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Bettejo Dux has lived on the cosmic Island of Kaua'i for over 40 years. She is a people lover, animal lover and lover of life.Today she talks about modern technology and if it really makes us happier? www.bettejodux.com |
In the first house we built- FHA financed- we had power, water, a phone-in the kitchen-a washing machine, a stove and refrigerator, a hot water heater, a radio-I had my own- and, of course, a bathroom with the usual features.
We had two cars. One was a family car and the other was a Model T my father drove down the hill to catch a bus, a red train, a ferry boat-where he had a warm breakfast and a pleasant trip across the bay-then a street car and finally an up hill walk a couple of blocks to work. He said he rode everything but a bicycle.
I walked to and from school- rain or shine-up a long flight of narrow stairs built into a steep hill-side.
This was long before there were dryers, dish washers, freezers, microwaves, computers, televisions, blenders, and all the other high-tech stuff that gets us through the day today. When we wanted light we pushed a button or flipped a switch. We turned a faucet and hot or cold water poured out. A milk man-a neighbor- delivered milk and sometimes-during the war-black market catsup and butter. Catsup and butter-and gasoline-were rationed.
A mail man rumbled up the road and delivered the mail. Dogs ran free. When things went wrong we could usually repair them ourselves. We went on long walks-with our dogs and often a cat- down quiet narrow, winding roads, often collecting neighbors and their dogs and kids along he way. I can remember the trees, tall and green, and the gorgeous golden eucalyptus. The rolling hills were rich and green with life. Once my dogs and I confronted a rattling rattle snake.
If I wanted to be entertained on a cold and rainy day, I read a book or listened to the radio. The good radio program usually began in the evening-although there were soaps at lunch time. I loved I Love a Mystery- so scary- and the Shadow. Laughed at Bob Hope and Baby Snooks, Jack Benny and Charlie McCarthy. So much of what was going on on the air was left to a kid’s imagination.
When the weather was nice I played with my dogs and rode my horses in the woods. Climbed trees, built rickety tree houses, which were not so much fun to fall out of, and some times played hide and go seek with neighborhood kids.
We lived in the country so going to a movie was a real exciting treat. My father sent me to San Francisco, all dressed up in new shoes and a suit with a corsage on the lapel, to see Fantasia at the Geary.
Life was so simple. I was so happy.
Then came the Bay Bridge. No red buses, trains, ferry boats, street cars. Standard Oil, Firestone and Ford bought all the public transportation systems in the country With that came suburban sprawl-the richest loam in California concrete coated. Orange groves-like bad Indians- bit the dust The air went bad. Water went rationed. Food went frozen. Press a button living began. Boobs and televised junk keep us planted in a chair or glassy-eyed dazed to a screen. Fast forward to today where high-tech toys make us happier.
What? Sez who?
I just went through a scene with my computer Time Warner got involved. Kauai Electric Techies from all over the world keep my phone lines busy. Guys at MacPro in Lihue held my hand. Weeks of struggle.
Does all this make me happier?
Hopefully this nonsense will pass and we’ll all be back to two tin cans and long string. End-
Special addition from Rolling Stone, "Obama's Pot Problem
Prohibition doesn't work! Obama Dubya and Clinton have all publicly admitted to smoking pot in their youth, however Clinton didn't inhale. :D) Michelle Obama has a white house garden, any idea what she's growing in it? I predict within 10 years pot will be legal nationwide and America will no longer have a deficit because of all the tax revenue from the new legal crop.
Get Well Senator!

Hana Hou's (Encore) Shared from Facebook...
Hana Hou #1

Hana Hou #2

via Clinton foto,"ust goes to show, you can't judge a book by its cover."
via Clinton foto," but you can, I think the Clintons look great!"
via Clinton foto," "these two longhairs would one day be the President and Secretary of State." Actually, only one will be Secretary of State."
via Clinto Foto,"how do you know? Maybe when Hillary becomes Prez she will appoint Slick Willy as Sec of state?"
via Clinton foto,"BTW, Is he smart enough to not Inhale? I guess that all depends on what the definition of Is, is?"
via clinton foto, "Who care?Bill Clinton left office with a SURPLUS !!! can GOP George W.Bush do that? just the opposite,two senseless endless wars & a deficit !!!"
via Clinto foto," Unc, he left office with a surplus only because he didn't inhale. The suplus was on Kosher Kimchee with Kosher pork eggrolls. ;D)"
via get well Senator!"WASHINGTON — Sen. Daniel Inouye was hospitalized and was under observation Monday at a Washington-area hospital so that doctors could monitor his oxygen intake.
James "Kimo" Rosen, Senator Dan Inouye, Senator Hirono, Obama Da Dog and a secret service man are seen in this recent photo with the company of the legendary U.S. Senator from Hawai'i.
The Hawaii Democrat, 88, is the longest-serving Senator, now completing his 50th year in the chamber. He is number three in line to be president in the case of a national disaster."
via Get well Senator!
Douglas Dunn
Owner-Operator at Word Wizards Communications
Harmony Bentosino
Massage Therapist at Self employed
Inshirah Mahal
UC Berkeley
Rema Murphy
Works at Austin ISD
Wayne A Hall
Waianae High School
Sharon Prybutok Giannotti
Newark, Delaware
Chuck Lasker
Marketing Consultant at Social Kauai
via Rolling stone article;"Don't agree. Not only does productivity go down when your smoking, but welfare, socially disfunctional families, and welfare needs will go up, and far exceed the income from taxing pot... If your prediction is true then it would of also been true for liqour sales, and it sure hasn't been. Created more social needs than tax dollars can take care of, by a long shot......... I inhaled and drove 35mph in my old jeep, with the broken speedometer, and thought I was going the limit. My work was at the same pace. (-:"
via Rolling Stome, Obama's Pot problem,"Steve, I do not smoke pot or drink alcohol any more. However anyone who wants pot can get it,. legalize free up the jails, let the cops concentrate on real crimes instead of Green harvest raids by helicopters as they call it in Hawaii. Instead of keeping the pot money in organized crime, let the government tax the hell out of it, again those wanting it will get either way."
via Rolling Stone, Obama's Pot problem....
Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs Eleven Years Ago And The Results Are Staggering
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/portugal-drug-policy-decriminalization-works-2012-7#ixzz2EnFIp0Yj"http://www.businessinsider.com/portugal-drug-policy-decriminalization-works-2012-7#ixzz2EgWqt9bJ"
ia Rolling Stone, Obama's Pot problem."Steve, I do not smoke pot or drink alcohol any more. However anyone who wants pot can get it,. legalize free up the jails, let the cops concentrate on real crimes instead of Greeen harvest raids bhy helicopters as they call it in Hawaii. Instead of keeping the pot money in organized crime, let the goivernment taxh the hell out of it, again those wanting it will get either way."
via Rolling stone,Obama's Pot problem,"too bad Hostess went bankrupt, with marijuana becoming legal in many states how will people control the munchies? ;D)"
via Obama's pot problem," The study above is interesting, and can see it happening, but its about decriminaizing, and treating addicts instead of jail, and not about legalization. Some studies claim that use goes up by 2/3's when it legal. And I woudl guess that most dealers will bypass the IRS and still be mob controlled... and they would likely sell more than ever, since they would be cheaper than there legal competition. It would now simply be something the overwelmed IRS would need to deal with, and become a tax evasion issue instead. Its just a pipe dream.. pun intended."
via Obama's pot problem,"Steve, glad your crystal ball knows so much! My crystal ball says if it's regulated like alcohol, many taxes and good money for IRS!"
via Obama's pot problem," be careful of the some studies people. funded by whom and for what purpose? Used by Mitt in the debates. wonder why Obama didn't attack him on that. "Some studies show that voting Democratic will make your balls fall off, etc"
via Obama's pot problem," I don't know why alcohol prohibition was so short compared to the senseless, drug war which has been going on for an eternity. Although I don't smoke pot, myself, I believe it is a civil rights and public health issue. Should not be a legal issue.
via Obama's pot problem,"Harmony for President! ;D)"
via Obama's pot problem,"Regulate pot like Alcohol,if you smoke,Don't Drive or have special Hostels that cater to smokers with taxi service only,No private cars allow,have A breathalyzer check for sobriety before allowing them to leave the hostels by taxis ,look at the taxes the government can collect !!!"
via Obama's pot problem-Rolling stone article;" i don't want to be president, but i'm flattered you thought of me."
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