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Friday, November 30, 2012

"Kauai Chief of police talks to scammer,,," County of Kaua'i Press Release (Source)

Kaua'i Chief of Police Darryl Perry, Assistant Chief's, Ale Quibilan
and Michael Contrades recently honored at a Martin Luther King
celebration at Kukui grove Shopping center. Chief Perry actually talks to a scammer
and the scammer has no idea he is talking to the police of Chief!
Listen to the chief and 
scammer at;

Our Chief should win an academy award for this as he pretends to be Robert Silva
a fictitious person. I hope this goes viral, pass it on! a special mahalo goes to the staff of Ho'ike Kaua'i for assisting the department in editing the file and posting it online for public viewing
-Scam artist unknowingly calls Chief of Police;
KPD posts conversation online to warn public--

The enclosed is a press release and can be seen on the county of Kauai's webpage and Facebook page!

LĪHU'E – A con artist unknowingly attempted to scam Kaua'i Police Chief Darryl Perry during a phone call that took place earlier this month, and now the department has posted the recorded conversation on its website to warn the public of these types of scams.

“We wanted the public to get a true understanding of how con artists operate so they can identify when they’re being conned,” stated Chief Perry. “While this scammer’s promises are so outrageous at times it can seem comical, the fact is there are a lot of people who willingly give their personal information and hard-earned money to strangers. And once that happens, almost nothing can be done to get it back.”
The Kauai Police Department urges the public to be especially cautious during the holidays. Scams are more apparent at this time of year because the temptation of “free money” can be more inviting to potential victims.
Fraud schemes occur in various forms but all are aimed at taking money from unsuspecting victims. This particular scam promises the victim a large payout, but only after he or she wire transfers money to the caller, supposedly to cover taxes or processing fees. But once the victim makes that initial payment, the con artist is never heard from again.

Some scam artists use simple requests via letter, e-mail or popular social networking sites, while others develop a more in-depth, online relationship with a victim over a period of time.
It is common for e-mail scams to include official seals or mention government entities. There are currently several e-mail scams circulating that claim to involve the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.), foreign embassies, banks or local police departments.

Scammers are also known for using popular social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace or Twitter. Initially, the scammer may pose as a friend and entice victims into sending explicit photos or information which are later used to extort or otherwise terrorize the victim into providing cash.
Hackers can even log into a person’s email account and send emails on behalf of the account owner requesting money to assist with a sudden hardship. If you receive an email from a friend that seems suspicious, contact the person directly and verify the situation before you act.

Children and senior citizens are popular targets for scam artists as they tend to be more trusting of unknown individuals. Responsible family members should keep a careful watch of their online activity.
“The bottom line is if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is,” added Chief Perry. “Never give out your personal information or send money to someone you don’t know.”

To hear Chief Perry’s conversation with the con artist who contacted him, visit  Youtube at; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP4bRfCyxqM

If you suspect a scam, please call the Kaua'i Police Department at 241-1711 or your hometown police department if you don't live on Kaua'i...

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Should I Really Join Facebook..?" 'Chester "Unc" Lau (Source)

Dakinetalk's favorite Uncle is back (Chester "Unc" Lau)
Guest-blogging about the newest fad and addiction, Facebook!  

"Unc" is a retired cinematographer living his twilight years in Paradise (Hawai'i)  Enjoy!

Should I Really Join Facebook? 

Read it all the way through! It's a good laugh! AND really quite true!!

A good laugh for people in the over 50 group !!! 

When I bought my Blackberry, I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1,800 employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for Twitter and Facebook, so my seven kids, their spouses, 13 grand kids and 2 great grand kids could communicate with me in the modern way. I figured I could handle something as simple as Twitter with only 140 characters of space.

That was before one of my grandkids hooked me up for Tweeter, Tweetree, Twhirl, Twitterfon, Tweetie and Twittererific Tweetdeck, Twitpix and something that sends every message to my cell phone and every other program within the texting World.

My phone was beeping every three minutes with the details of everything except the bowel movements of the entire next generation. I am not ready to live like this. I keep my cell phone in the garage in my golf bag.

The kids bought me a GPS for my last birthday because they say I get lost every now and then going over to the grocery store or library. I keep that in a box under my tool bench with the Blue tooth [it's red] phone I am supposed to use when I drive. I wore it once and was standing in line at Barnes and Noble talking to my wife and everyone in the nearest 50 yards was glaring at me. I had to take my hearing aid out to use it, and I got a little loud.

I mean the GPS looked pretty smart on my dash board, but the lady inside that gadget was the most annoying, rudest person I had run into in a long time. Every 10 minutes, she would sarcastically say, "Re-calc-u-lating." You would think that she could be nicer. It was like she could barely tolerate me. She would let go with a deep sigh and then tell me to make a U-turn at the next light. Then if I made a right turn instead. Well, it was not a good relationship..
When I get really lost now, I call my wife and tell her the name of the cross streets and while she is starting to develop the same tone as Gypsy, the GPS lady, at least she loves me.

To be perfectly frank, I am still trying to learn how to use the cordless phones in our house. We have had them for 4 years, but I still haven't figured out how I can lose three phones all at once and have to run around digging under chair cushions and checking bathrooms and the dirty laundry baskets when the phone rings.

The world is just getting too complex for me. They even mess me up every time I go to the grocery store. You would think they could settle on something themselves but this sudden "Paper or Plastic?" every time I check out just knocks me for a loop. I bought some of those cloth reusable bags to avoid looking confused, but I never remember to take them with me.

Now I toss it back to them. When they ask me, "Paper or Plastic?" I just say, "Doesn't matter to me. I am bi-sacksual." Then it's their turn to stare at me with a blank look. I was recently asked if I tweet. I answered, No, but I do fart a lot." 

Obama Da Dog says; "Happy Aloha Friday!"

HAPPY ALOHA FRIDAY! generated with the Imgflip Meme Generator

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CEREAL KILLER! "CEREAL IS BETTER THAN SERIAL" generated with the Imgflip Meme Generator

Hana Hou #2

Hana Hou #3

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Written by a 90 year old..." 'Debbie Eayrs' (Source)

Guest-blogger Debbie Eayrs co-owner of Eayrs plumbing and heating from Homer, Alaska
 is the source of  words of wisdom written by a 90 year old... ;D)

Description: Description: Fololdies

Written by a 90 year old

This is something we should all read at least once a week!!!!! Make sure you read to the end!!!!!! 

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio .

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short – enjoy it.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. 

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye But don't worry; God never blinks.

16.. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful.  Clutter weighs you down in many ways.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to be happy.  But it’s all up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive 

29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have not what you need.

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Check out this YouTube, playing music for animals, if you have a pet turn up the sound  they will  love it as do we. Many thanks to "Unc" Chester  for sending it our way!

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Hana Hou #2

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Cheap Chardonnay and the Wrought Iron Jail..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Classic Wednesday)

Bettejo Dux, one of Kauai's true gems, 
guest-blogs  about the price of wine!

Cheap Chardonnay and the Wrought Iron Jail.

A very inexpensive Chardonnay, Clos Du Bois-sometimes sold for under ten dollars ($10.00) a bottle at Costco on Kauai and for which I paid thirty dollars ($30.00) at Sundance-  is a nice table wine, I think.

But what do I know? I’m not a connoisseur.

Actually I like Sutter Home, a cheap Chardonnay-sometimes two bottles for ten dollars ($10.00) at our very own Big Save in metropolitan Koloa-is my favorite. When my rich friends come calling I dress it up in a fine red linen napkin hiding the label.

My rich friends rave.

Hey, I know nothing tastes worse than warm Chardonnay, so it’s chilled and kept in a hand hammered copper champagne bucket with stand- two hundred and seventy- nine dollars ($279.00) and two hundred and thirty-nine dollars ($239.00). Sutter Home, like Clos Du Bois, also has a dimple on the bottom which my rich friends say is very good. I think you don’t need to uncork a white wine to let it breath- or something- but I’m not sure.  I open it with a personalized-available-prestige wine opener, two hundred and ninety nine-dollar ($299.00). All this stuff from  the exclusive Front Gate catalog.

i wonder what my rich friends, I entertain a lot of oil me , would think if I retrieved it from the beautifully hand crafted wrought iron wine jail-six hundred and ninety-nine dollars ($699.00)- from the same November catalog.

I’ll bet they’d be impressed but I’ll also bet it wouldn't taste any better.

This antique look wine rack, showcased on my ancient wrought iron table from the Philippines- one thousand pesos (1,000 pesos)- with sofa, two chairs and two side tables and lighted splendidly by the copper fire pit-three hundred and ninety-five dollars ($395.00) also from this catalog. I have to keep it lit and watch it like a hawk to see that one of my oil rich friends doesn't  get light-fingered and haul it off.

The fire, snapping crackling red and gold with an occasional blue flame, smells like wine-weathered smoke from well-aged oak. The perfect oak logs are stored in a heavy gauge log rack-two hundred and thirty-nine dollar ($239.00)- are neatly stacked above ground.

The estate rack, by the way, holds a 1/4 cord of the stuff I have shipped in by air from oak country. We feed the stuff several times to the fire when the party’s getting a glow on and singing fills the air.

As the fire dies and the embers glow and my rich oil friends vanish into the woodwork, I wonder why Paul Tarvin, founder of Front Gate, sends catalogs like this to poor peasants like me.

I also count the silver.

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A BIG DELIGHT IN EVERY BITE! WHAT'S OBAMA DA DOG GOING TO DO WITHOUT TWINKIES? | Image from obama da dog with twinkies generated with the Imgflip Meme Generator



Monday, November 26, 2012

"Who really cut the cheese,the Mayors gas problem..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen

Kaua'i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. was drafted by the 1984  Miami Dolphins as an offensive Lineman,
today he is Mayor of Kaua'i and a darn good one at that. Some are saying the mayor has a gas problem.
The mayor is seen above with Dakinetalk Publisher and CEO James "Kimo" Rosen (me)  ;D) This blog ran this same day 11-26-12 as an opinion article in the Kaua'i Garden Island News;


Everywhere the Mayor goes he is bombarded by taxpayers with many concerns  and always graciously listens and responds to them. Imagine just going to the grocery store for a loaf of bread if your the mayor or any recognizable politician? A simple errand may take 2 hours or more.

Our Mayor  was drafted by the 1984 Miami dolphins as an offensive lineman which in itself tells the story of a hard working dedicated man, very few  men make it to the NFL.  He continues to represent  Kaua'i not only as the CEO but as an Ambassador of Aloha and a true gentleman.

I feel  outraged that the mayor is under a witch hunt for using too much county gas.Did somebody say, "Who cut the cheese?" The gas problem may not be with the mayor but rather with all the hot air over  the coconut wireless by his accusers.

Remember in comparison  our local county council members get $500.00 a month car allowance along with a very generous salary of $56,000 a year for what is only a part time job.  Everywhere the mayor goes he is on the clock, whether it's a luncheon, a meeting, an annual event, giving speeches, ribbon cuttings, or going to the grocery store, he is always  approachable with aloha kokua and a pono spirit.

 (For those who do not know the meaning of Kokua it  is a Hawaiian word, that translates as "extending loving, sacrificial help to others for their benefit, not for personal gain...)

The job of Mayor is a 24-7 position, for that I say let the mayor use all the gas he needs,  better yet to solve the mayors gas problem give him one of the Electric Nissan Leaf cars that the county recently invested in.

The joke goes, my girlfriend asked me to take her somewhere expensive for her birthday, so I took her to the gas station. Because of the price of gas I'd rather the Mayor use an electric vehicle, after-all it's no fun being around a guy with a lot of gas. 

I don't care if the   mayor fuels his vehicle with gas, cooking oil, manure, electricity or 12 volt batteries, what I  do care about is that we have one dedicated public servant we can all be proud of who works for us tirelessly with Kokua. Mahalo Nui Loa Mr. Mayor.

An edited version of the same blog ran in the 11-26-12 edition of the Kauai garden Island news, which do you like better?

I feel  outraged that the mayor is under a witch hunt for using too much county gas. Did somebody say, "Who cut the cheese?" The gas problem may not be with the mayor but rather with all the hot air all  over the coconut wireless by his accusers that seem to be the real cheese cutters?

Remember in comparison  our local county council members get $500.00 a month car allowance along with a very generous salary of $56,000 a year for what is only a part time job.  Everywhere the mayor goes he is on the clock, whether it's a luncheon, a meeting, an annual event, giving speeches, ribbon cuttings, or going to the grocery store, he is always approachable with aloha, kokua and a pono spirit.

The job of Mayor is a 24-7 position, even when going grocery shopping the mayor is approachable, for that I say let the mayor use all the gas he needs,  better yet to solve the mayors gas dilemma give him one of the Electric Nissan Leaf cars that the county recently invested in.

The joke goes, my girlfriend asked me to take her somewhere expensive for her birthday, so I took her to the gas station. Because of the price of gas I'd rather the Mayor use an electric vehicle, after-all it's no fun being around a guy with a lot of gas. 

I don't care if the   mayor fuels his vehicle with gas, cooking oil, manure, electricity, 12 volt batteries or the sun. What I  do care about is that we have one dedicated public servant we can all be proud of who works tirelessly for us with Kokua. 

Mahalo Nui Loa Mr. Mayor.

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Hana Hou #2

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"What Do you do with your Life..?" 'Judith Whitehead' (Inspiration Monday)

"Guest-blogger Judith Whitehead lives in Amherst N.Y. and has worked in the
 ophthalmology field of medicine for over 30 years...Today she  refers to a popular YouTube video
about  the old phrase, "money can't buy happiness...(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ZRnQmmbuY) Enjoy...


Watching the video posted on u tube on doing what you like for a living made me stop  and think.  How many of us really do just that…not very many? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ZRnQmmbuY)

  I will say that my son lives by that mantra and sticks to it.  He put his desires out into the universe and his dreams came back to him.  The other day he said to me, ‘where can I work and do what I like all day long, I am the luckiest guy around’.  

Three years ago he packed up his car with what it could hold  and left for Los Angeles in hopes of finding  something he liked to do to make a living.  Multi talented with music, recording, refinishing instruments he knew that would be the place if any in the U.S. to find his nitch …and he did just that.  

Networking and making connections, renting space in a house and hunting for something that would make him happy.  With a lot of luck and perseverance he  found just that.  Working in a well known music store for one of the most progressive businesses out there he began to share his craft with the world.  

He spends most of his day refurbishing beautiful instruments he is  called a 'Luthier,'  which is a craft from way back.  Self taught and diligent in his craft, he turns out some of the most beautiful work and turns an ugly duck into a swan.  People are amazed at his talents and he is happy every day; for him the money was second and the love of the craft was first.  It is true, if you do what you like the money will follow and it did just that.  

Again the video Judy is referring to;     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ZRnQmmbuY

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The best thing a company can do is say they're going out of business, look at all the free press Hostess has had. I haven't bought a Twinkie in 50 years and did so because of all the press!  I believe they will soon tell everyone April Fools!
The best thing a company can do is say they're going out of business, look at all the free press Hostess has had. I haven't bought a Twinkie in 50 years and did so because of all the press! I believe they will soon tell everyone April Fools!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

"Late Night Phone Call..." 'Marvin Gross (Source)

Marvin  Gross, A Financial consultant residing in Western N.Y.

talks about  a late night phone call... Enjoy!

Late Night Phone Call

A dog lover, whose dog was a female and in heat, agreed to look after her neighbors' male dog while the neighbors were on vacation. She had a large house and believed that she could keep the two dogs apart. However, as she was drifting off to sleep she heard awful howling and moaning sounds, rushed downstairs and found the dogs locked together, in obvious pain and unable to disengage, as frequently happens when dogs mate. Unable to separate them, and perplexed as to what to do next, although it was late, she called the vet, who answered in a very grumpy voice. Having explained the problem to him, the vet said, "Hang up the phone and place it down alongside the dogs. I will then call you back and the noise of the ringing will make the male lose his erection and he will be able to withdraw."

"Do you think that will work?" she asked. "It just worked for me," he replied.

My Personal Hana Hou!

A BIG DELIGHT IN EVERY BITE! WHAT'S OBAMA DA DOG GOING TO DO WITHOUT TWINKIES? | Image from obama da dog with twinkies generated with the Imgflip Meme Generator
 Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook...

  Unconfirmed rumor: Bill Clinton has asked Paula Broadwell to write his biography....

Friday, November 23, 2012

"Who is Da Boss..?" 'Chester "Unc" Lau' (Source)

Dakinetalks favorite Uncle is back (Chester "Unc" Lau)
Guest-blogging about body parts. "Unc" is a retired cinematographer
living his twilight years in Paradise (Hawai'i)  Enjoy!

Who is Da Boss ?

[] [] 

All the organs of the body were having a meeting,
 trying to decide who was the one in charge.


"I should be in charge," said the brain
"Because I run all the body's systems, 
so without me nothing would happen." 


"I should be in charge," said the
 blood , 
"Because I circulate oxygen all over 
so without me you'd all waste away." 

"I should be in charge," said the 
Because I process food and give 
all of you energy." 
"I should be in charge," said the
"because I carry the body wherever it needs to go." 


"I should be in charge," said the
"Because I allow the body to see where it goes." 
"I should be in charge," said the
rectum , 
"Because I'm responsible for 
waste removal."


All the other body parts laughed at the
 rectum And insulted him, so in a huff, 
he shut down tight.
Within a few days, 

the brain had a terrible headache, 
the stomach was bloated, the legs got wobbly, 
the eyes got watery, and the blood Was toxic. 
They all decided that the 
rectum should be the boss. 
The Moral of the story?
 asshole is usually in charge !!


If you don't send this blog to at least 8 people.... 

no one will give a poop
 "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research."

FREE Emoticons for your email - by IncrediMail 

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Hana Hou #3

Thursday, November 22, 2012

"A Romantic Story ..." 'Debbie Eayrs' (Source)

Guest-blogger Debbie Eayrs co-owner of Eayrs plumbing and heating from Homer, Alaska
 is the source of this beautiful, sentimental romantic story...  ;D)

An old but beautiful story of marriage and the communication between a husband and his wife.
 Sign of the times -- A Romantic Story ...

A couple was Christmas shopping at the mall on Christmas Eve and the mall was packed. As the wife walked through the mall she was
surprised to look up and see her husband was nowhere around. She was quite upset because they had a lot to do. Because she was so worried, she called him on her mobile phone to ask him where he was.

In a calm voice, the husband said, "Honey, you remember the jewelry store we went into about 5 years ago where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we could not afford and I told you that I would get it for you one day?"

The wife choked up and started to cry and said, "Yes, I remember that jewelry store."

He said, "Well, I'm in the bar right next to it."

 Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook...

Hana Hou #2

Hana Hou #3

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Giving Thanks Day... 'Obama Da Dog'

This blog also appeared this same day (11-22-12)
 as an opinion article in the Kaua'i Garden Island News


Thanksgiving, two words, "Thanks and Giving"

I like to call the holiday "Giving-Thanks day."

Every day we should give, every day we should thank.

Whether it be Thanksgiving or "Giving-Thanks," this day has my approval for the best holiday ever invented.

On the contrary be weary of the day after Thanksgiving commonly called Black Friday where people  crush, flatten and trample each other in shopping frenzies  for material goods just 24 hours after being thankful for what they already have.

Happy Givingthanks day!


Hana Hou,(Encore) Shared from  Facebook...

This storm is bad! Might as well eat a sandwhich!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"The Magnificent Human Spirit..." 'Bettejo Dux' (Classic Wednesday)

Bettejo Dux  one of Kauai's true gems, 
guest-blogs  about the human spirit!

I am moved and delighted today to express a sincere wonderment of the magnificent human spirit. Not only in America but also around the world.

What we have done at home in the reelection of President Obama is a victory for the human race. We spoke out as a people-to the party of the people-and we spoke out loud and clear with reason and intelligence. We silenced the party  of the rich and the powerful and the religious fanatics. We identified them. We exposed them. We forced them to face their silly faces and made fools of them.

Good for us.

The people of the world-especially the women in America-are demanding an end to the madness of endless wars for profit, bigotry, racism, intolerance,and patriarchal lunacy in the form of ancient religious beliefs that should play little- if any- role in the 21st century, We grew up.

We told the rich and powerful-the leaders of the most powerful nation on earth-that they are people, too. All of us are human beings. First.

As a peasant on Kauai-lucky me-I live in the greatest country, the greatest state, on the greatest island in the world. Let the world watch Kauai. We are a microcosm. We are the future. We are speaking out against over-development. We are against GMO’s. We are speaking out against the destruction of our public lands and parks We are going green.

We join hands and hearts in the house cleaning process that will allow our home-our planet-to prevail. We’ll keep the air fresh, the water clean and plentiful, the food nourishing, interesting and plentiful. We say yes to tax dollars  that benefit kids-their heath, their education, their happiness, their future. We say yes to tax dollars helping the poor and the helpless needy, to venerable seniors and those whose lives have been disrupted by disasters of any dimension. Natural, domestic or foreign.

We say yes to money spent on social needs

We say no to money spent killing and maiming innocent humans whatever their race, nationality or religion. We say no to sacrificing our brave young men and women on the ugly fields of battle.

I say: if the killing machine-wherever it might be-wants to play war games do so in virtual reality. If the navies of the world want to play war games let them do it in the bathtub. Think of the whales and dolphins that would save

I say, “Drink a toast to life and living things. Let the rest of them drink to money.”

Peace and love Bettejo Dux

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