dinner;"I think Romney won the humor debate, but it would not be at all funny if he won the election."

KimoRosen said...

via Al Smith dinner;"I think Obama won! Also kids around the country voted for fun and chose Obama overwhelmingly!"