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Monday, November 26, 2012

"Who really cut the cheese,the Mayors gas problem..." 'James "Kimo" Rosen

Kaua'i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. was drafted by the 1984  Miami Dolphins as an offensive Lineman,
today he is Mayor of Kaua'i and a darn good one at that. Some are saying the mayor has a gas problem.
The mayor is seen above with Dakinetalk Publisher and CEO James "Kimo" Rosen (me)  ;D) This blog ran this same day 11-26-12 as an opinion article in the Kaua'i Garden Island News;


Everywhere the Mayor goes he is bombarded by taxpayers with many concerns  and always graciously listens and responds to them. Imagine just going to the grocery store for a loaf of bread if your the mayor or any recognizable politician? A simple errand may take 2 hours or more.

Our Mayor  was drafted by the 1984 Miami dolphins as an offensive lineman which in itself tells the story of a hard working dedicated man, very few  men make it to the NFL.  He continues to represent  Kaua'i not only as the CEO but as an Ambassador of Aloha and a true gentleman.

I feel  outraged that the mayor is under a witch hunt for using too much county gas.Did somebody say, "Who cut the cheese?" The gas problem may not be with the mayor but rather with all the hot air over  the coconut wireless by his accusers.

Remember in comparison  our local county council members get $500.00 a month car allowance along with a very generous salary of $56,000 a year for what is only a part time job.  Everywhere the mayor goes he is on the clock, whether it's a luncheon, a meeting, an annual event, giving speeches, ribbon cuttings, or going to the grocery store, he is always  approachable with aloha kokua and a pono spirit.

 (For those who do not know the meaning of Kokua it  is a Hawaiian word, that translates as "extending loving, sacrificial help to others for their benefit, not for personal gain...)

The job of Mayor is a 24-7 position, for that I say let the mayor use all the gas he needs,  better yet to solve the mayors gas problem give him one of the Electric Nissan Leaf cars that the county recently invested in.

The joke goes, my girlfriend asked me to take her somewhere expensive for her birthday, so I took her to the gas station. Because of the price of gas I'd rather the Mayor use an electric vehicle, after-all it's no fun being around a guy with a lot of gas. 

I don't care if the   mayor fuels his vehicle with gas, cooking oil, manure, electricity or 12 volt batteries, what I  do care about is that we have one dedicated public servant we can all be proud of who works for us tirelessly with Kokua. Mahalo Nui Loa Mr. Mayor.

An edited version of the same blog ran in the 11-26-12 edition of the Kauai garden Island news, which do you like better?

I feel  outraged that the mayor is under a witch hunt for using too much county gas. Did somebody say, "Who cut the cheese?" The gas problem may not be with the mayor but rather with all the hot air all  over the coconut wireless by his accusers that seem to be the real cheese cutters?

Remember in comparison  our local county council members get $500.00 a month car allowance along with a very generous salary of $56,000 a year for what is only a part time job.  Everywhere the mayor goes he is on the clock, whether it's a luncheon, a meeting, an annual event, giving speeches, ribbon cuttings, or going to the grocery store, he is always approachable with aloha, kokua and a pono spirit.

The job of Mayor is a 24-7 position, even when going grocery shopping the mayor is approachable, for that I say let the mayor use all the gas he needs,  better yet to solve the mayors gas dilemma give him one of the Electric Nissan Leaf cars that the county recently invested in.

The joke goes, my girlfriend asked me to take her somewhere expensive for her birthday, so I took her to the gas station. Because of the price of gas I'd rather the Mayor use an electric vehicle, after-all it's no fun being around a guy with a lot of gas. 

I don't care if the   mayor fuels his vehicle with gas, cooking oil, manure, electricity, 12 volt batteries or the sun. What I  do care about is that we have one dedicated public servant we can all be proud of who works tirelessly for us with Kokua. 

Mahalo Nui Loa Mr. Mayor.

Hana Hou, (Encore) Shared from Facebook...

Hana Hou #2


Bettejo Dux said...

via Garden ISLAND NEWS,:I'm in complete disagreement.

First of all, we can't afford it. The people should buy the mayor a car and a driver to get him to and from work and to political events. And that's a stretch...

What are the rules here? Anyone in his position must live within those rules. If he's broken them, we have a different kettle of fish. If it turns out we're that generous we should change the rules.

Personally, I'd like to see all our Mayors riding bikes to work. Or taking the bus. Or walking, for goodness sake.

I like him, too, but he's a public servant not a Pooh-Bah. Unlimited gas alas."

Peace and love Bettejo Dux

Anonymous said...

Via Garden ISLAND NEWS,"Kimo's letter:

"Iseri-Carvalho’s office obtained a grand jury indictment against County official Janine Rapozo on charges that she helped Carvalho misappropriate county gasoline in 2009 and 2010. Carvalho was not indicted and a warrant for his arrest issued by the Police Department has not been served because two Kauai judges refused to sign the document."

Theft is theft no matter who you are. 'IF' Carvalho knowingly assisted in falsifying gas records then he should be arrested as well. If you and he feel he's entitled to gas 24/7 then stealing it is not the answer, IF that's truly what happened."

Steven McMacken said...

VIA Garden Island News, ( note, to understand this satire and a good one at that, one must understand that there have been many letters about Miles the lifeguard in Poipou being a great guy)

"I have to tell you an incident that occurred to me over the holiday weekend.

I was traveling on the westside and needed gas, so I stopped off at a station in Waimea. I had just turned off the ignition and was about to get out, when a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asked if he could fill the tank for me. Surprised, I stammered out, “Sure.”

He proceeded to fill it, then came back around and asked if I wanted my windows cleaned and my oil and tires checked. I said, “Uh, okay.”

When he was finished, he leaned in my window and said, “Looks like you’re good to go, sir.” Then just as suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone.

Bewildered, I turned to my wife and said, “Who the heck was he?”

She looked at me and said, “Why, honey, don’t you know? That was Myles Emura, the most helpful man on Kauai. You never know where he might turn up.”

I smiled back at her and said, “What a generous and selfless man.”

As we pulled out and continued on, she turned to me again and said, “You know, the Pope is considering Myles for Sainthood."

Steven McMacken / Lihue

Bettejo Dux said...

Well I disagreed politely. The Mayor is a public servant not a pooh-bah. Love'ya Bettejo

KimoRosen said...

Bettejo, your wine blog will be posted later this afternoon